Dynamic Environments with Deformable Objects (DEDO)

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DEDO  - Dynamic Environments with Deformable Objects

DEDO - Dynamic Environments with Deformable Objects

DEDO is a lightweight and customizable suite of environments with deformable objects. It is aimed for researchers in the machine learning, reinforcement learning, robotics and computer vision communities. The suite provides a set of every day tasks that involve deformables, such as hanging cloth, dressing a person, and buttoning buttons. We provide examples for integrating two popular reinforcement learning libraries: StableBaselines3 and RLlib. We also provide reference implementaionts for training a various Variational Autoencoder variants with our environment. DEDO is easy to set up and has few dependencies, it is highly parallelizable and supports a wide range of customizations: loading custom objects and textures, adjusting material properties.

<<<<<<< HEAD

Note: updates for this repo are in progress (until the presentation at NeurIPS2021 in mid-December).

  title={Dynamic Environments with Deformable Objects},
  author={Rika Antonova and Peiyang Shi and Hang Yin and Zehang Weng and Danica Kragic},
  booktitle={Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Datasets and Benchmarks Track},

d221b6994e8189457ea6f0513e6807824d11bb29 Table of Contents:
Use with RL
Use with VAE

Please refer to Wiki for the full documentation


Optional initial step: create a new conda environment with conda create --name dedo python=3.7 and activate it with conda activate dedo. Conda is not strictly needed, alternatives like virtualenv can be used; a direct install without using virtual environments is ok as well.

git clone https://github.com/contactrika/dedo
cd dedo
pip install numpy  # important: Nessasary for compiling numpy-enabled PyBullet
pip install -e .

Python3.7 is recommended as we have encountered that on some OS + CPU combo, PyBullet could not be compiled with Numpy enabled in Pip Python 3.8. To enable recording/logging videos install ffmpeg:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

See more in Installation Guide in wiki

Getting started

To get started, one can run one of the following commands to visualize the tasks through a hard-coded policy.

python -m dedo.demo --env=HangGarment-v1 --viz --debug
  • dedo.demo is the demo module
  • --env=HangGarment-v1 specifies the environment
  • --viz enables the GUI
  • ---debug outputs additional information in the console
  • --cam_resolution 400 specifies the size of the output window

See more in Usage-guide


See more in Task Overview

We provide a set of 10 tasks involving deformable objects, most tasks contains 5 handmade deformable objects. There are also two procedurally generated tasks, ButtonProc and HangProcCloth, in which the deformable objects are procedurally generated. Furthermore, to improve generalzation, the v0 of each task will randomizes textures and meshes.

All tasks have -v1 and -v2 with a particular choice of meshes and textures that is not randomized. Most tasks have versions up to -v5 with additional mesh and texture variations.

Tasks with procedurally generated cloth (ButtonProc and HangProcCloth) generate random cloth objects for all versions (but randomize textures only in v0).



python -m dedo.demo_preset --env=HangBag-v1 --viz

HangBag-v0: selects one of 108 bag meshes; randomized textures

HangBag-v[1-3]: three bag versions with textures shown below:




python -m dedo.demo_preset --env=HangGarment-v1 --viz

HangGarment-v0: hang garment with randomized textures (a few examples below):

HangGarment-v[1-5]: 5 apron meshes and texture combos shown below:


HangGarment-v[6-10]: 5 shirt meshes and texture combos shown below:




python -m dedo.demo_preset --env=HangProcCloth-v1 --viz

HangProcCloth-v0: random textures, procedurally generated cloth with 1 and 2 holes.

HangProcCloth-v[1-2]: same, but with either 1 or 2 holes




python -m dedo.demo_preset --env=Button-v1 --viz

ButtonProc-v0: randomized textures and procedurally generated cloth with 2 holes, randomized hole/button positions.

ButtonProc-v[1-2]: procedurally generated cloth, 1 or two holes.


Button-v0: randomized textures, but fixed cloth and button positions.

Button-v1: fixed cloth and button positions with one texture (see image below):




python -m dedo.demo_preset --env=Hoop-v1 --viz

Hoop-v0: randomized textures Hoop-v1: pre-selected textures images/imgs/hoop_and_lasso.jpg



python -m dedo.demo_preset --env=Lasso-v1 --viz

Lasso-v0: randomized textures Lasso-v1: pre-selected textures



python -m dedo.demo_preset --env=DressBag-v1 --viz

DressBag-v0, DressBag-v[1-5]: demo for -v1 shown below


Visualizations of the 5 backpack mesh and texture variants for DressBag-v[1-5]:




python -m dedo.demo_preset --env=DressGarment-v1 --viz

DressGarment-v0, DressGarment-v[1-5]: demo for -v1 shown below



python -m dedo.demo_preset --env=Mask-v1 --viz

Mask-v0, Mask-v[1-5]: a few texture variants shown below: images/imgs/dress_garment.jpg

RL Examples

dedo/run_rl_sb3.py gives an example of how to train an RL algorithm from Stable Baselines 3:

python -m dedo.run_rl_sb3 --env=HangGarment-v0 \
    --logdir=/tmp/dedo --num_play_runs=3 --viz --debug

dedo/run_rllib.py gives an example of how to train an RL algorithm using RLLib:

python -m dedo.run_rllib --env=HangGarment-v0 \
    --logdir=/tmp/dedo --num_play_runs=3 --viz --debug

For documentation, please refer to Arguments Reference page in wiki

To launch the Tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/dedo --bind_all --port 6006 \
  --samples_per_plugin images=1000

SVAE Examples

dedo/run_svae.py gives an example of how to train various flavors of VAE:

python -m dedo.run_rl_sb3 --env=HangGarment-v0 \
    --logdir=/tmp/dedo --num_play_runs=3 --viz --debug

dedo/run_rllib.py gives an example of how to train an RL algorithm from Stable Baselines 3:

python -m dedo.run_rl_sb3 --env=HangGarment-v0 \
    --logdir=/tmp/dedo --num_play_runs=3 --viz --debug

To launch the Tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/dedo --bind_all --port 6006 \
  --samples_per_plugin images=1000


To load custom object you would first have to fill an entry in DEFORM_INFO in task_info.py. The key should the the .obj file path relative to data/:

    # An example of info for a custom item.
    'bags/custom.obj': {
        'deform_init_pos': [0, 0.47, 0.47],
        'deform_init_ori': [np.pi/2, 0, 0],
        'deform_scale': 0.1,
        'deform_elastic_stiffness': 1.0,
        'deform_bending_stiffness': 1.0,
        'deform_true_loop_vertices': [
            [0, 1, 2, 3]  # placeholder, since we don't know the true loops

Then you can use --override_deform_obj flag:

python -m dedo.demo --env=HangBag-v0 --cam_resolution 200 --viz --debug \
    --override_deform_obj bags/custom.obj

For items not in DEFORM_DICT you will need to specify sensible defaults, for example:

python -m dedo.demo --env=HangGarment-v0 --viz --debug \
  --override_deform_obj=generated_cloth/generated_cloth.obj \
  --deform_init_pos 0.02 0.41 0.63 --deform_init_ori 0 0 1.5708

Example of scaling up the custom mesh objects:

python -m dedo.demo --env=HangGarment-v0 --viz --debug \
   --override_deform_obj=generated_cloth/generated_cloth.obj \
   --deform_init_pos 0.02 0.41 0.55 --deform_init_ori 0 0 1.5708 \
   --deform_scale 2.0 --anchor_init_pos -0.10 0.40 0.70 \
   --other_anchor_init_pos 0.10 0.40 0.70

See more in Customization Wiki

Additonal Assets

BGarment dataset is adapter from Berkeley Garment Library

Sewing dataset is adapted from Generating Datasets of 3D Garments with Sewing Patterns

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