🐳 RAUDI: Regularly and Automatically Updated Docker Images


🐳 RAUDI: Regularly and Automatically Updated Docker Images

RAUDI (Regularly and Automatically Updated Docker Images) automatically generates and keep updated a series of Docker Images through GitHub Actions for tools that are not provided by the developers.

Documentation License: GPL v3

Table of Contents

What is RAUDI

RAUDI is what will save you from creating and managing a lot of Docker Images manually. Every time a software is updated you need to update the Docker Image if you want to use the latest features, the dependencies are not working anymore.

This is messy and time-consuming.

Don't worry anymore, we got you covered.

You may either fork this repo and use the GitHub Workflow yourself or use it locally (and manage its execution the way you want).


If you want to fork this repo you also have to set up some secrets to be able to push your images on your personal Docker Hub account. Two GitHub secrets must be set:

  • DOCKER_USER: Your Docker Hub Username;
  • DOCKER_API_TOKEN: Your Docker Hub Password or API Token.

After setting those secrets you have to edit the organization variable set in the tools/main.py file since it is configured to push on the Docker Hub for SecSI.

That's all guys: go to Action, enable it for your forked repo, wait until midnight, and the Workflow will do the heavy work!


This repo can also be executed locally. The requirements to be met are the following:

  • Python 3.x
  • Docker

The setup phase is pretty straightforward, you just need the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/cybersecsi/RAUDI
pip install -r requirements.txt

You're ready to go!

Local Usage

RAUDI can build and push all the tools that are put into the tools directory. There are different options that can be used when running it.

Execution Modes

Normal Execution

In this mode RAUDI tries to build all the tools if needed. The command to run it is simply:

python3 ./raudi.py --all

Single Build

In this mode RAUDI tries to build only the specified tool. The command in this case is:

python3 ./raudi.py --single 


tool_name MUST be the name of the directory inside the tools folder.

Show tools

If you want to know the available tools you can run this command:

python3 ./raudi.py --list

Bootstrap tool

If you want to quickly add a new tool folder starting from one of the available templates you can run this command:

python3 ./raudi.py --bootstrap 



Option Description Default Value
--push Whether automatically push to Docker Hub False
--remote Whether check against Docker Hub instead of local Docker before build False
--force Whether build or not if an image with the same tagname has been found False

Available Tools

This is the current list of tools that have been added. Those are all tools that do not have an official Docker Image provided by the developer:

Name Docker Image Source
Apktool secsi/apktool https://github.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool
bfac secsi/bfac https://github.com/mazen160/bfac
dirb secsi/dirb http://dirb.sourceforge.net/
dirhunt secsi/dirhunt https://github.com/Nekmo/dirhunt
dirsearch secsi/dirsearch https://github.com/maurosoria/dirsearch
dnscan secsi/dnscan https://github.com/rbsec/dnscan
Dorks Eye secsi/dorks-eye https://github.com/rbsec/dnscan
EyeWitness secsi/eyewitness https://github.com/FortyNorthSecurity/EyeWitness
ffuf secsi/ffuf https://github.com/ffuf/ffuf
fierce secsi/fierce https://github.com/mschwager/fierce
Findsploit secsi/findsploit https://github.com/1N3/Findsploit
Gitrob secsi/gitrob https://github.com/michenriksen/gitrob
GitTools secsi/gittools https://github.com/internetwache/GitTool
gobuster secsi/gobuster https://github.com/OJ/gobuster
GoogD0rker secsi/googd0rker https://github.com/ZephrFish/GoogD0rker
hydra secsi/hydra https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra
impacket secsi/impacket https://github.com/SecureAuthCorp/impacket
The JSON Web Token Toolkit secsi/jwt_tool https://github.com/ticarpi/jwt_tool
knock secsi/knockpy https://github.com/guelfoweb/knock
LFI Suite secsi/lfisuite https://github.com/D35m0nd142/LFISuite
MASSCAN secsi/masscan https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/masscan
MassDNS secsi/massdns https://github.com/blechschmidt/massdns
nikto secsi/nikto https://github.com/sullo/nikto
nmap secsi/nmap https://github.com/nmap/nmap
pureDNS secsi/puredns https://github.com/d3mondev/puredns
Race The Web secsi/race-the-web https://github.com/TheHackerDev/race-the-web
RestfulHarvest secsi/restfulharvest https://github.com/laramies/theHarvester
Retire.js secsi/retire https://github.com/RetireJS/retire.js
Sandcastle secsi/sandcastle https://github.com/0xSearches/sandcastle
sqlmap secsi/sqlmap https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap
Sublist3r secsi/sublist3r https://github.com/aboul3la/Sublist3r
theHarvester secsi/theharvester https://github.com/laramies/theHarvester
vim secsi/vim https://github.com/vim/vim
waybackpy secsi/waybackpy https://github.com/akamhy/waybackpy
WhatWeb secsi/whatweb https://github.com/urbanadventurer/WhatWeb

Tool Structure

Every tool in the tools directory contains at least two file:

  • config.py
  • Dockerfile.
  • README.md (optional README for Docker Hub)

If you want to add a new tool you just have to create a folder for that specific tool inside the tools directory. In this folder you have to insert the Dockerfile with defined build args to customize and automate the build. Once you created the Dockerfile you have to create a config.py in the same directory with a function called get_config(organization, common_args). Be careful: the function MUST be called this way and MUST have those two parameters (even if you do not use them). The returning value is the config for that specific tool and has the following structure:

config =  {
    'name': organization+'/
    'version': '', # Should be an helper function
    'buildargs': {
    'tests': []


The four keys are:

  • name: the name of the Docker Image (e.g. secsi/ );
  • version: the version number of the Docker Image. For this you may use a helper function that is able to retrieve the latest available version number (look at tools/ffuf for an example);
  • buildargs: a dict to specify the parts of the Docker Images that are subject to updates (again: look at tools/ffuf for an example);
  • tests: an array of tests (usually just a simple one like '--help').

After doing so you are good to go! Just be careful that the name of the tool MUST BE THE SAME as the directory in which you placed its Dockerfile.

There is a NAMING CONVENTION for the versions: use only DOTS and DIGITS; so please remove any trailing 'v' from the version in the specific config.py (for a working example check tools/dirsearch/config.py).


To get the latest versions and information about tools and base images a set of helpers has been implemented. If you want to add a new tool you should use these helpers to have a Docker Image that is automatically updated by RAUDI.


This helper is used to retrieve the latest version of a pip package. All it takes is the name of the package and returns the version number. Example:

VERSION = helper.get_latest_pip_version(package_name)


This helper is used to retrieve the latest version of a npm package. All it takes is the name of the package and returns the version number. Example:

VERSION = helper.get_latest_npm_registry_version(package_name)


This helper is used to retrieve information about a GitHub repo that uses Releases and has multiple kind of assets (e.g. executables for different OSes). This helper takes the repo (in the format user/repo) and a target string to be able to identify the correct asset to download. It returns a dict with two keys (url and version). Example:

VERSION = helper.get_latest_github_release("user/repo", "linux_amd64")


This helper is used to retrieve information about a GitHub repo that uses Releases and has only the source code (which means there is a zipball and a tarball). This helper takes the repo (in the format user/repo) and returns a dict with two keys (url and version). Example:

VERSION = helper.get_latest_github_release_no_browser_download("user/repo")


This helper is used to retrieve information about a GitHub repo that uses Tags and has only the source code (which means there is a zipball and a tarball). This helper takes the repo (in the format user/repo) and returns a dict with two keys (url and version). Example:

VERSION = helper.get_latest_github_tag_no_browser_download("user/repo")


This helper is used to retrieve information about a GitHub repo that doesn't use Tags or Releases. In this case, the goal is to retrieve the latest commit. This helper takes the repo (in the format user/repo) and returns a string representing the date of the last commit in the format YYYYYMMDD.

VERSION = helper.get_latest_github_commit("user/repo")


This section provides examples for the currently added Network Security Tools. As you can see the images do provide only the tool, so if you need to use a wordlist you need to mount it.

Generic Example

docker run -it --rm secsi/


Specific example

docker run -it --rm -v 


Everyone is invited to contribute! If you are a user of the tool and have a suggestion for a new feature or a bug to report, please do so through the issue tracker.


RAUDI is proudly developed @SecSI by:


RAUDI is an open-source and free software released under the GNU GPL v3.

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