Code for the SIGIR 2022 paper "Hybrid Transformer with Multi-level Fusion for Multimodal Knowledge Graph Completion"



Code for the SIGIR 2022 paper "Hybrid Transformer with Multi-level Fusion for Multimodal Knowledge Graph Completion"

Model Architecture

Illustration of MKGformer for (a) Unified Multimodal KGC Framework and (b) Detailed M-Encoder.


To run the codes, you need to install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Collection

The datasets that we used in our experiments are as follows:

  • Twitter2017

    You can download the twitter2017 dataset via this link (

    For more information regarding the dataset, please refer to the UMT repository.

  • MRE

    The MRE dataset comes from MEGA, many thanks.

    You can download the MRE dataset with detected visual objects using folloing command:

    cd MRE
    tar -xzvf data.tar.gz
  • MKG

    • FB15K-237-IMG

      For more information regarding the dataset, please refer to the mmkb and kg-bert repositories.

    • WN18-IMG

      For more information regarding the dataset, please refer to the RSME repository.

The expected structure of files is:

 |-- MKG	# Multimodal Knowledge Graph
 |    |-- dataset       # task data
 |    |-- data          # data process file
 |    |-- lit_models    # lightning model
 |    |-- models        # mkg model
 |    |-- scripts       # running script
 |    |--   
 |-- MNER	# Multimodal Named Entity Recognition
 |    |-- data          # task data
 |    |-- models        # mner model
 |    |-- modules       # running script
 |    |-- processor     # data process file
 |    |-- utils
 |    |--
 |    |--
 |-- MRE    # Multimodal Relation Extraction
 |    |-- data          # task data
 |    |-- models        # mre model
 |    |-- modules       # running script
 |    |-- processor     # data process file
 |    |--
 |    |--

How to run

  • MKG Task

    • First run Image-text Incorporated Entity Modeling to train entity embedding.
        cd MKG
        bash scripts/
    • Then do Missing Entity Prediction.
        bash scripts/
  • MNER Task

    To run mner task, run this script.

    cd MNER
  • MRE Task

    To run mre task, run this script.

    cd MRE


The acquisition of image data for the multimodal link prediction task refer to the code from, many thanks.

Papers for the Project & How to Cite

If you use or extend our work, please cite the paper as follows:

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