Python API client library for phpIPAM installations


phpypam: Python API client library for phpIPAM installation

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As we started to develop phpipam-ansible-modules we used an existing python library for phpIPAM API. As we needed a good error handling and we don't expect a quick fix of existing project we started to develop our own library.


This library is hosted on, so you can simply use pip to install it.

pip install phpypam

Alternatively you can install it from source. You need to do the following:

$ git clone
Cloning into 'phpypam'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1/1), done.
remote: Total 366 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 365
Receiving objects: 100% (366/366), 88.57 KiB | 521.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (187/187), done.
$ cd phpypam/
$ python install

quick start

To start using phpypam you simply have to write some lines of code.

import phpypam

pi = phpypam.api(

making api connection

To connect to phpIPAM API you need some parameters to authenticate against the phpIPAM instance.

Parameter Description Default
url The URL to a phpIPAM instance. It includes the protocol (http or https).
app_id The app_id which is used for the API operations.
username The username which is used to connect to API. None
password The password to authenticate username against API. None
ssl_verify Should certificate of endpoint verified or not. Useful if you use a self signed certificate. True

Example connect to api and request current token:

connection_params = dict(

pi = phpypam.api(**connection_params)

token = pi.get_token()

First of all you create a dictionary with the connection data. This dictionary will unpacked for creating a phpypam.api object.

If all went well you can use the get_token to get the currently valid token from API.

get available controllers

To work with the phpIPAM api it is useful if you know all available controllers. To achieve this you can either read the api documentation or you can use the controllers method.

controllers = pi.controllers()

The method returns a set with all supported controllers.

get an entity

To get an entity the get_entity method has to be used.

get_entity(controller, controller_path=None, params=None)

Example get a section by name:

entity = pi.get_entity(controller='sections', controller_path='foobar')

This call returns a dictionary for the entity with the name foobar.

create an entity

To create an entity the create_entity method has to be used.

create_entity(controller, controller_path=None, data=None, params=None)

Example create a section if it does not exists:

my_section = dict(
    description='new section',

    entity = pi.get_entity(controller='sections', controller_path=my_section['name'])
except PHPyPAMEntityNotFoundException:
    print('create entity')
    entity = pi.create_entity(controller='sections', data=my_section)

In this example first we check if the section we work on already exists. If the PHPyPAMEntityNotFoundException is raised we create the entity.

update an entity

To update an entity you have to use the update_entity method.

update_entity(controller, controller_path=None, data=None, params=None)

Example update a section if it exists:

my_section['description'] = 'new description'

entity = pi.get_entity(controller='sections', controller_path=my_section['name'])
pi.update_entity(controller='sections', controller_path=entity['id'], data=my_section)

To change data you have to modify the value of the desired key to the value you want. You can see the data is changed in the dict from the former example. Then you get the entity to obtain its id to work on.

Note: All modifying operations need the id of an entity not the name.

In the last step you call update_entity and put the entity id in parameter controller_path with the data parameter you provide the fully entity description dictionary.

delete an entity

To delete an entity you have to use the delete_entity method.

delete_entity(controller, controller_path, params=None)

Example delete a existing section:

entity = pi.get_entity(controller='sections', controller_path=my_section['name'])
pi.delete_entity(controller='sections', controller_path=entity['id'])

In this example you request the entity you had created/updated in the above examples. After that you call delete_entity with the entity id from the request before.

possible exceptions

  • PHPyPAMInvalidCredentials - will be raised if something goes wrong with the authentication
  • PHPyPAMEntityNotFoundException - will be raised if an entity does not exists
  • PHPyPAMInvalidSyntax - will be raised for requests which will be answered with status code 400 from API
  • PHPyPAMException - for any errors which we catch but no specific exception exists this exception wil be raised
  • unable to login with no clear error message.

    unable to login with no clear error message.


    I m trying to test phpypam with the sample provide.

    pi = phpypam.api( url='', app_id='xx', token='xxxxx', username='xxx', password='xxx', ssl_verify=False ) pi.get_entity(controller='sections')

    And i got the following error

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 10, in ssl_verify=False File "/lib/python3.6/site-packages/phpypam/core/", line 66, in init self._login() File "/lib/python3.6/site-packages/phpypam/core/", line 131, in _login resp = self._query(method=POST, auth=_auth) File "/lib/python3.6/site-packages/phpypam/core/", line 121, in _query raise PHPyPAMException(code=result['code'], message=result['message']) phpypam.core.exceptions.PHPyPAMException


    • python 3.6.0
    • phpypam
    bug documentation 
    opened by kevinhuy 8
  • Added not-found error message for hostname search

    Added not-found error message for hostname search

    The following call raises a PHPyPAMException.

    pi.get_entity(controller='addresses', controller_path=f"search_hostname/{hostname}/")

    I would expect the library to raise PHPyPAMEntityNotFoundException instead. This PR fixes this by adding the error returned from phpipam to the expected list.

    opened by mattiasa 5
  • Unable to authenticate to API

    Unable to authenticate to API "Please provide token"

    Describe the bug This follows on from

    Running the phpypam module on phpIPAM version 1.4.0 results in an unhandled error. Further debugging shows a HTTP 403 forbidden error with "Please provide token" from phpIPAM.

    To Reproduce Example code:

    import phpypam
    pi = phpypam.api(

    Version 1.40 of phpIPAM used

    Expected behavior With the above code, I expect an output of the configured sections in phpIPAM


    • phpIPAM 1.4.0
    • phpypam 1.0.1

    Additional context Amending in the core package as follows fixes the problem:

    <     def _query(self, path='user/', headers=None, method=GET, data=None, params=None, auth=None, token=None):
    >     def _query(self, path='user', headers=None, method=GET, data=None, params=None, auth=None, token=None):

    It appears that from phpIPAM 1.4.1 and above, the trailing "/" is no longer needed. I tested there and it works fine without the trailing "/"

    I'm not sure if the above "fix" is the best way to fix the problem. If it is, let me know and I will try creating a pull request for that together with a feature enhancement for undefined errors (display the HTTP error and message).

    bug wontfix 
    opened by sidhoah8 5
  • Subnet address search with zero results raises incorrect exception

    Subnet address search with zero results raises incorrect exception

    Describe the bug When searching for addresses in an empty subnet a generic PHPyPAMException is raised instead of PHPyPAMEntityNotFoundException.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. In phpIPAM, create a new subnet with no address entries.
    2. Search the subnet for addresses via phpypam: IPAM_API.get_entity(controller='subnets', controller_path=subnet['id']+'/addresses/')
    3. PHPyPAMException is raised with message "No addresses found"

    Expected behavior PHPyPAMEntityNotFoundException should be raised instead.


    • python: 3.8.10
    • phpypam: 1.0.2

    Additional context None.

    bug good first issue 
    opened by alexbb 3
  • fix #51 - wrong Exception on search on empty subnet

    fix #51 - wrong Exception on search on empty subnet

    • Fix #51 - When searching for addresses in an empty subnet
    • extend script to setup local test env to use podman if available
    • add make target to setup local phpipam test env with one command
    bug enhancement 
    opened by cmeissner 1
  • Initial Update

    Initial Update

    The bot created this issue to inform you that has been set up on this repo. Once you have closed it, the bot will open pull requests for updates as soon as they are available.

    opened by pyup-bot 1
  • Bugfix: fix local test environment

    Bugfix: fix local test environment

    As most distributions switch from docker to podman we adapt our local test environment to make use of podman. We also make more data in for setting up the local test environment variable.

    opened by cmeissner 0
  • feat: enable matrix tests

    feat: enable matrix tests

    As phpipam-action now support different phpipam versions we switch all tests to matrix builds. So we can test different combinations of phpipam and python versions.

    opened by cmeissner 0
  • Switch test to containerized services

    Switch test to containerized services

    Like in codeaffen/phpipam-ansible-modules we want to run tests agains phpipam installation with containerized services here too. So we adapt the solution from there and switch our CI workflow to that approach For that we have to add ssl_verify to connection params and set default in Makefile

    opened by cmeissner 0
  • Search for non-existing hostname results not in correct exception

    Search for non-existing hostname results not in correct exception

    Describe the bug

    Look up for a non existing call raises a PHPyPAMException not PHPyPAMEntityNotFoundException.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    pi.get_entity(controller='addresses', controller_path=f"search_hostname/{hostname}/")

    Expected behavior

    PHPyPAMEntityNotFoundException should be raised instead.


    phpypam <= 1.0.1

    Additional context

    opened by cmeissner 0
  • provide pytests

    provide pytests

    • Add modules needed for recording and replaying
    • Record tests for replay in CI
    • Add CI workflow
    • create a valid server.xml before running tests
    • Add phpypam.api as fixture for most tests
    • remove unused imports
    opened by cmeissner 0
  • add a headers arg to create_entity()

    add a headers arg to create_entity()

    Hi, Thank you for this nice wrapper.

    Describe the bug Sometimes I run into this error and as stated in this issue, I have to pass {"content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} in the headers to solve it. Currently create_entity() does not have a 'headers' argument, so I have to call _query() directly to pass the header to the request.

    Expected behavior It is a bite dirty to have to call an internal function directly, so I would like to be able to pass an 'headers' arg to create_entity(), and also to update_entity() and delete_entity for consistency I guess.


    • python 3.10
    • phpypam 1.0.2
    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by positiveEV 2
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