(CVPR 2021) Back-tracing Representative Points for Voting-based 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds

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Computer VisionBRNet




This is a release of the code of our paper Back-tracing Representative Points for Voting-based 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds, CVPR 2021.

Authors: Bowen Cheng, Lu Sheng*, Shaoshuai Shi, Ming Yang, Dong Xu (*corresponding author)


In this repository, we reimplement BRNet based on mmdetection3d for easier usage.


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Back-tracing Representative Points for Voting-based 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds},
  author={Cheng, Bowen and Sheng, Lu and Shi, Shaoshuai and Yang, Ming and Xu, Dong},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


This repo is built based on mmdetection3d (V0.11.0), please follow the getting_started.md for installation.

The code is tested under the following environment:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Python 3.7.10
  • Pytorch 1.5.0
  • CUDA 10.1
  • GCC 7.3



Please follow the instruction here to prepare ScanNet Data.


Please follow the instruction here to prepare SUN RGB-D Data.

Download Trained Models

We provide the trained models of ScanNet and SUN RGB-D with per-class performances.

ScanNet V2 AP_0.25 AR_0.25 AP_0.50 AR_0.50
cabinet 0.4898 0.7634 0.2800 0.5349
bed 0.8849 0.9506 0.7915 0.8642
chair 0.9149 0.9357 0.8354 0.8604
sofa 0.9049 0.9794 0.8027 0.9278
table 0.6802 0.8486 0.6146 0.7600
door 0.5955 0.7430 0.3721 0.5418
window 0.4814 0.7092 0.2405 0.4078
bookshelf 0.5876 0.8701 0.5032 0.7532
picture 0.1716 0.3243 0.0687 0.1396
counter 0.6085 0.8846 0.3545 0.5385
desk 0.7538 0.9528 0.5481 0.7874
curtain 0.6275 0.7910 0.4126 0.5224
refrigerator 0.5467 0.9474 0.4882 0.8070
showercurtrain 0.7349 0.9643 0.5189 0.6786
toilet 0.9896 1.0000 0.9227 0.9310
sink 0.5901 0.6735 0.3521 0.4490
bathtub 0.8605 0.9355 0.8565 0.9032
garbagebin 0.4726 0.7151 0.3169 0.5170
Overall 0.6608 0.8327 0.5155 0.6624
SUN RGB-D AP_0.25 AR_0.25 AP_0.50 AR_0.50
bed 0.8633 0.9553 0.6544 0.7592
table 0.5136 0.8552 0.2981 0.5268
sofa 0.6754 0.8931 0.5830 0.7193
chair 0.7864 0.8723 0.6301 0.7137
toilet 0.8699 0.9793 0.7125 0.8345
desk 0.2929 0.8082 0.1134 0.4017
dresser 0.3237 0.7615 0.2058 0.4954
night_stand 0.5933 0.8627 0.4490 0.6588
bookshelf 0.3394 0.7199 0.1574 0.3652
bathtub 0.7505 0.8776 0.5383 0.6531
Overall 0.6008 0.8585 0.4342 0.6128

Note: Due to the detection results are unstable and fluctuate within 1~2 mAP points, the results here are slightly different from those in the paper.


For ScanNet V2, please run:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tools/train.py configs/brnet/brnet_8x1_scannet-3d-18class.py --seed 42

For SUN RGB-D, please run:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tools/train.py configs/brnet/brnet_8x1_sunrgbd-3d-10class.py --seed 42


To test a 3D detector on point cloud data, please refer to Single modality demo and Point cloud demo in MMDetection3D docs.

Here, we provide a demo on SUN RGB-D dataset.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python demo/pcd_demo.py sunrgbd_000094.bin demo/brnet_8x1_sunrgbd-3d-10class.py checkpoints/brnet_8x1_sunrgbd-3d-10class_trained.pth

Visualization results




Our code is heavily based on mmdetection3d. Thanks mmdetection3d Development Team for their awesome codebase.

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