an OSU! bot sdk based on IRC



  • an OSU! bot sdk based on IRC


  • The following is an example of event triggering
import osu_irc_sdk
from osu_irc_sdk import models

bot = osu_irc_sdk.OsuBot("your name", "your password", debug=True)  # see:

def rrr():
    # Create a game room immediately after startup
    bot.logger("create room", bot.api.room_create("my test room", "114514", True, 4), test=True)

def join(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"{} joined: {event.message}", test=True)

def pmessage(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"Get private chat: {} - {event.message}")
    # bot.api.send_private_message(, f"我是复读机: {event.message}")

def cmessage(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"Message from {event.channel_id} :{} - {event.message}")
    # bot.api.send_private_message(event.channel_id, f"{event.message}")

def join_slot(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"{} joined {event.channel_id} - {event.message} slot", test=True)
    if ==

def change_slot(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"{} in {event.channel_id}, moved to {event.message} slot", test=True)

def cs(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"room: {event.channel_id} changed song: {event.message}", test=True)

def lft(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"{} left: {event.channel_id}", test=True)

def chst(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"{} became the host of {event.channel_id}", test=True)

def clst(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"room {event.channel_id} closed", test=True)

def rdy(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"room: {event.channel_id} all players are ready", test=True)

def fsh(event: models.UserGrade):
    bot.logger(f"room: {event.channel_id} player: {} completed game, score: {event.score}, is_pass: {event.is_pass}",

def cmp(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"room: {event.channel_id} is revising map", test=True)

def stt(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"room: {event.channel_id} started the match", test=True)

def stf(event: models.Message):
    bot.logger(f"room: {event.channel_id} - match has finished", test=True)



  • models.Codes
run_after_start  # This is a special event that will be executed immediately after successfully connecting to Bancho.
channel_message  # messages from room
private_message  # private message
someone_joined_room  # triggered only when a room is created
someone_joined_slot  # someone joined room
match_closed  # room closed
user_finished_playing  # someone finished playing
match_finished  # all players complete


  • OsuBot.api
send_private_message(username, message)
send_channel_message(room_id, message)  # commands are also ok
room_create(room_name, passwd="", free_mods=False, max_member="")  # it will return the room_id
room_set_passwd(room_id, passwd)
room_set_max_member(room_id, max_member)
room_set_host(room_id, host_name)
room_set_mods(room_id, mods)
room_change_map(room_id, map_id, mode="")  # mode:0/1/2/3
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