Fastapi-auth-middleware - Lightweight auth middleware for FastAPI that just works. Fits most auth workflows with only a few lines of code


FastAPI Auth Middleware

We at Code Specialist love FastAPI for its simplicity and feature-richness. Though we were a bit staggered by the poor documentation and integration of auth-concepts. That's why we wrote a FastAPI Auth Middleware. It integrates seamlessly into FastAPI applications and requires minimum configuration. It is built upon Starlette and thereby requires no dependencies you do not have included anyway.

Caution: This is a middleware to plug in existing authentication. Even though we offer some sample code, this package assumes you already have a way to generate and verify whatever you use, to authenticate your users. In most of the usual cases this will be an access token or bearer. For instance as in OAuth2 or Open ID Connect.


pip install fastapi-auth-middleware

Why FastAPI Auth Middlware?

  • Application or Route scoped automatic authorization and authentication with the perks of dependency injection (But without inflated signatures due to Depends())
  • Lightweight without additional dependencies
  • Easy to configure
  • Easy to extend and adjust to specific needs
  • Plug-and-Play feeling


The usage of this middleware requires you to provide a single function that validates a given authorization header. The middleware will extract the content of the Authorization HTTP header and inject it into your function that returns a list of scopes and a user object. The list of scopes may be empty if you do not use any scope based concepts. The user object must be a BaseUser or any inheriting class such as FastAPIUser. Thereby, your verify_authorization_header function must implement a signature that contains a string as an input and a Tuple of a List of strings and a BaseUser as output:

from typing import Tuple, List
from fastapi_auth_middleware import FastAPIUser
from starlette.authentication import BaseUser

# Takes a string that will look like 'Bearer eyJhbGc...'
def verify_authorization_header(auth_header: str) -> Tuple[List[str], BaseUser]: # Returns a Tuple of a List of scopes (string) and a BaseUser
    user = FastAPIUser(first_name="Code", last_name="Specialist", user_id=1)  # Usually you would decode the JWT here and verify its signature to extract the 'sub'
    scopes = []  # You could for instance use the scopes provided in the JWT or request them by looking up the scopes with the 'sub' somewhere
    return scopes, user

This function is then included as an keyword argument when adding the middleware to the app.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_auth_middleware import AuthMiddleware


app = FastAPI()
app.add_middleware(AuthMiddleware, verify_authorization_header=verify_authorization_header)

After adding this middleware, all requests will pass the verify_authorization_header function and contain the scopes as well as the user object as injected dependencies. All requests now pass the verify_authorization_header method. You may also verify that users posses scopes with requires:

from starlette.authentication import requires


@requires(["admin"])  # Will result in an HTTP 401 if the scope is not matched
def some_endpoint():

You are also able to use the user object you injected on the request object:

from starlette.requests import Request


def home(request: Request):
    return f"Hello {request.user.first_name}"  # Assuming you use the FastAPIUser object


Various examples on how to use this middleware are available at

  • tests multiple python versions in test pipeline

    tests multiple python versions in test pipeline

    This PR:

    • runs the test pipeline with all supported python versions instead of only Python 3.8
    • adds a badge for the test status on master to the README
    opened by JonasScholl 2
  • proper error handling in authentication middleware

    proper error handling in authentication middleware

    When an error in an starlette AuthenticationBackend occurs, a AuthenticationError must be raised, other exceptions may produce errors like: 'RuntimeError: Caught handled exception, but response already started.' (see starlette documentation)

    This PR:

    • catches all exceptions that occur in the verify_authorization_header callback and convert them into an AuthenticationError
    • adds an optional error handler callback for specifically catching auth errors and returning a custom response (since this is already offered by the AuthenticationBackend implentation from starlette)
    • does some type hint improvements, I couldn't resist 😂
    opened by JonasScholl 1
  • OAuth2Middleware with automatic renewal added

    OAuth2Middleware with automatic renewal added

    • Async support for the AuthMiddleware
    • OAuth2Middleware added
    • Write tests (100% coverage)
    • Documentation
    • Add example

    TODO before merging:

    • Add example with the fastapi-keycloak package -> Convert to issue #1
    opened by yannicschroeer 1
  • Integrate with fastapi openapi authentication

    Integrate with fastapi openapi authentication

    Is there a way to make this middleware correctly integrate with the openapi generators from fastapi? For instance. Currently, this:

    @router.get("/me", response_model=schemas.User)
    async def read_user_me(request: Request, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
      user = User.get_user(db, request.user.userid)
      return user

    Is not detected by fastapi's openapi generator as an authenticated endpoint. Is there a way to make this library integrate correctly with the openapi generator.


    opened by xtrm0 0
  • Protected and Unprotected Endpoints

    Protected and Unprotected Endpoints

    I'm trying the middleware and reading the docs

    Once Starlette includes this and FastAPI adopts it, there will be a more elegant solution to this.


    opened by paolodina 0
  • 1.0.2(Apr 7, 2022)

  • 1.0.1(Mar 24, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Excluded URLs by @yannicschroeer in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Mar 15, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • proper error handling in authentication middleware by @JonasScholl in
    • OAuth2Middleware with automatic renewal added by @yannicschroeer in
    • Improved the reusability of the middleware by passing all headers ins… by @yannicschroeer in

    New Contributors

    • @JonasScholl made their first contribution in
    • @yannicschroeer made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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