Data Visualizations for the #30DayChartChallenge


The #30DayChartChallenge

This repository contains all the charts made for the #30DayChartChallenge during the month of April.

This project aims to explore creativity and tools conserning #DataVisualization.

2022 Gallery

Comparison 🅰️ vs 🅱️

Day 1: part-to-whole

Tool: Adobe Illustrator

female rep at uady

Day 2: pictogram

Tool: Python + Altair

Day 3: historical

Tool: Python + Matplotlib + Adobe Illustrator

day 3 chart

Day 4: flora

Tool: Adobe Illustrator

day 4 chart

Day 5: slope

Tool: R

Day 6: Data day ➡️ Our World In Data (OWID)

Tool: R

chart day 6

Distribution 〰️

Day 7: physical

Tool: Python + Matplotlib + Seaborn

chart day 7

Day 8: mountains

Tool: Python + Google Earth Engine API
Extra: To create the final layout I used Illustrator.


chart day 8

Day 9: statistics

Tool: R

chart day 9

Day 11: circular

Tool: R

chary day 11

Day 12: The economist

Tools: R (Base plot) + Illustrator (Retouches)

chart day 12

Relationships 🅰️ ↔️ 🅱️

Day 13: correlation

Tool: R

chart day 13

Day 14: 3-dimensional

Tool: Python + plotly
chart day 14

Day 15: multivariate

Tool: R + Adobe Illustrator
Base chart

chart day 15

Day 16: environment

Tool Datawrapper Data processing and Data

Interactive chart

Day 17: connections

Tool: JavaScript + canvas-sketch

Day 18: OECD

Tool: R

Time series

Day 19: global change

Tool: R

Day 20: new tool

Tool: Procreate

Day 21: down/upwards

Tool: Datawrapper
Interactive chart (Datawrapper)
Data processing with R

Day 22: animation

Tool: R

Day 23: tiles

Tool: Flourish
Interactive charts English version and version en Español

Data processing with Python and Google Earth Engine

Day 24: Financial Times

Tool: R

Isaac Arroyo
Aspiring Data Visualization Designer/Specialist | I love math, asking questions and colours 🖌️ 🎨
Isaac Arroyo
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