Helpful aws-boto3-scripts - Python3 scripts that include threading to quickly perform a few checks on any keys added to an input file


Helpful aws boto3 scripts

python3 scripts that include threading to quickly perform checks on large sets (either checks against many aws key pairs or checks against a long list of s3 buckets to see which s3 buckets a set of aws keys with s3 bucket access can actually read from)

The scripts currently run with threading set to 50, but you can adjust that as needed within the script. This allows the script to finish recursive s3 bucket list access checks on large s3 listings in short order.

2 scripts currently included:

  1. This is a threaded python3 script that can take one or many aws key pairs and very quickly check if those keys are active and quickly performs the following checks:
  • checks s3 bucket access
  • attempts to list role info
  • attempts to list group info
  • checks for servicesspecificcredentials
  • checks secretsmanager info
  • checks parameterstore info
  • checks for dynamodb list_tables access
  1. This is a threaded python3 script that can take sets of keys and quickly check to identify which buckets that key can actually view into (i.e., a key pair may be able to list a bucket name but may not be able to view inside of that bucket, so this script helps with identifying which buckets a set of keys can actually see into)


  1. Ensure that boto3 is installed (pip3 install boto3)
  2. Create a file (example: input.txt) and add one set of credentials per row in this format: accesskey,secretkey
  3. in, the region by default is set to us-west-1. You can edit that value in the script as needed.
  4. Run python3 -f input.txt. This script will take all key pairs inclued in input.txt and do a simple get-caller-identity call to see if the key pair is still active and then check to see if the key pair has s3 bucket access.
  5. Based on which keys from #2 have s3 bucket access, add just those keys into a new input file (ex: input2.txt).
  6. Run python3 -f input2.txt. This script will then recursively check across all buckets to see which buckets a key pair can access see into. Results will be written to an outfile in the current directory with the access key in the filename. You can check the output for successes by running grep "CAN read" [outputfile]
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