Bulina Roșie
Ce putem face pentru a deveni mai puțin vulnerabili? Să știm totul despre oraș, despre clădirile în care locuim astfel încât să putem cere consolidarea lor. Bulina Roșie nu este doar "un nou site de informare", ci o platformă care colectează și validează apoi cu experți date despre clădirile din România, la nivel național, ajută asociațiile de proprietari să își consolideze clădirile, te ține la curent cu legislația și ți-o explică și are grijă să ai la îndemână informații utile la orice moment.
What can we do to become less vulnerable? Find out everything about the city, about the buildings in which we live so that we can ask for their consolidation. Bulina Roșie is not just "a new information site", but a platform that collects and then validates with the help of experts data about the buildings in Romania, at a national level, it helps owners associations to consolidate their buildings, it keeps you in touch with the current legislation and explains it to you, and it makes sure that you have useful information at your disposal at all times.
Let's save lives together.
If you would like to contribute to one of our repositories, first identify the scale of what you would like to contribute. If it is small (grammar/spelling, or a bug fix) feel free to start working on a fix. If you are submitting a feature or substantial code contribution, please discuss it with the team and ensure it follows the product roadmap.
Our collaboration model is described here. And make sure you check the workflow document; it helps you keep your environment in a good shape, and it helps everyone move faster with code reviews. If you want to make any change to this repository, please make a fork first.
We don't have a specific set of coding guidelines, so just follow the way the code was written until now, if in doubt, you can use Google's style guide.
Built With
Programming languages
Package managers
Code styling
API: Black Client: Prettier + ESLint + Airbnb style guide
Database technology & provider
Getting started
Risc Seismic API is a Django application, built on top of Python 3.7+ with a PostgreSQL database, while the Client is a React single page application.
In order to run the project locally, you need to have Docker and docker-compose installed.
You can install the above mentioned packages manually, or you can use our helper commands.
On Ubuntu 18.04+
make install-docker-ubuntu
On MacOS
make install-docker-osx
On other platforms please follow the instructions described here:
The Docker versions the Makefile was tested with are:
$ docker --version
Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.24.1, build 4667896b
Initial set-up
Initialise the database and development fixtures:
make init-env
External services API keys
In order to have a fully functional project, you have to get two API keys: HERE Maps API Key and hCAPTCHA API Key.
Tutorial: https://developer.here.com/tutorials/getting-here-credentials/
Keys added to the .env
# the same key can be used for both variables
- Create a hCAPTCHA account
- Go to your settings page
- Add a new key and add it to the environment variables list
Keys added to the .env
Starting the project
First check the .env
file created by the init command and see if there are any environment variables that you might need to provide or change. This file is used by docker-compose
to pass the environment variables to the container it creates.
Get the project up and running:
docker-compose up
You should be able to access the local environment site and admin at the following URLs:
If you have problems starting the project, first check out the FAQ and if that doesn't work, ask someone from the project's channel. Maybe the issue you just had is worth adding to the FAQ, wouldn't it?
To work on running containers that were started using docker-compose up
, open another terminal and:
cd path/to/repo
docker-compose exec api bash
# or
docker-compose exec client bash
In order to see all available commands run:
Starting the project without docker
Windows platform
Steps to set your environment
- In project directory run:
python -m venv .venv
pip install -r ./api/requirements-dev.txt
copy .env.dist .env
Check the .env file created by the copy command and see if there are any environment variables that you might need to provide or change. Double check database config line in .env. It has to follow this pattern:
postgres://USER:[email protected]:PORT/NAME
Run following in order to set needed environment variables:
- Check database connection. If this fails double check database configuration.
python api/wait_for_db.py
- Run migrations:
python api/manage.py migrate --noinput
- Create admin user (user to login into admin pannel):
python api/manage.py createsuperuser
- Load dummy data in database:
python api/manage.py loaddata buildings
python api/manage.py loaddata pages
- Install node modules.
cd client
npm install
Steps needed to start development servers
1. Start API server.
Open terminal in project direcotry and run environment activation script, then start the server.
python api\manage.py runserver
Check functionality at http://localhost:8000 you shoul get 404 page.
2. Start front-end server.
Open terminal in project direcotry and run environment activation script, then start the server.
cd client
npm start
Check functionality at http://localhost:3000.
When creating new models in Django, in order to make sure they are generated in a clean environment, it is recommended to generate the migration files using the make
make makemigrations && make migrate
When you need to add/remove requirements or restrict the version of a requirement, edit the requirements.in
(prod) and the requirements-dev.in
(dev) files accordingly. After doing this run:
make update-requirements
This will create a clean environment where it uses the pip-tools library to compile the corresponding requirements.txt
files with the versions of the packages pinned. This is important as it guarantees that every environment this service runs in, has the same dependencies installed and minimizes the risk of works on my machine
Known Issues
Client hot-reload on Windows Docker is not working
Try following these steps:
open up a terminal in seismic-risc_client container
cd ./node_modules/react-scripts/config/
vi webpackDevServer.config.js
on the exported config object, update the value of
to include the following properties:aggregateTimeout: 100, poll: 500
save the file and restart the client container
This way, webpack-dev-server should be watching files in polling mode, instead of listening for file change events.
In VS Code, ESLint fails to load the Prettier plugin
Add the following option to user settings in VS Code if ESLint fails to load the Prettier plugin.
"eslint.workingDirectories": [
"mode": "auto"
Management Commands
The new custom command can be called using python manage.py buildings
required arguments:
- --delete
- --create
cd path/to/repo
docker-compose exec api bash
[email protected]:/code# python manage.py buildings 30 --create
100% |███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 30/30 [00:00<00:00, 37.89it/s]
Successfully created 30 buildings.
[email protected]:/code# python manage.py buildings 25 --delete
Successfully deleted 25 buildings.
Local development testing:
cd path/to/repo
docker-compose exec api bash
[email protected]:/code# pytest
Pipeline testing:
make test
In order to get the container ready for production use we need to first build it:
docker build -t seismic-risc:latest ./api
Use the prod.env.dist
template file and create a prod.env
file with the correct environment variables and run like so:
docker run --env-file prod.env -p HOST_PORT:GUNICORN_PORT seismic-risc:latest
Or, you can provide all the environment variables at runtime:
docker run -e DJANGO_CONFIGURATION=Prod -e DJANGO_SECRET_KEY= -e DATABASE_URL=postgres://USER:[email protected]:PORT/NAME -e GUNICORN_PORT=5000 -e GUNICORN_WORKERS=2 -p HOST_PORT:GUNICORN_PORT seismic-risc:latest
After testing the container runs properly, tag and upload the image to Docker hub:
docker tag seismic-risc:latest code4romania/seismic-risc:latest
docker push code4romania/seismic-risc:latest
Client Deployment
- Change directory to
- Build the solution
npm install
- Start a development server
npm start
- Run the tests
npm test
- Build the solution
npm run build
- Request a new feature on GitHub.
- Vote for popular feature requests.
- File a bug in GitHub Issues.
- Email us with other feedback [email protected]
This project is licensed under the MPL 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details
About Code4Ro
Started in 2016, Code for Romania is a civic tech NGO, official member of the Code for All network. We have a community of over 500 volunteers (developers, ux/ui, communications, data scientists, graphic designers, devops, IT security and more) who work pro-bono for developing digital solutions to solve social problems. #techforsocialgood. If you want to learn more details about our projects visit our site or if you want to talk to one of our staff members, please e-mail us at [email protected].
Last, but not least, we rely on donations to ensure the infrastructure, logistics and management of our community that is widely spread across 11 timezones, coding for social change to make Romania and the world a better place. If you want to support us, you can do it here.