Code and data for ImageCoDe, a contextual vison-and-language benchmark




This repository contains code and data for ImageCoDe: Image Retrieval from Contextual Descriptions.



All collected descriptions for the training and validation set are under data/train_data.json and data/valid_data.json.

Image sets can be downloaded on Zenodo or GoogleDrive and should be unzipped in data/.

You can download from the commandline via:


For ViLBERT experiments, you need to download a pretrained ViLBERT checkpoint from volta here, simply by clicking on ViLBERT in the table. Save the downloaded file as baselines/vilbert/vilbert-pretrained.bin. Since ViLBERT uses image features from Faster R-CNN, you also have to downloaded these for all ImageCoDe images here: Google Drive link. Save the file as data/rcnn-features36-36.lmdb. The same procedure applies for UNITER.

The format for data/train_data.json looks like this:

  "MSR-VTT-videoTrainValVideo_video2044-shot1_0": {
    "6": "a mom holding her babies in the middle of the picture, no other image intervenes with the image.",
    "7": "The image is fading between a woman holding a baby and a woman sitting with a red background. The hands of the woman sitting aren't visible."
  "video-storytelling-videochristmas_56Nm66j-i5Q-shot14_2": {

And the images under data/ have the following structure. Each folder contains 10 images. If the images are video frames, the number X in imgX.jpg indicates the frame number:

  ├── MSR-VTT-videoTrainValVideo_video2044-shot1_0
      │   ├── img0.jpg
      │   ├── img7.jpg
      │   ├── ...
  ├── video-storytelling-videochristmas_56Nm66j-i5Q-shot14_2
      │   ├── ...


Based on this you can train your model and test on the unlabeled test set:

  "MSR-VTT-videoTestVideo_video7763-shot2_1": [
    "The team name on shirt is visible without a number, but all letters can be seen for team name.",
    "the player can be seen with him on the left close to the logo on the pitch on the right and can be clearly seen"

In order to appear on the leaderboard, please format your results in the following format:

  "MSR-VTT-videoTestVideo_video7763-shot2_1": [

Where the example here with "1" and "2" represent image indices ranging from 0 to 9. You can submit to the leaderboard by sending your test set file (or a download link) to [email protected] and we will update the leaderboard quickly (max. 1-2 days). The leaderboard is maintained on the project website and might change its submission procedure at some point.


Run for running CLIP experiments. For VilBERT follow the instructions for volta.


Code for CLIP is under baselines/clip and and code for ViLBERT/UNITER is under baselines/crossencoders.

For details commands to run each model variant shown in the paper, have a look at the README in baselines.

For example to train the best performing model CLIP+TemporalEmbeddings, run:

python3 --lr 2e-6 --lr_head 1e-4 -b 36 -m ViT-B/16 --fusion mult -a gelu --logit_scale 1000 --finetuned_checkpoint_path checkpoints/ --add_input --frozen_clip --positional

Data Analysis

Our manual annotation of various phenomena (negation, nuances, ...) in our validation set can be found under data/manual_annotation_valid.yaml


This work is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. Third-party software and data sets are subject to their respective licenses.
If you want to cite our paper, please use:

  address = {Online},
  title = {Image Retrieval from Contextual Descriptions},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 60th {Annual} {Meeting} of the {Association} for {Computational} {Linguistics},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  author = {Krojer, Benno and Adlakha, Vaibhav and Vineet, Vibhav and Goyal, Yash and Ponti, Edoardo and Reddy, Siva},
  month = may,
  year = {2022},


Our data (specifically the image sets) are built upon 3 video dataset and Open Images:

We also the volta repository for ViLBERT and UNITER baseline variants

For questions or feedback, don't hesitate to contact the author: [email protected]

McGill NLP
Research group within McGill University and Mila focusing on various topics in natural language processing.
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