Sample code helps get you started with a simple Python web service using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway


Welcome to the AWS CodeStar sample web service

This sample code helps get you started with a simple Python web service using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.

What's Here

This sample includes:

  • - this file
  • buildspec.yml - this file is used by AWS CodeBuild to package your application for deployment to AWS Lambda
  • - this file contains the sample Python code for the web service
  • template.yml - this file contains the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) used by AWS CloudFormation to deploy your application to AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
  • tests/ - this directory contains unit tests for your application
  • template-configuration.json - this file contains the project ARN with placeholders used for tagging resources with the project ID

Getting Started

These directions assume you want to develop on your development environment or a Cloud9 environment.

To work on the sample code, you'll need to clone your project's repository to your local computer. If you haven't, do that first. You can find instructions in the AWS CodeStar user guide at

  1. Create a Python virtual environment. This virtual environment allows you to isolate this project and install any packages you need without affecting the system Python installation. At the terminal, type the following command:

     $ virtualenv .venv
  2. Activate the virtual environment:

     $ source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the SAM CLI. For details see

  4. Start the development server:

     $ sam local start-api -p 8080
  5. Open in a web browser to view your service.

What Do I Do Next?

If you have checked out a local copy of your repository you can start making changes to the sample code. We suggest making a small change to first, so you can see how changes pushed to your project's repository are automatically picked up by your project pipeline and deployed to AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway. (You can watch the pipeline progress on your AWS CodeStar project dashboard.)Once you've seen how that works, start developing your own code, and have fun!

To run your tests locally, go to the root directory of the sample code and run the python -m unittest discover tests command, which AWS CodeBuild also runs through your buildspec.yml file.

To test your new code during the release process, modify the existing tests or add tests to the tests directory. AWS CodeBuild will run the tests during the build stage of your project pipeline. You can find the test results in the AWS CodeBuild console.

Learn more about AWS CodeBuild and how it builds and tests your application here:

Learn more about AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) and how it works here:

AWS Lambda Developer Guide:

Learn more about AWS CodeStar by reading the user guide, and post questions and comments about AWS CodeStar on our forum.

User Guide:


What Should I Do Before Running My Project in Production?

AWS recommends you review the security best practices recommended by the framework author of your selected sample application before running it in production. You should also regularly review and apply any available patches or associated security advisories for dependencies used within your application.

Best Practices:

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