Analytics snippets generator extension for the Flask framework.

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Flask Analytics is an extension for Flask which generates analytics snippets for inclusion in templates.


$ pip install Flask-Analytics


from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_analytics import Analytics

app = Flask(__name__)


def index():

    return render_template('index.html')


{{ analytics }}


$ curl http://localhost:5000/
<script type="text/javascript">
    var _gauges = _gauges || [];
    (function() {
        var t   = document.createElement('script');
        t.type  = 'text/javascript';
        t.async = true;    = 'gauges-tracker';
        t.setAttribute('data-site-id', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX');
        t.src = '//';
        var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        s.parentNode.insertBefore(t, s);


Flask-Analytics uses keys defined in app.config['ANALYTICS'] to determine which for which services analytics snippets should be generated.

Service Keys Required
Google Analytics (ga.js) ['GOOGLE_CLASSIC_ANALYTICS']['ACCOUNT']
Universal Analytics (analytics.js) ['GOOGLE_UNIVERSAL_ANALYTICS']['ACCOUNT']
Piwik ['PIWIK']['BASE_URL']
Chartbeat ['CHARTBEAT']['UID']
GoSquared ['GOSQUARED']['UID']

Individual services can be disabled by setting the ENABLED key for that service (e.g. ['ANALYTICS']['PIWIK']['ENABLED']). Analytics as a whole can be disabled by setting the ENABLED key at the top (e.g. ['ANALYTICS']['ENABLED']).

When a service, or analytics as a whole, is disabled, it returns an empty string, so it's safe to keep {{analytics}} in your template.

When the configuration changes, the source for the analytics code will automatically be rebuilt the next time it's called.


$ nosetests -v --with-coverage --cover-package=flask_analytics --cover-html 
test_all (test_app.TestAnalytics) ... ok
test_boostrap (test_app.TestAnalytics) ... ok
test_chartbeat (test_app.TestAnalytics) ... ok
test_disabled (test_app.TestAnalytics) ... ok
test_gauges (test_app.TestAnalytics) ... ok
test_google_classic (test_app.TestAnalytics) ... ok
test_google_universal (test_app.TestAnalytics) ... ok
test_gosquared (test_app.TestAnalytics) ... ok
test_none (test_app.TestAnalytics) ... ok
test_piwik (test_app.TestAnalytics) ... ok

Name                                                    Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                          1      0   100%   
flask_analytics/                               60      1    98%   77
flask_analytics/                                0      0   100%   
flask_analytics/providers/                           2      0   100%   
flask_analytics/providers/                     13      0   100%   
flask_analytics/providers/                        11      0   100%   
flask_analytics/providers/        11      0   100%   
flask_analytics/providers/      11      0   100%   
flask_analytics/providers/                     11      0   100%   
flask_analytics/providers/                         13      0   100%   
TOTAL                                                     133      1    99%   
Ran 10 tests in 0.111s



Flask-Analytics is dedicated to the public domain. Please read the license for more information.

Infrastructure and Site Reliability Engineer. Public Domain Advocate. Security enthusiast. Lover of dogs, cheesecake, and traveling.
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