TransFGU: A Top-down Approach to Fine-Grained Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation

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Deep LearningTransFGU

TransFGU: A Top-down Approach to Fine-Grained Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation

Zhaoyun Yin, Pichao Wang, Fan Wang, Xianzhe Xu, Hanling Zhang, Hao Li, Rong Jin


Getting Started

Create the environment

# create conda env
conda create -n TransFGU python=3.8
# activate conda env
conda activate TransFGU
# install pytorch
conda install pytorch=1.8 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1
# install other dependencies
pip install mmcv-full -f
pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Preparation

the structure of dataset folders should be as follow:

    │── MSCOCO/
    │     ├── images/
    │     │     ├── train2017/
    │     │     └── val2017/
    │     └── annotations/
    │           ├── train2017/
    │           ├── val2017/
    │           ├── instances_train2017.json
    │           └── instances_val2017.json
    │── Cityscapes/
    │     ├── leftImg8bit/
    │     │     ├── train/
    │     │     │       ├── aachen
    │     │     │       └── ...
    │     │     └──── val/
    │     │             ├── frankfurt
    │     │             └── ...
    │     └── gtFine/
    │           ├── train/
    │           │       ├── aachen
    │           │       └── ...
    │           └──── val/
    │                   ├── frankfurt
    │                   └── ...
    │── PascalVOC/
    │     ├── JPEGImages/
    │     ├── SegmentationClass/
    │     └── ImageSets/
    │           └── Segmentation/
    │                   ├── train.txt
    │                   └── val.txt
    └── LIP/
          ├── train_images/
          ├── train_segmentations/
          ├── val_images/
          ├── val_segmentations/
          ├── train_id.txt
          └── val_id.txt

Model download

Name mIoU Pixel Accuracy Model
COCOStuff-27 16.19 44.52 Google Drive
COCOStuff-171 11.93 34.32 Google Drive
COCO-80 12.69 64.31 Google Drive
Cityscapes 16.83 77.92 Google Drive
Pascal-VOC 37.15 83.59 Google Drive
LIP-5 25.16 65.76 Google Drive
LIP-16 15.49 60.08 Google Drive
LIP-19 12.24 42.52 Google Drive

Train and Evaluate Our Method

To train and evaluate our method on different datasets under desired granularity level, please follow the instructions here.


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={TransFGU: A Top-down Approach to Fine-Grained Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Zhaoyun, Yin and Pichao, Wang and Fan, Wang and Xianzhe, Xu and Hanling, Zhang and Hao, Li and Rong, Jin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.01515},


The code is released under the MIT license.


Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Alibaba Group Holding Limited.

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