Autoregressive Models in PyTorch.



This repository contains all the necessary PyTorch code, tailored to my presentation, to train and generate data from WaveNet-like autoregressive models.

For presentation purposes, the WaveNet-like models are applied to randomized Fourier series (1D) and MNIST (2D). In the figure below, two WaveNet-like models with different training settings make an n-step prediction on a periodic time-series from the validation dataset.

Advanced functions show how to generate MNIST images and how to estimate the MNIST digit class (progressively) p(y=class|x) from observed pixels using a conditional WaveNet p(x|y=class) and Bayes rule. Left: sampled MNIST digits, right: progressive class estimates as more pixels are observed.

Note, this library does not implement (Gated) PixelCNNs, but unrolls images for the purpose of processing in WaveNet architectures. This works surprisingly well.


Currently the following features are implemented

  • WaveNet architecture and training as proposed in (oord2016wavenet)
  • Conditioning support (oord2016wavenet)
  • Fast generation based on (paine2016fast)
  • Fully differentiable n-step unrolling in training (heindl2021autoreg)
  • 2D image generation, completion, classification, and progressive classification support based on MNIST dataset
  • A randomized Fourier dataset


A detailed presentation with theoretical background, architectural considerations and experiments can be found below.

The presentation source as well as all generated images are public domain. In case you find them useful, please leave a citation (see References below). All presentation sources can be found in etc/presentation. The presentation is written in markdown using Marp, graph diagrams are created using yEd.

If you spot errors or if case you have suggestions for improvements, please let me know by opening an issue.


To install run,

pip install[dev]

which requires Python 3.9 and a recent PyTorch > 1.9


The library comes with a set of pre-trained models in models/. The following commands use those models to make various predictions. Many listed commands come with additional parameters; use --help to get additional information.

1D Fourier series

Sample new signals from scratch

python -m autoregressive.scripts.wavenet_signals sample --config "models/fseries_q127/config.yaml" --ckpt "models/fseries_q127/xxxxxx.ckpt" --condition 4 --horizon 1000

The default models conditions on the periodicity of the signal. For the pre-trained model the value range is int: [0..4], corresponding to periods of 5-10secs.

Predict the shape of partially observable curves.

python -m autoregressive.scripts.wavenet_signals predict --config "models/fseries_q127/config.yaml" --ckpt "models/fseries_q127/xxxxxx.ckpt" --horizon 1500 --num_observed 50 --num_trajectories 20 --num_curves 1 --show_confidence true


To sample from the class-conditional model

python -m autoregressive.scripts.wavenet_mnist sample --config "models/mnist_q2/config.yaml" --ckpt "models/mnist_q2/xxxxxx.ckpt"

Generate images conditioned on the digit class and observed pixels.

python -m autoregressive.scripts.wavenet_mnist predict --config "models/mnist_q2/config.yaml" --ckpt "models/mnist_q2/xxxxxx.ckpt" 

To perform classification

python -m autoregressive.scripts.wavenet_mnist classify --config "models/mnist_q2/config.yaml" --ckpt "models/mnist_q2/xxxxxx.ckpt"


To train / reproduce a model

python -m autoregressive.scripts.train fit --config "models/mnist_q2/config.yaml"

Progress is logged to Tensorboard

tensorboard --logdir lightning_logs

To generate a training configuration file for a specific dataset use

python -m autoregressive.scripts.train fit --data autoregressive.datasets.FSeriesDataModule --print_config > fseries_config.yaml


To run the tests



  title={Autoregressive Models}, 
  journal={PROFACTOR Journal Club}, 
  author={Heindl, Christoph},

  title={Wavenet: A generative model for raw audio},
  author={Oord, Aaron van den and Dieleman, Sander and Zen, Heiga and Simonyan, Karen and Vinyals, Oriol and Graves, Alex and Kalchbrenner, Nal and Senior, Andrew and Kavukcuoglu, Koray},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.03499},

  title={Fast wavenet generation algorithm},
  author={Paine, Tom Le and Khorrami, Pooya and Chang, Shiyu and Zhang, Yang and Ramachandran, Prajit and Hasegawa-Johnson, Mark A and Huang, Thomas S},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.09482},

  title={Conditional image generation with pixelcnn decoders},
  author={Oord, Aaron van den and Kalchbrenner, Nal and Vinyals, Oriol and Espeholt, Lasse and Graves, Alex and Kavukcuoglu, Koray},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.05328},
Christoph Heindl
I am a scientist at PROFACTOR/JKU working at the interface between computer vision, robotics and deep learning.
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