Video Stream is an Advanced Telegram Bot that's allow you to play Video & Music on Telegram Group Video Chat


Video Stream is an Advanced Telegram Bot that's allow you to play Video & Music on Telegram Group Video Chat


📊 Stats


🧪 Get SESSION_NAME from below:

GenerateString TYPE P

🎭 Preview


  • Music & Video stream support
  • MultiChat support
  • Playlist & Queue support
  • Skip, Pause, Resume, Stop feature
  • Music & Video downloader feature
  • Inline Search support
  • YouTube direct search support
  • YouTube/Local/Live/m3u8 stream support
  • Inline Search support
  • Control With Button support
  • Volume Control
  • Userbot Auto Join
  • Direct Updater

🛠 Commands:

Command Description
/mplay (query) play music from youtube
/stream (radio link) stream a live streaming music
/vplay (query) play video from youtube
/vstream (live link) play video live streaming video
/pause pause the streaming (admin only)
/resume resume the streaming (admin only)
/skip switch to next stream (admin only)
/stop end the streaming (admin only)
/vmute for mute the userbot on voice chat
/vunmute for unmute the userbot on voice chat
/volume 1/200 adjust the volume of userbot (userbot must be admin)
/playlist show you all the current stream list
/song (query) download music from youtube
/video (query) download video from youtube
/userbotjoin invite the userbot to join group (admin only)
/userbotleave instruct userbot to leave the group (admin only)
/leaveall order the userbot to leave from all group (sudo only)
/update update your bot directly without leaving telegram (sudo only)
/restart restart your bot directly without leaving telegram (sudo only)
/clean clean all raw files
/rmd clean all downloaded files

Heroku Deployment 💜

The easy way to host this bot, deploy to Heroku, Change the app country to Europe (it will help to make the bot stable).


VPS Deployment 📡

Get the best Quality of streaming performance by hosting it on VPS, here's the step's:

sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install git curl python3-pip ffmpeg -y
pip3 install -U pip
curl -sL | bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
npm i -g npm
git clone # clone the repo.
cd video-stream
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
cp example.env .env # use vim to edit ENVs
vim .env # fill up the ENVs (Steps: press i to enter in insert mode then edit the file. Press Esc to exit the editing mode then type :wq! and press Enter key to save the file).
python3 # run the bot.

# continue the host with screen or anything else, thanks for reading.

Support & Updates 🎑

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