Code for KiloNeRF: Speeding up Neural Radiance Fields with Thousands of Tiny MLPs

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Deep Learningkilonerf

KiloNeRF: Speeding up Neural Radiance Fields with Thousands of Tiny MLPs

Check out the paper on arXiv:

KiloNeRF interactive demo

This repo contains the code for KiloNeRF, together with instructions on how to download pretrained models and datasets. Additionally, we provide a viewer for interactive visualization of KiloNeRF scenes. We further improved the implementation and KiloNeRF now runs ~5 times faster than the numbers we report in the first arXiv version of the paper. As a consequence the Lego scene can now be rendered at around 50 FPS.


  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
  • GPU: >= NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti with >= 460.73.01 driver
  • Python package manager conda


Open a terminal in the root directory of this repo and execute export KILONERF_HOME=$PWD

Install OpenGL and GLUT development files
sudo apt install libgl-dev freeglut3-dev

Install Python packages
conda env create -f $KILONERF_HOME/environment.yml

Activate kilonerf environment
source activate kilonerf

CUDA extension installation

You can either install our pre-compiled CUDA extension or compile the extension yourself. Only compiling it yourself will allow you to make changes to the CUDA code but is more tedious.

Option A: Install pre-compiled CUDA extension

Install pre-compiled CUDA extension
pip install $KILONERF_HOME/cuda/dist/kilonerf_cuda-0.0.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl

Option B: Build CUDA extension yourself

Install CUDA development kit and restart your bash:

sudo sh
echo -e "\nexport PATH=\"/usr/local/cuda/bin:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"/usr/local/cuda/lib64:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc

Download magma from then build and install to /usr/local/magma

sudo apt install gfortran libopenblas-dev
tar -zxvf magma-2.5.4.tar.gz
cd magma-2.5.4
export GPU_TARGET="Maxwell Pascal Volta Turing Ampere"
export CUDADIR=/usr/local/cuda
export OPENBLASDIR="/usr"
sudo -E make install prefix=/usr/local/magma

For further information on installing magma see:

Finally compile KiloNeRF's C++/CUDA code

python develop

Download pretrained models

We provide pretrained KiloNeRF models for the following scenes: Synthetic_NeRF_Chair, Synthetic_NeRF_Lego, Synthetic_NeRF_Ship, Synthetic_NSVF_Palace, Synthetic_NSVF_Robot

mkdir logs
cd logs
wget --output-document=paper.tar.gz
tar -xf paper.tar.gz

Download NSVF datasets

Credit to NSVF authors for providing their datasets:

cd $KILONERF_HOME/data/nsvf
wget && unzip -n
wget && unzip -n
wget && unzip -n
wget && unzip -n

Since we slightly adjusted the bounding boxes for some scenes, it is important that you use the provided unzip argument to avoid overwriting our bounding boxes.


To benchmark a trained model run:

You can launch the interactive viewer by running:

To train a model yourself run

The default dataset is Synthetic_NeRF_Lego, you can adjust the dataset by setting the dataset variable in the respective script.

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