CN24 is a complete semantic segmentation framework using fully convolutional networks


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Welcome to the CN24 GitHub repository!

CN24 is a complete semantic segmentation framework using fully convolutional networks. It supports a wide variety of platforms (Linux, Mac OS X and Windows) and libraries (OpenCL, Intel MKL, AMD ACML...) while providing dependency-free reference implementations. The software is developed in the Computer Vision Group at the University of Jena.

Why should I use CN24?

  1. Designed for pixel-wise labeling and semantic segmentation (train and test your own networks!)
  2. Suited for various applications in driver assistance systems, scene understanding, remote sensing, biomedical image processing and many more
  3. OpenCL support not only suited for NVIDIA GPUs
  4. High-performance implementation with minimal dependencies to other libraries

Getting started

To get started, clone this repository and visit the wiki! Installation is just a two command lines away. For an even faster introduction, check out one of these examples:

The repository contains pre-trained networks for these two applications, which are ready to use.


CN24 is available under a 3-clause BSD license. See LICENSE for details. If you use CN24 for research, please cite our paper Clemens-Alexander Brust, Sven Sickert, Marcel Simon, Erik Rodner, Joachim Denzler. "Convolutional Patch Networks with Spatial Prior for Road Detection and Urban Scene Understanding". VISAPP 2015.

Remark: The paper does not discuss the fully convolutional network adaptations integrated in CN24.


If you have questions, feedback, or experience problems. Let us know and write an e-mail to Clemens-Alexander Brust, Sven Sickert, Marcel Simon, and Erik Rodner.

  • Added direct RGB mapping to makeTensorStream tool

    Added direct RGB mapping to makeTensorStream tool

    An additional param has been added to the command line. Set to 'true' if you wish for your label images to be interpreted as a direct RGB images instead of being filtered through pre-defined classes.

    opened by lolz0r 7
  • Bus error when testing

    Bus error when testing

    When I type test, the CPU usage goes up and nothing happens for about a minute, then a message appears about a bus error. Could this have to do with image size (1500x1500)?

    INF [ Trainer::Epoch(156) ] Epoch: 99, it: 500, bsize: 16, current lr: 2.33894e-06
    DBG [ Trainer::Epoch(221) ] Training, sps: 8628.59
    DBG [ Trainer::Epoch(226) ] Training, tps: 115.894 us
    DBG [ Trainer::Epoch(232) ] Training, GB/s   up: 0.000128576
    DBG [ Trainer::Epoch(233) ] Training, GB/s down: 0.000128576
    INF [ Trainer::Epoch(241) ] Training (Epoch 99, node 0) Square Loss Layer (Weight: 1) lps: 0.138364
    INF [ Trainer::Epoch(243) ] Training (Epoch 99) aggregate lps: 0.138364
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 99 - F1 : 12.6683% (t=-1)
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 99 - ACC: 6.7625%
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 99 - PRE: 6.7625%
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 99 - REC: 100%
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 99 - FPR: 100%
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 99 - FNR: 0%
    DBG [ Trainer::Reset(80) ] Resetting Trainer state
    INF [ NetGraph&, Conv::NetGraph&, Conv::Trainer&, Conv::Trainer&, bool, std::string&)(296) ] Training complete.
     > test
    DBG [ Trainer::Reset(80) ] Resetting Trainer state
    DBG [ DatasetInputLayer::SetTestingMode(242) ] Enabled testing mode.
    DBG [ Trainer::Test(90) ] ./ line 3: 20806 Bus error               (core dumped) /home/ubuntu/cn24/build/trainNetwork -v /home/ubuntu/data/config.set /home/ubuntu/data/
    opened by zygmuntz 6
  • CN24 reports incorrect metrics when using test images different in size (WxH) from train images

    CN24 reports incorrect metrics when using test images different in size (WxH) from train images

    For example, test F1 etc. are way too high:

    INF [ Trainer::Epoch(241) ] Training (Epoch 59, node 0) Square Loss Layer (Weight: 1) lps: 0.0526363
    INF [ Trainer::Epoch(243) ] Training (Epoch 59) aggregate lps: 0.0526363
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 59 - F1 : 56.1468% (t=-0.5)
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 59 - ACC: 95.9312%
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 59 - PRE: 52.9711%
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 59 - REC: 59.7277%
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 59 - FPR: 2.41795%
    RESULT --- Training  - Epoch 59 - FNR: 40.2723%
    INF [ NetGraph&, Conv::NetGraph&, Conv::Trainer&, Conv::Trainer&, bool, std::string&)(296) ] Training complete.
     > test
    INF [ Trainer::Test(117) ] Testing (Epoch 60, node 0) Square Loss Layer (Weight: 1) lps: 0.826714
    INF [ Trainer::Test(119) ] Testing (Epoch 60) aggregate lps: 0.826714
    RESULT --- Testing  - Epoch 60 - F1 : 85.0582% (t=-1)
    RESULT --- Testing  - Epoch 60 - ACC: 80.2098%
    RESULT --- Testing  - Epoch 60 - PRE: 99.9539%
    RESULT --- Testing  - Epoch 60 - REC: 74.0263%
    RESULT --- Testing  - Epoch 60 - FPR: 0.108757%
    RESULT --- Testing  - Epoch 60 - FNR: 25.9737%

    Trained in hybrid mode.

    opened by zygmuntz 4
  • ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12 / bad alloc

    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12 / bad alloc


    I have two tensors:

    1. the first is 1.6G, contains 25916 image/map pairs
    2. the second (testing) is 464M, 7406 image/map pairs When I run trainNetwork, I get the following errors and the program crashes. Stack trace at the end.

    I didn't get these errors when using similarly sized tensors with fewer images. Currently there are more because I cut the original images into patches, otherwise the contents are the same. Why the errors?

    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12.
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12.
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12.
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12.
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12.
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12.
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12
    ERR [ Tensor::Deserialize(303) ] Memory map failed: 12.
    DBG [ TensorViewer::TensorViewer(57) ] Instance created.
    DBG [ DatasetInputLayer::DatasetInputLayer(32) ] Instance created.
    DBG [ DatasetInputLayer::DatasetInputLayer(42) ] Using loss sampling probability: 1
    DBG [ DatasetInputLayer::DatasetInputLayer(48) ] Total samples: 7406
    DBG [ DatasetInputLayer::DatasetInputLayer(52) ] Generating random permutation...
    DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::ConfigurableFactory(88) ] Adding convolutional layer to receptive field (12,12s4,4p0,0)
    DBG [ ResizeLayer::ResizeLayer(23) ] Instance created, border size: (11, 11)
    DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(484) ] Parsing layer: convolutional kernels=8 size=12x12 stride=4x4
    DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(497) ] Parsed dropout fraction: 0
    DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(65) ] Instance created. 8 output maps with 12x12 kernels, stride: 4x4, padding: 0x0, group: 1.
    DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(68) ] Dropout fraction: 0
    DBG [ Layer::SetLocalLearningRate(78) ] Setting local learning rate to 1
    DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(484) ] Parsing layer: relu
    DBG [ ReLULayer::ReLULayer(59) ] Instance created, nl: ReLU
    DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(484) ] Parsing layer: convolutional size=1x1 kernels=1
    DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(497) ] Parsed dropout fraction: 0
    DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(65) ] Instance created. 1 output maps with 1x1 kernels, stride: 1x1, padding: 0x0, group: 1.
    DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(68) ] Dropout fraction: 0
    DBG [ Layer::SetLocalLearningRate(78) ] Setting local learning rate to 1
    DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(484) ] Parsing layer: tanh
    DBG [ TanhLayer::TanhLayer(57) ] Instance created, nl: Tanh
    DBG [ UpscaleLayer::UpscaleLayer(18) ] Instance created: 4x4 upscaling.
    DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(647) ] Added upscaling layer for FCN
    DBG [ ErrorLayer::ErrorLayer(18) ] Instance created.
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Dataset Input Layer
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Resize Layer (11x11)
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Convolutional Layer (8 kernels @ 12x12)
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: ReLU Layer
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Convolutional Layer (1 kernels @ 1x1)
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Tanh Layer
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Upscale Layer (4x4)
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Square Loss Layer (Weight: 1)
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(137) ] Graph check complete.
    DBG [ main(194) ] Testing graph complete: 1
    DBG [ BinaryStatLayer::BinaryStatLayer(21) ] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
      what():  std::bad_alloc
    Instance created. Using 13 thresholds from -1 to 1
    Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
    0x00007ffff7281cc9 in __GI_raise ([email protected]=6) at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:56
    56      ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: No such file or directory.
    (gdb) bt
    #0  0x00007ffff7281cc9 in __GI_raise ([email protected]=6) at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:56
    #1  0x00007ffff72850d8 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:89
    #2  0x00007ffff78866b5 in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler() ()
       from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #3  0x00007ffff7884836 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #4  0x00007ffff7884863 in std::terminate() () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #5  0x00007ffff7884aa2 in __cxa_throw () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #6  0x00007ffff7884f8d in operator new(unsigned long) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #7  0x00007ffff7885029 in operator new[](unsigned long) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #8  0x00007ffff7b7ad9e in Conv::Tensor::Resize(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, float*, bool) () from /home/ubuntu/cn24/
    #9  0x00007ffff7b7aaf5 in Conv::Tensor::Tensor(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
        () from /home/ubuntu/cn24/
    #10 0x00007ffff7b96a0c in Conv::CombinedTensor::CombinedTensor(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long) () from /home/ubuntu/cn24/
    #11 0x00007ffff7ba8538 in Conv::DatasetInputLayer::CreateOutputs(std::vector<Conv::CombinedTensor*, std::allocator<Conv::CombinedTensor*> > const&, std::vector<Conv::CombinedTensor*, std::allocator<Conv::CombinedTensor*> >&) () from /home/ubuntu/cn24/
    #12 0x00007ffff7b8b485 in Conv::NetGraph::InitializeNode(Conv::NetGraphNode*) ()
       from /home/ubuntu/cn24/
    #13 0x00007ffff7b8b2ad in Conv::NetGraph::Initialize() () from /home/ubuntu/cn24/
    #14 0x000000000040b54e in main ()
    opened by zygmuntz 4
  • ERR [ ErrorLayer::CreateOutputs(48) ] Inputs need the same number of elements!

    ERR [ ErrorLayer::CreateOutputs(48) ] Inputs need the same number of elements!

    I get the following error when attempting to trainNetwork.

    ERR [ ErrorLayer::CreateOutputs(48) ] Inputs need the same number of elements!
    ERR [ NetGraph::InitializeNode(262) ] FATAL: Layer will not create outputs: Square Loss Layer (Weight: 1), input0: ([email protected])

    I tried a number varying things, for example architectures, but in the end it always comes down to this. Here's a fuller printout:

    DBG [ ErrorLayer::ErrorLayer(18) ] Instance created.
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Dataset Input Layer
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Resize Layer (11x11)
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Convolutional Layer (8 kernels @ 12x12)
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: ReLU Layer
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Convolutional Layer (2 kernels @ 1x1)
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Sigmoid Layer
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Upscale Layer (4x4)
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(119) ] Node is okay: Square Loss Layer (Weight: 1)
    DBG [ NetGraph::IsComplete(137) ] Graph check complete.
    DBG [ main(154) ] Graph complete: 1
    DBG [ ConfusionMatrixLayer::ConfusionMatrixLayer(17) ] Instance created, 2 classes.
    DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::Connect(135) ] Local learning rate is now 1
    DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::Connect(135) ] Local learning rate is now 1
    ERR [ ErrorLayer::CreateOutputs(48) ] Inputs need the same number of elements!
    ERR [ NetGraph::InitializeNode(262) ] FATAL: Layer will not create outputs: Square Loss Layer (Weight: 1), input0: ([email protected])
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
      what():  See log for details.
    Aborted (core dumped)

    By the way, where's the log to see?

    opened by zygmuntz 3
  • Problem with bad_alloc error

    Problem with bad_alloc error


    before training my own datasets I first wanted to check the training on the toy example and I am running into difficulties.

    I first formed the TensorStream from data with the command: sudo ./makeCompressedTensorStream mypath/cn24/example/toy/toy.set mypath/cn24/example/toy/images mypath/cn24/example/toy mypath/cn24/example/toy/labels mypath/cn24/example/toy DATASET_TRAIN.CTensor false

    the contents of my dataset_config.set is: training=DATASET_TRAIN.CTensor

    when I next run the command: sudo ./trainNetwork dataset_config.set

    I get the following error: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc

    Note that I get a similar error if I want to inspect tensor with TensorTool, if I run command "sudo ./tensorTool DATASET_TRAIN.CTensor": " terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'"

    I have also noticed I do not get errors above if I build the tensorstream with makeTensorStream command instead of the makeCompressedTensorstream command. If I run TensorTool on such TensorStream I get the following output: INF [ main(56) ] Tensor: ([email protected]) INF [ main(57) ] Enter "help" for information on how to use this program

    However if I run the above command trainNetwork on tensorstream formed with makeTensorStream I get a different error: INF [ main(104) ] Using hybrid patchwise training INF [ main(111) ] Loading dataset, this can take a long time depending on the size! INF [ TensorStreamPatchDataset::TensorStreamPatchDataset(119) ] Deserializing 1 Tensors... . ERR [ SimpleLayer::Connect(37) ] Nodes failed validation and did not connect! ERR [ NetGraph::InitializeNode(285) ] FATAL: Layer will not connect: Convolutional Layer (0 kernels @ 1x1) terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): See log for details.

    Could you please help me with the problem? What could be the reasons?


    opened by ailstm 2
  • High CPU, no GPU utilization in training

    High CPU, no GPU utilization in training


    I started training, the log shows the GPU:

    INF [ CLHelper::Init(216) ] Using OpenCL device: GRID K520
    DBG [ CLHelper::Init(217) ] Image support: Yes
    DBG [ CLHelper::Init(228) ] Creating OpenCL context...
    DBG [ CLHelper::Init(239) ] Creating OpenCL command queue...

    And then:

     > train
    INF [ Trainer::Epoch(156) ] Epoch: 0, it: 500, bsize: 16, current lr: 0.0001

    [nothing happens] [when setting the method=patch, the progress is prompt]

    I'm seeing all 8 CPUs at 100%, but nvidia-smi indicates little GPU usage. What does this mean?

    FB Memory Usage
        Total                       : 4095 MiB
        Used                        : 64 MiB
        Free                        : 4031 MiB
    BAR1 Memory Usage
        Total                       : 128 MiB
        Used                        : 2 MiB
        Free                        : 126 MiB
    Compute Mode                    : Default
        Gpu                         : 0 %
        Memory                      : 0 %
        Encoder                     : 0 %
        Decoder                     : 0 %
        GPU Current Temp            : 41 C
        GPU Shutdown Temp           : 97 C
        GPU Slowdown Temp           : 92 C
    Power Readings
        Power Management            : Supported
        Power Draw                  : 42.09 W
        Power Limit                 : 125.00 W
        Default Power Limit         : 125.00 W
        Enforced Power Limit        : 125.00 W
        Min Power Limit             : 85.00 W
        Max Power Limit             : 130.00 W
        Graphics                    : 797 MHz
        SM                          : 797 MHz
        Memory                      : 2500 MHz
    Compute Processes
        Process ID                  : 20643
            Name                    : /home/ubuntu/cn24/build/trainNetwork
            Used GPU Memory         : 52 MiB
    opened by zygmuntz 2
  • Multidimensional Labels

    Multidimensional Labels

    Hello, I have been reading though the docs for CN24. Is it possible to setup a .set file such that the output has 3 channels (Red, Green, Blue) where the number of actual "classifications" is 2^24?

    Essentially I want to train a network to output an RGB image based on a different RGB image.

    Please let me know if this is possible.

    opened by lolz0r 2
  • Error moving to GPU

    Error moving to GPU


    I am testing your great package. After trying yesterday to do one epoch on my CPU with my own dataset, it took about 16 hours so I figured the package worked but I needed some GPU acceleration. :-)

    I installed OpenCL for my GeForce GT 330M (please don't laugh, I am still testing the fundamentals before scaling up). Then I added a config file to the build folder specifying which device and platform I wanted to use. I recompiled the package with the OpenCL flag on in ccmake. When I trained the network again, I get the error:

    ERR [ Tensor::MoveToGPU(407) ] FATAL: Error moving to GPU: -4 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'

    The full output:

    [email protected]:~/CN24/cn24/build$ ./trainNetwork application/config.set application/

    INF [ System::Init(68) ] CN24 version 06206bfbe88095f4dca46506a7fe06ee497d6e76 refs/heads/stable INF [ System::Init(69) ] Copyright (C) 2015 Clemens-Alexander Brust INF [ System::Init(70) ] For licensing information, see the LICENSE file included with this project. DBG [ System::Init(75) ] Executable path: /home/ruud/CN24/cn24/build/ INF [ System::Init(89) ] Loading config file: /home/ruud/CN24/cn24/build/config INF [ CLHelper::Init(200) ] Using OpenCL device: GeForce GT 330M INF [ CLHelper::Init(201) ] Image support: Yes INF [ CLHelper::Init(202) ] Max work group size: 3752810960 INF [ CLHelper::Init(213) ] Creating OpenCL context... INF [ CLHelper::Init(224) ] Creating OpenCL command queue... DBG [ CLHelper::CreateProgram(350) ] Compiling kernels/ DBG [ CLHelper::CreateProgram(350) ] Compiling kernels/ DBG [ CLHelper::CreateProgram(350) ] Compiling kernels/ DBG [ CLHelper::CreateProgram(350) ] Compiling kernels/ DBG [ CLHelper::CreateProgram(350) ] Compiling kernels/ DBG [ CLHelper::CreateProgram(350) ] Compiling kernels/ DBG [ CLHelper::CreateProgram(350) ] Compiling kernels/ DBG [ CLHelper::CreateProgram(350) ] Compiling kernels/ DBG [ CLHelper::CreateProgram(350) ] Compiling kernels/ DBG [ TensorViewer::TensorViewer(57) ] Instance created. DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::ConfigurableFactory(57) ] Adding convolutional layer to receptive field (7,7) DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::ConfigurableFactory(64) ] Convolutional layer DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::ConfigurableFactory(66) ] Adding maxpooling layer to receptive field (2,2) DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::ConfigurableFactory(57) ] Adding convolutional layer to receptive field (5,5) DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::ConfigurableFactory(57) ] Adding convolutional layer to receptive field (5,5) DBG [ main(78) ] Optimal settings: LR: 0.0001, GM: 0.003, EX: 0.75, SB: 10, PB: 2, L1: 0.001, L2: 0.0005, MM: 0.9 INF [ main(84) ] Using fully convolutional training DBG [ TensorStreamDataset* Conv::TensorStreamDataset::CreateFromConfiguration(328) ] Loading dataset with 6 classes DBG [ TensorStreamDataset* Conv::TensorStreamDataset::CreateFromConfiguration(329) ] Training tensor: /home/ruud/CN24/cn24/build/pepper/pepper_train.Tensor DBG [ TensorStreamDataset* Conv::TensorStreamDataset::CreateFromConfiguration(330) ] Testing tensor: /home/ruud/CN24/cn24/build/pepper/pepper_test.Tensor DBG [ TensorStreamDataset::TensorStreamDataset(32) ] Instance created. DBG [ TensorStreamDataset::TensorStreamDataset(54) ] 1 training tensors DBG [ TensorStreamDataset::TensorStreamDataset(73) ] 1 testing tensors DBG [ DatasetInputLayer::DatasetInputLayer(31) ] Instance created. DBG [ DatasetInputLayer::DatasetInputLayer(41) ] Using loss sampling probability: 0.25 DBG [ DatasetInputLayer::DatasetInputLayer(47) ] Total samples: 2 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 0 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 0 output 1: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 0 output 2: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 0 output 3: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 0 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 0 is OpenCL aware DBG [ Net::AddLayer(87) ] Layer 0 added as training layer. DBG [ ResizeLayer::ResizeLayer(23) ] Instance created, border size: (22, 22) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 1 input: layer 0, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 1 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 1 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 1 is OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(147) ] Parsing layer: convolutional kernels=16 size=7x7 DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(157) ] Parsed dropout fraction: 0 DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(48) ] Instance created. 16 output maps with 7x7 kernels. DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(50) ] Dropout fraction: 0 DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(162) ] LLR factor: 1, RFX: 24 DBG [ Layer::SetLocalLearningRate(76) ] Setting local learning rate to 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 2 input: layer 1, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 2 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::Connect(113) ] Local learning rate is now 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 2 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 2 is OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(147) ] Parsing layer: maxpooling size=2x2 DBG [ MaxPoolingLayer::MaxPoolingLayer(22) ] Instance created: 2x2 pooling. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 3 input: layer 2, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 3 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 3 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 3 is OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(147) ] Parsing layer: tanh DBG [ TanhLayer::TanhLayer(54) ] Instance created, nl: Tanh DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 4 input: layer 3, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 4 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 4 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 4 is OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(147) ] Parsing layer: convolutional size=5x5 kernels=12 DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(157) ] Parsed dropout fraction: 0 DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(48) ] Instance created. 12 output maps with 5x5 kernels. DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(50) ] Dropout fraction: 0 DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(162) ] LLR factor: 1, RFX: 24 DBG [ Layer::SetLocalLearningRate(76) ] Setting local learning rate to 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 5 input: layer 4, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 5 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::Connect(113) ] Local learning rate is now 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 5 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 5 is OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(147) ] Parsing layer: tanh DBG [ TanhLayer::TanhLayer(54) ] Instance created, nl: Tanh DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 6 input: layer 5, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 6 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 6 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 6 is OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(147) ] Parsing layer: convolutional size=5x5 kernels=64 DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(157) ] Parsed dropout fraction: 0 DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(48) ] Instance created. 64 output maps with 5x5 kernels. DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(50) ] Dropout fraction: 0 DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(162) ] LLR factor: 1, RFX: 24 DBG [ Layer::SetLocalLearningRate(76) ] Setting local learning rate to 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 7 input: layer 6, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 7 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::Connect(113) ] Local learning rate is now 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 7 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 7 is OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(147) ] Parsing layer: tanh DBG [ TanhLayer::TanhLayer(54) ] Instance created, nl: Tanh DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 8 input: layer 7, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 8 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 8 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 8 is OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(147) ] Parsing layer: convolutional size=1x1 kernels=192 DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(157) ] Parsed dropout fraction: 0 DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(48) ] Instance created. 192 output maps with 1x1 kernels. DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(50) ] Dropout fraction: 0 DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(162) ] LLR factor: 1, RFX: 24 DBG [ Layer::SetLocalLearningRate(76) ] Setting local learning rate to 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 9 input: layer 8, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 9 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::Connect(113) ] Local learning rate is now 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 9 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 9 is OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(147) ] Parsing layer: tanh DBG [ TanhLayer::TanhLayer(54) ] Instance created, nl: Tanh DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 10 input: layer 9, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 10 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 10 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 10 is OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(147) ] Parsing layer: convolutional size=1x1 kernels=6 DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(157) ] Parsed dropout fraction: 0 DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(48) ] Instance created. 6 output maps with 1x1 kernels. DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(50) ] Dropout fraction: 0 DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(162) ] LLR factor: 1, RFX: 24 DBG [ Layer::SetLocalLearningRate(76) ] Setting local learning rate to 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 11 input: layer 10, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 11 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::Connect(113) ] Local learning rate is now 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 11 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 11 is OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(147) ] Parsing layer: sigm DBG [ SigmoidLayer::SigmoidLayer(55) ] Instance created, nl: Sigmoid DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 12 input: layer 11, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 12 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 12 added. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(77) ] Layer 12 is OpenCL aware DBG [ UpscaleLayer::UpscaleLayer(18) ] Instance created: 2x2 upscaling. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 13 input: layer 12, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(59) ] Layer 13 output 0: ([email protected]) DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 13 added. WRN [ Net::AddLayer(79) ] Layer 13 is NOT OpenCL aware DBG [ ConfigurableFactory::AddLayers(236) ] Added upscaling layer for FCN DBG [ main(127) ] Output layer id: 13 DBG [ ErrorLayer::ErrorLayer(17) ] Instance created. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 14 input: layer 13, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 14 input: layer 0, output 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 14 input: layer 0, output 3 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 14 added. WRN [ Net::AddLayer(79) ] Layer 14 is NOT OpenCL aware DBG [ Net::AddLayer(123) ] Layer 14 added as loss function layer. DBG [ ConfusionMatrixLayer::ConfusionMatrixLayer(17) ] Instance created, 6 classes. DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 15 input: layer 13, output 0 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 15 input: layer 0, output 1 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(37) ] Layer 15 input: layer 0, output 3 DBG [ Net::AddLayer(73) ] Layer 15 added. WRN [ Net::AddLayer(79) ] Layer 15 is NOT OpenCL aware DBG [ Net::AddLayer(111) ] Layer 15 added as confusion matrix layer. DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::OnLayerConnect(695) ] Updating weights: 192 -> 0 DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::OnLayerConnect(695) ] Updating weights: 64 -> 192 DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::OnLayerConnect(695) ] Updating weights: 300 -> 64 DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::OnLayerConnect(695) ] Updating weights: 400 -> 300 DBG [ ConvolutionLayer::OnLayerConnect(695) ] Updating weights: 147 -> 100 DBG [ Trainer::Trainer(22) ] Instance created DBG [ Trainer::Trainer(37) ] Optimizing 10 sets of parameters. DBG [ Trainer::Trainer(57) ] Weights: 40082 INF [ Trainer::Trainer(60) ] Training settings: LR: 0.0001, GM: 0.003, EX: 0.75, SB: 10, PB: 2, L1: 0.001, L2: 0.0005, MM: 0.9 INF [ main(247) ] Enter "help" for information on how to use this program

    train epochs=1

    DBG [ Net::SetTestOnlyStatDisabled(174) ] Confusion matrix layer disabled: 0 DBG [ Trainer::Epoch(162) ] Epoch: 0, it: 100, bsize: 20, lr0: 0.0001

    ERR [ Tensor::MoveToGPU(407) ] FATAL: Error moving to GPU: -4 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): See log for details. Aborted (core dumped)

    help wanted question 
    opened by rbrth 2
  • Move Dropout functionality to ConvolutionLayer

    Move Dropout functionality to ConvolutionLayer

    We don't need other parameterized layers anymore, ConvolutionLayer is the only layer that needs to support Dropout. Remove DropoutLayer and add Dropout functionality to ConvolutionLayer (all implementations).

    opened by cabrust 2
  • Licensing issue with libreadline

    Licensing issue with libreadline

    Readline is licensed under the GNU GPL, linking against it makes the whole library fall under this license. I see two possible solutions here:

    1. Add a CMake flag to disable the shell and skip linking to readline. This is what I'll do for our copy of the lib. I'm using CN24 as a library, so that's OK for me.
    2. Integrate a readline alternative. There's editline and linenoise
    opened by astillich 1
  • Compilation issue on windows 10

    Compilation issue on windows 10

    The error is that CN24 needs a 64-bit system. However I am working on 64-bit system. The error log is below: -- Building for: Visual Studio 14 2015 -- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.0.24215.1 -- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.0.24215.1 -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/cl.exe -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/cl.exe -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/cl.exe -- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/cl.exe -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:31 (message): CN24 needs a 64-bit system!

    -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "C:/KD/Semantic Segmentation/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".

    opened by kuldeeper 0
  • Training with more than four channels

    Training with more than four channels

    I have an image with three different shapes and another image with 4 classes, 3 marking the shapes and one class for marking the background. I created a .CTensor from these and wrote a .set file which associates the colors to classes using

    makeCompressedTensorStream testclass.set images . labels . testclass.CTensor false

    When I try to train a network with the four classes, CN24 errors out with:

    ERR [ ErrorLayer::CreateOutputs(49) ] Inputs need the same number of elements!

    The same also happens when I modify the toy example to use four classes.

    Am I missing something or is that a bug?

    EDIT: this is on master, not develop

    opened by astillich 2
  • FATAL: Layer has dynamic input but doesn't support it: Confusion Matrix Layer

    FATAL: Layer has dynamic input but doesn't support it: Confusion Matrix Layer

    When trying to load the toy_net.json like this

    net-load toy_net.json classification

    it fails with

    No error layer type specified!

    After adding "error_layer": "dummy" (also tried 'no' and 'to the JSON it finally fails with:

    FATAL: Layer has dynamic input but doesn't support it: Confusion Matrix Layer
    opened by astillich 1
  • Problem about

    Problem about

    Hi I was trying to create the .CTensor file using the command provided in wiki, but for some reason my files cannot be read properly. Attached is a screenshot of the error, and a screenshot of the text files of image and label names. Could you please help me with it? What might the potential errors be? Thanks! 2016-11-26 1 12 21 2016-11-26 1 14 20 2016-11-26 1 14 38

    opened by yc67 3
  • Minimal working example for training net.

    Minimal working example for training net.

    Here is doc how to import datsets, but I still don't understand in what format labels should be. So I requesting for minimum working example for training net with training data(not as tensors but with images), maybe we can adapt some small subset of images from Pacal Voc Segmentation Task ?

    enhancement documentation 
    opened by mrgloom 2
  • 2.0.5(Apr 20, 2016)

  • v2.0.4(Apr 14, 2016)

  • v2.0.3(Mar 12, 2016)

  • v2.0.2(Jan 16, 2016)

  • v2.0.1(Dec 22, 2015)

  • v2.0.0(Dec 13, 2015)


    • Several bug fixes
    • Introducing a compressed TensorStream format
    • Improved GraphViz network structure output
    • Better OpenCL and clBLAS support on Windows
    • Complete statistics overhaul improving data analysis significantly
      • Modular architecture allowing any component to report data
      • Added a "set experiment name" command to trainNetwork
      • Improved scripts for experiments
    • New layer InputDownSamplingLayer
    • New tool tensorStreamStats: Reads a TensorStream and displays information on sample distribution between classes
    • New tool makeCompressedTensorStream: New variant of makeTensorStream that uses compressed TensorStream format
    • New tool compressTensorStream: Compresses an existing TensorStream
    • New tool runBenchmark: Runs a repeatable benchmark for performance assessment
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.2(Oct 6, 2015)

  • v1.3.1(Sep 28, 2015)

  • v1.3.0(Sep 18, 2015)


    • Added QuickProp optimization algorithm
    • New advanced max-pooling layer
    • Performance improvements
    • Network is now represented as a graph for increased flexibility
    • Debug messages are now suppressed by default
    • Several bug fixes
    • trainNetwork: New command to output network structure as GraphViz file
    • trainNetwork: New command
    • TensorMath: OpenCL code path now uses clBLAS
    • ConvolutionLayer: Now supports stride, padding and grouping
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.2(Jun 23, 2015)

  • v1.2.1(Jun 13, 2015)

  • v1.2.0(Jun 8, 2015)


    • Added dropout implementation
    • Changed weight update formula, now independent of batch size
    • Fixed slightly offset localized error function when using patchwise training
    • Changed image size compensation method, hyperparameters are now comparable between FCN and patch training
    • Fixed a bug that caused the first testing sample to be skipped
    • CN24 now displays the current branch and commit SHA1 on startup
    • Added support for Intel OpenCL SDK
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.1(Mar 21, 2015)

  • v1.1.0(Mar 20, 2015)

  • v1.0.2(Feb 27, 2015)

  • v1.0.1(Feb 23, 2015)

  • v1.0.0(Feb 23, 2015)

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