an API to check if a url or IP address is safe or phishing



an API to check if a url or IP address is safe or phishing. Using a ML model. The API created using FastAPI.

Install the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the server

cd path/to/project/folder uvicorn api:app

Request url format

(if you're using the local host)'url or ip_adress'

API responses :

  • if the data saved seccessfully. responce = { 'input':'url or ip_adress', 'Prediction':'safe'or 'phishing', 'Status' :'Data saved seccessfully' }

  • if the url or ip_adress are not sent in a correct format. responce = { 'input':'url or ip_adress', 'Status': 'Invalid input format' }

  • Sometimes the number of features generated of an url not equal to 30, if it is the case : responce = { 'input':'url or ip_adress', 'Status': 'Number of features generated not equal to 30' }



saved data directory


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