Water Detect Algorithm





WaterDetect is an end-to-end algorithm to generate open water cover mask, specially conceived for L2A Sentinel 2 imagery from MAJA1 processor, without any a priori knowledge on the scene. It can also be used for Landsat 8 images and for other multispectral clustering/segmentation tasks.

The water masks produced by WaterDetect were primarily designed for water quality product computation (Obs2Co processing chain) and are also used for multi-temporal water maps (Surfwater processing chain). Both chains are supported by the "SWOT-Downstream" and TOSCA programs by CNES. Products are provided by the THEIA / Hydroweb-NG platform.

The WaterDetect algorithm uses a multidimensional agglomerative clustering technique on a subsample of the scene's pixels, to group them in classes, and a naive bayes classifier to generalize the results for the whole scene, as summarized in the following picture:


All the details and tests has been described in the article Automatic Water Detection from Multidimensional Hierarchical Clustering for Sentinel-2 Images and a Comparison with Level 2A Processors, under revision by the journal Remote Sensing of Environment.

How to cite

Cordeiro, M. C. R.; Martinez, J.-M.; Peña-Luque, S. Automatic Water Detection from Multidimensional Hierarchical Clustering for Sentinel-2 Images and a Comparison with Level 2A Processors. Remote Sensing of Environment 2021, 253, 112209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.112209.


The following topics have the first steps to install and run the library. For a more comprehensive tutorial with code samples and results please refer to this tutorial https://cordmaur.medium.com/water-detection-in-high-resolution-satellite-images-using-the-waterdetect-python-package-7c5a031e3d16.

Supported Formats

The algorithm has been developed taking into account atmospherically corrected images from MAJA, as described in the paper. However other image formats are also supported. To the present, the following image formats are supported:


The required libraries are:


Note 1:

GDAL is required to open the satellite images. It's still possible to use without GDAL, from a python console or jupyter notebook, loading the rasters manually and passing all the necessary bands to the DWImageClustering class. Check the topic "Usage from Console" for more information.

Note 2:

Scikit-Image is only necessary to run Otsu threshold method.

The test_dependencies.py can be used to check if all libraries are loading correctly. Simply run:


The easiest way to install waterdetect package is with pip command:
pip install waterdetect

Alternatively, you can clone the repository and install from its root throught the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/cordmaur/WaterDetect.git
cd WaterDetect
pip install .

Once installed, a waterdetect entry point is created in the path of the environment. One can check the installation and options by running waterdetect --help. If GDAL is not found, a message will raise indicating that waterdetect will only run from a console.

usage: waterdetect [-h] [-GC] [-i INPUT] [-o OUT] [-s SHP] [-p PRODUCT]
                   [-c CONFIG]

The waterdetect is a high speed water detection algorithm for satellite
images. It will loop through all images available in the input folder and
write results for every combination specified in the .ini file to the output
folder. It can also run for single images from Python console or Jupyter
notebook. Refer to the onlinedocumentation

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -GC, --GetConfig      Copy the WaterDetect.ini from the package into the
                        specifieddirectory and skips the processing. Once
                        copied you can edit the .ini file and launch the
                        waterdetect without -c option.
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        The products input folder. Required.
  -o OUT, --out OUT     Output directory. Required.
  -s SHP, --shp SHP     SHP file. Optional.
  -p PRODUCT, --product PRODUCT
                        The product to be processed (S2_THEIA, L8_USGS, S2_L1C
                        or S2_S2COR)
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration .ini file. If not specified
                        WaterDetect.ini from current dir and used as default

To copy the package's default .ini file into the current directory, type:
`waterdetect -GC .` without other arguments and it will copy WaterDetect.ini
into the current directory.

Config File

The waterdetect needs a config file that specifies the bands used in the clustering process as well as other parameters. To obtain the default version of this file, one can use waterdetec -GC and the file WaterDetect.ini will be copied into the current working folder.

Usage as Script

The basic usage for the waterdetect is:
waterdetect -i c:/input_folder -i -c:/output_folder -p S2_THEIA

The input directory should contain the uncompressed folders for the images. The script will loop through all folders in the input directory and save the water masks, graphs and reports to the output folder. The output folder must be created beforehand.

If the config file is not specified, the script will search for WaterDetect.ini in the current folder.

Usage from Console

Once properly installed, the WaterDetect can be run from a console or a Jupyter Notebook, by import the package and calling DWDetectWater.

>>> import waterdetect as wd
>>> !waterdetect -GC
>>> wd.DWWaterDetect.run_batch(input_folder='D:\Images\Input\',

For more information on how to use it from jupyter notebook, in batch or single mode or to use it with other satellite images or without GDAL, please refer to the tutorial available here https://towardsdatascience.com/water-detection-in-high-resolution-satellite-images-using-the-waterdetect-python-package-7c5a031e3d16.


Author: Maurício Cordeiro (ANA/GET)
Supervisor: Jean-Michel Martinez (IRD/GET)
Validation dataset: Santiago Pena Luque (CNES)



This code is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. Please, refer to GNU's webpage (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html) for details.


(1) Hagolle, O.; Huc, M.; Pascual, D. V.; Dedieu, G. A Multi-Temporal Method for Cloud Detection, Applied to FORMOSAT-2, VENµS, LANDSAT and SENTINEL-2 Images. Remote Sensing of Environment 2010, 114 (8), 1747–1755. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2010.03.002.

(2) Cordeiro, M. C. R.; Martinez, J.-M.; Peña-Luque, S. Automatic Water Detection from Multidimensional Hierarchical Clustering for Sentinel-2 Images and a Comparison with Level 2A Processors. Remote Sensing of Environment 2021, 253, 112209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.112209.

  • Multiple bands detected from S2B L1A S2COR

    Multiple bands detected from S2B L1A S2COR


    I'm having some issues in trying to run correctly waterdetect. I tried to use it on a variety of imagery from Copernicus but it failed everytime.

    I'm trying to run it on this specific tile S2B_MSIL2A_20210613T070619_N0300_R106_T40TEM_20210613T085847.SAFE, which should be compatible with the product S2_S2COR. However, when waterdetect runs, it returns this error:

    Loading configuration file WaterDetect.ini
    File WaterDetect.ini verified.
    Folder /Volumes/ANSSD/testFolder/input_folder verified.
    Folder /Volumes/ANSSD/testFolder/output_folder verified.
    Starting WaterDetection version: 1.5.8
    Opening image in folder /Volumes/ANSSD/testFolder/input_folder/S2B_MSIL2A_20210613T070619_N0300_R106_T40TEM_20210613T085847.SAFE
    Retrieving bands for product S2_S2COR
    70 were found:
    Loading band: Blue
    ****** WARNING ********
    More than one band _B02_10m. in image list. Skipping to the next image

    Do you have any insight on how to fix it and correctly run waterdetect?

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by andreabenedetti 18
  • Support required

    Support required


    I am newbie and trying to replicate this project on a EC2 instance and i have completed all the setup, created input and output folders in in the instance.

    I would like to know what file format i should upload in to the input folder to run the water detect command? can i use the sentinel open data on aws? if yes, can you direct me to the right file type.

    Thank you for your support

    opened by Krish-newbie 8
  • Effect of changing the reference band

    Effect of changing the reference band

    Hi Cordmaur,

    Thanks for sharing this outstanding work.

    I am working on a project related to water body identification and would like to have data with as high resolution as possible. I have found that by modifying the reference_band = Mir to Nir or other 10m band in the ".init" file, then I can change the resolution (to 10m) and I have successfully obtained the results.

    I would like to ask if the output of the model at 10m resolution (reference_band = Nir) is better than the 10m image obtained by simply interpolating the 20m result (reference_band = Mir) with NDWI+B12 as input. I am asking this question only because I am not sure why you defaulted the reference band in the code to MIR instead of the higher resolution NIR (or other 10m bands), since your article clearly states a 10m result.

    Best, Zhen Hao

    opened by haozhen315 3
  • Running without GDAL(For example, Landsat TM images)

    Running without GDAL(For example, Landsat TM images)

    I have updated the process in "Running without GDAL" with reference to the media article (Water Detection in High Resolution Satellite Images using the waterdetect python package) that describes it in more detail.

    Here, I use waterdetect to extract water bodies from a scene of Landsat TM imagery.

    Code part

    import waterdetect as wd import rasterio from osgeo import gdal

    !waterdetect -GC

    Copying c:\users\gw_studio\documents\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\WaterDetect.ini into current dir. WaterDetect.ini copied into C:\Users\GW_Studio\Documents\PythonCode.

    config = wd.DWConfig(config_file='WaterDetect.ini')

    Loading configuration file WaterDetect.ini File WaterDetect.ini verified.

    config.clustering_bands, config.detect_water_cluster

    ([['mndwi', 'ndwi', 'Mir2']], 'maxmbwi')

    b2 = rasterio.open('D:\LT05\LT05_L1TP_122044_19911117_20200915_02_T1_B2.tif').read() b3 = rasterio.open('D:\LT05\LT05_L1TP_122044_19911117_20200915_02_T1_B3.tif').read() nir = rasterio.open('D:\LT05\LT05_L1TP_122044_19911117_20200915_02_T1_B4.tif').read() mir1 = rasterio.open('D:\LT05\LT05_L1TP_122044_19911117_20200915_02_T1_B5.tif').read() mir2 = rasterio.open('D:\LT05\LT05_L1TP_122044_19911117_20200915_02_T1_B7.tif').read() b2.shape, b3.shape, nir.shape, mir1.shape, mir2.shape

    ((1, 6694, 7198), (1, 6694, 7198), (1, 6694, 7198), (1, 6694, 7198), (1, 6694, 7198))

    bands = {'Green': b2.squeeze(), 'Red': b3.squeeze(), 'Nir': nir.squeeze(),'Mir': mir1.squeeze(),'Mir2': mir2.squeeze()} wmask = wd.DWImageClustering(bands=bands, bands_keys=['Mir2', 'mndwi', 'ndwi'], invalid_mask=None, glint_processor=None, config=config) mask = wmask.run_detect_water()

    Selection of best number of clusters using Calinski-Harabasz Index: k=2 :Calinski_harabaz index=525017.1368054692 k=3 :Calinski_harabaz index=272406.8028330963 k=4 :Calinski_harabaz index=414875.9712176703 k=5 :Calinski_harabaz index=600524.7602326183 k=6 :Calinski_harabaz index=480991.67515900405 k=7 :Calinski_harabaz index=508319.4897511767 k=8 :Calinski_harabaz index=436496.13557214226 k=9 :Calinski_harabaz index=423649.7968669792 k=10 :Calinski_harabaz index=376965.3596922822 Applying clusters based naive bayes classifier Assgnin 1 to cluster_id 3 Skipping cluster_id 3

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(wmask.cluster_matrix)


    save_ay = wmask.cluster_matrix dataset=gdal.Open("D:\LT05\LT05_L1TP_122044_19911117_20200915_02_T1_B2.tif") im_geotrans = dataset.GetGeoTransform() im_proj = dataset.GetProjection() save = wd.DWutils.array2raster(filename='test.tif', array=save_ay, geo_transform=im_geotrans, projection=im_proj, nodatavalue=-1, dtype=None)

    Saving image: test.tif

    Local results

    • "test.tif" loaded in ArcGIS Pro


    • Water pixel extracted from "test.tif"


    • Compare with the raw satellite image


    opened by zhengzihao 3
  • The basic process gets

    The basic process gets "killed" after/during "Calculating clusters for the following combination of bands"

    Input (ran from the jupyter notebook, so i leave the original !): !waterdetect -i {input_folder} -o {output_folder}


    Loading configuration file WaterDetect.ini
    File WaterDetect.ini verified.
    Folder / verified.
    Folder /waterdetect_test verified.
    Opening image in folder /waterdetect_test
    Retrieving bands for product S2_THEIA
    Opening image in folder /SENTINEL2A_20180824-100141-227_L2A_T33TVL_C_V1-0
    Retrieving bands for product S2_THEIA
    10 were found:
    Loading band: Blue
    Loading band: Green
    Loading band: Red
    Loading band: Mir
    Loading band: Mir2
    Loading band: Nir
    Loading band: Nir2
    Loading band: RedEdg1
    Loading band: RedEdg2
    Loading band: RedEdg3
    0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
    Input file size is 10980, 10980
    0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
    Saving image: /SENTINEL2A_20180824-100141-227_L2A_T33TVL_C_V1-0_invalid_mask.tif
    Calculating clusters for the following combination of bands:
    ['mndwi', 'ndwi', 'Mir2']

    The process stops. This are the files it creates (and apparently copies?) image

    opened by mazingaro 3
  • No water in the matrix

    No water in the matrix

    Here, I use Waterdetect to extract water bodies from a scene of Sentinel 2 imagery.


    import waterdetect as wd
    import rasterio
    config = wd.DWConfig(config_file='WaterDetect.ini')
    config.clustering_bands, config.detect_water_cluster

    Loading configuration file WaterDetect.ini File WaterDetect.ini verified. ([['mndwi', 'ndwi', 'Mir2']], 'maxmbwi')

    b3 = rasterio.open('.../T31UES_20220719T105041_B03_20m.jp2').read()
    b4 = rasterio.open('.../T31UES_20220719T105041_B04_20m.jp2').read()
    nir = rasterio.open('.../T31UES_20220719T105041_B8A_20m.jp2').read()
    mir1 = rasterio.open('.../T31UES_20220719T105041_B11_20m.jp2').read()
    mir2 = rasterio.open('.../T31UES_20220719T105041_B12_20m.jp2').read()
    bands = {'Green': b3.squeeze()/10000, 'Red': b4.squeeze()/10000, 'Nir': nir.squeeze()/10000,'Mir': mir1.squeeze()/10000,'Mir2': mir2.squeeze()/10000}
    wmask = wd.DWImageClustering(bands=bands, bands_keys=['Mir2', 'mndwi', 'ndwi'], invalid_mask=None, config=config)
    mask = wmask.run_detect_water()

    Selection of best number of clusters using Calinski-Harabasz Index: k=2 :Calinski_harabaz index=150.58256179023687 k=3 :Calinski_harabaz index=81.65946151674528 k=4 :Calinski_harabaz index=1867.2173765910154 k=5 :Calinski_harabaz index=3691.9700226205587 k=6 :Calinski_harabaz index=3017.54521958539 k=7 :Calinski_harabaz index=2515.1876336606165 Applying clusters based naive bayes classifier Assgnin 1 to cluster_id 3 Skipping cluster_id 3 <matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fa03fea6430>



    array([0], dtype=int8)


    array([0, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=int8)


    Why my matrix "wmask.water_mask" and "wmask.water_mask" have no cluster "1" which is water ?

    opened by nmh4598 2
  • 'DWWaterDetect' has no attribute 'run_single'

    'DWWaterDetect' has no attribute 'run_single'

    Hi, Thank you for creating this library. It looks great. I am trying to use it to detect water in some satellite images. We have the 'tif' files (i.e. S2B_MSIL2A_20220508T155819_N0400_R097_T17RLN_20220508T205707_1018.tif). The tif file is already sized to a 3.5 miles by 3.5 mile. However, we get the following error -> 'DWWaterDetect' has no attribute 'run_single'.

    In addition, I am not sure the reason for using the shape file

    This is how we are calling the function - do we need a shape file or is it optional? Thank you in advance for your help.

    water_mask = wd.DWWaterDetect.run_single(image_folder='Img/', temp_folder='tmp/' # shape_file='D:/Shp/Area_Tiete.shp' )

    opened by cmorenoUCB2021 2
  • Problems with S2_L1C Images

    Problems with S2_L1C Images

    Hi! I'm experiencing some troubles trying to run the script with a S2_L1C image, particularly this one: https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/odata/v1/Products('ea4dfeee-1d28-47c5-a6a8-c86ada64768f')/$value

    It seems to be some sorts of recursive problem, not sure exactly what.

    This is the console output:

    (base) Macbook-Pro-2020-de-*******:WaterDetect ******$ python runWaterDetect.py -i ./Input/ -o ./Output/ -s ../../../Downloads/LaJara/LaJara.shp --product S2_L1C Loading configuration file WaterDetect.ini File WaterDetect.ini verified. Folder ./Input/ verified. File ../../../Downloads/LaJara/LaJara.shp verified. Folder ./Output/ verified. Starting WaterDetection version: 1.5.10 Opening image in folder Input/S2A_MSIL1C_20210207T174511_N0209_R098_T13SDA_20210207T212818.SAFE Retrieving bands for product S2_L1C ****** WARNING ******** [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Input/S2A_MSIL1C_20210207T174511_N0209_R098_T13SDA_20210207T212818.SAFE/GRANULE/Input/S2A_MSIL1C_20210207T174511_N0209_R098_T13SDA_20210207T212818.SAFE/GRANULE/L1C_T13SDA_A029410_20210207T175338/IMG_DATA'. Skipping to the next image

    I was not able to find any other image source for that particular place. I'm on MacOS Big Sur, and the latest version of the script.

    opened by fede1608 2
  • Clipping input data to the valid range kill the process

    Clipping input data to the valid range kill the process


    First of all, thank you so much for the package. I am trying to run it from both (notebook and Terminal window) but I always get this error message:

    "Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers)"

    The whole output is this one:

    Opening image in folder /home/diego/EBD/Varios/Sentinel2_Flood/imgs/sen2cor/S2B_MSIL2A_20220501T110619_N0400_R137_T30STG_20220501T131135.SAFE Retrieving bands for product S2_S2COR 36 were found: Loading band: Blue Loading band: Green Loading band: Red Loading band: Mir Loading band: Mir2 Loading band: RedEdg1 Loading band: RedEdg2 Loading band: RedEdg3 Loading band: Nir Loading band: Nir2 Warning: External mask None not found! Invalid pixels (0.23079226678080034) < maximum (0.95). Saving final MASK Saving image: /home/diego/EBD/Varios/Sentinel2_Flood/outputs/S2B_MSIL2A_20220501T110619_N0400_R137_T30STG_20220501T131135/S2B_MSIL2A_20220501T110619_N0400_R137_T30STG_20220501T131135_invalid_mask.tif 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done. Input file size is 10980, 10980 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done. Calculating clusters for the following combination of bands: ['mndwi', 'ndwi', 'Mir2'] Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers). Terminado (killed)

    I'd appreciate your help.

    opened by Digdgeo 1
  • Arial Font Not Found

    Arial Font Not Found

    When attempting to run this it works well until running the "create_mask_report" function. After some digging I found that it's trying to open a font file that doesn't exist on Ubuntu: "arial.ttf". Looks like you can only open fonts by passing the absolute path on Ubuntu.

    Recommend you include the font with the install.

    .../WaterDetect/waterdetect/Common.py in create_glint_pdf(xml, name_img, output_folder, g, pdf_merger)
        956         d = ImageDraw.Draw(out)
        957         # font size
    --> 958         font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 16)
        960         # Test about glint values
    .../lib/python3.7/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py in truetype(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine)
        835     try:
    --> 836         return freetype(font)
        837     except OSError:
        838         if not isPath(font):
    .../lib/python3.7/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py in freetype(font)
        832     def freetype(font):
    --> 833         return FreeTypeFont(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine)
        835     try:
    .../lib/python3.7/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py in __init__(self, font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine)
        192                     return
        193             self.font = core.getfont(
    --> 194                 font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine=layout_engine
        195             )
        196         else:
    OSError: cannot open resource
    opened by jshermeyer 1
  •  error during clustering -No such file or directory of 'img_composite.pdf' in the output directory

    error during clustering -No such file or directory of 'img_composite.pdf' in the output directory


    thank you so much for the package and I was testing the sentinel-2 with single mode. Weather the pdf_reports = True or False and the create_composite =True or Flase, the error 'No such file or directory : 'Output/data/data_composite.pdf' happened. Would you please give me any advice?


    opened by HEGIT2018 1
  • skip re-processing of existing results

    skip re-processing of existing results

    Hi there. Nice package! I am currently giving it a try processing some S2_THEIA products. I have unpacked several products to a directory and run the package with

    waterdetect -i ./in -o ./out -p S2_THEIA

    I wanted to unpack some more scenes into my source directory and run the program again but it basically ignores the existing output and starts processing them again.
    It would be fantastic if repeated runs would leave existing products untouched.

    Cheers, John

    P.S. I think there is a small typo in the README:

    - waterdetect -i c:/input_folder -i -c:/output_folder -p S2_THEIA
    + waterdetect -i c:/input_folder -o -c:/output_folder -p S2_THEIA
    opened by johntruckenbrodt 0
  • v1.5.13(Sep 29, 2022)

    Code updated to comply with Sen2Cor processing baseline 04.00, that started in January, 25th 2022. BoA offset was added to the Sen2Cor workflow to deal with negative values.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.12(Mar 31, 2022)

  • v1.5.11(Nov 10, 2021)

  • v1.5.10(Nov 8, 2021)

  • v1.5.9(Nov 5, 2021)

    Version 1.5.9

    • Added external mask processing through the command process_ext_masks. It prepares an external mask (ex. created by FMask) to be used by WaterDetect.
    • Bug corrections
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.8(May 3, 2021)

  • v1.5.7(Apr 26, 2021)


    • New entry point runWaterDetect.py
    • Namespace correction for different versions of sklearn package
    • New treatment for negative reflectance values (individual pixel correction)
    • Added regularization option to avoid extreme values on Normalized Difference indices.
    • New water cluster detection method based on lowest Nir reflectance ("minnir")
    • Updated reporting. Invalid mask is superimposed to the RGB scene representation
    • Added support for Sen2Cor internal masks
    • GLINT mode (For entire scenes only). Creates a Glint heatmap based on viewing and solar angles and updates the thresholds to include waters with sun glint in the final mask
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1(Nov 18, 2020)

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Raster-based Spatial Analysis for Python

🌍 xarray-spatial: Raster-Based Spatial Analysis in Python 📍 Fast, Accurate Python library for Raster Operations ⚡ Extensible with Numba ⏩ Scalable w

makepath 649 Jan 01, 2023
Geographic add-ons for Django REST Framework. Maintained by the OpenWISP Project.

Geographic add-ons for Django REST Framework. Maintained by the OpenWISP Project.

OpenWISP 982 Jan 06, 2023
Geocoding library for Python.

geopy geopy is a Python client for several popular geocoding web services. geopy makes it easy for Python developers to locate the coordinates of addr

geopy 3.8k Dec 30, 2022
Tile Map Service and OGC Tiles API for QGIS Server

Tiles API Add tiles API to QGIS Server Tiles Map Service API OGC Tiles API Tile Map Service API - TMS The TMS API provides these URLs: /tms/? to get i

3Liz 6 Dec 01, 2021
Geospatial web application developed uisng earthengine, geemap, and streamlit.

geospatial-streamlit Geospatial web applications developed uisng earthengine, geemap, and streamlit. App 1 - Land Surface Temperature A simple, code-f

13 Nov 27, 2022
Open GeoJSON data on geojson.io

geojsonio.py Open GeoJSON data on geojson.io from Python. geojsonio.py also contains a command line utility that is a Python port of geojsonio-cli. Us

Jacob Wasserman 114 Dec 21, 2022
A Python framework for building geospatial web-applications

Hey there, this is Greppo... A Python framework for building geospatial web-applications. Greppo is an open-source Python framework that makes it easy

Greppo 304 Dec 27, 2022