A simple desktop application to scan and export Genshin Impact Artifacts.

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「天目」 -- Amenoma

简体中文 | English


扫描背包中的圣遗物,并导出至 json 格式。之后可导入圣遗物分析工具( 莫娜占卜铺MingyuLabGenshin Optimizer 进行计算与规划等。

  • 已支持 原神2.0 的圣遗物!
  • 重构了扫描流程,大幅提高使用体验



  • Amenoma.exe 带界面的单文件版本,启动时间略长。(推荐)

  • Amenoma.zip 带界面的多文件版本,解压后使用,启动时间较短。缺点是解压后占用空间较大。

  • AmenomaCLI.exe 使用命令行的单文件版本。

使用中文界面时,请确保下载不带有后缀 _EN 的版本。不同语言的版本不能通用。


  1. 双击 Amenoma.exe 打开程序,等待一会儿代码的解压
  2. 将原神调整分辨率为 1600 * 900,打开背包 - 圣遗物
  3. 捕获窗口并等待
  4. 调整扫描选项
  5. 开始扫描
  6. 扫描结果存储在运行文件夹 artifacts.genshinart.json(莫娜占卜铺) / artifacts.mingyulab.json(MingyuLab) / artifacts.genshin-optimizer.json(Genshin Optimizer)




conda env create -f ./ArtScanner/Tools/model_trainer/dev_env.yml






  • 本软件为离线软件,无需网络环境,不会上传任何信息。
  • 本软件需要操控鼠标对自动对背包中的圣遗物进行点击,并对窗口进行截图。
  • 本项目仅为个人爱好,与 miHoYo 公司无任何关系
  • 本软件为开源软件,不对您因使用本软件而造成的任何损失负责。



这里还没写呢 QwQ

如果遇到问题或任何建议,请提交 issues 或邮件至 [email protected]


我是一名在校大学生,该项目花费了我大量的时间。 非常感谢您的支持!



[email protected]

  • Failed to execute script UIMain_EN

    Failed to execute script UIMain_EN

    Hi there. I was exited about new Amenoma release, so I decided to try it out in hopes that it will fix some issues I had in the past. However, insted of doing a propper test I got that message when trying to launch the app. Does anybody experience same trouble?


    opened by Vasilic-Maxim 4
  • genshin-optimizer JSON format not supported yet

    genshin-optimizer JSON format not supported yet

    genshin-optimizer默默看了一眼,表示你们没更新JSON 233, format 不一样了 image image {"version":6,"characterDatabase":{},"artifactDatabase":{"artifact_1":{"id":"artifact_1","setKey":"Berserker","numStars":3,"level":0,"slotKey":"flower","mainStatKey":"hp","substats":[{"key":"","value":0},{"key":"hp_","value":2.5},{"key":"","value":0},{"key":"","value":0}],"location":"","lock":false}},"artifactDisplay":{"filterArtSetKey":"","filterStars":[3,4,5],"filterLevelLow":0,"filterLevelHigh":20,"filterSlotKey":"","filterMainStatKey":"","filterSubstats":["","","",""],"filterLocation":"","filterLocked":"","ascending":false,"sortType":"quality","maxNumArtifactsToDisplay":50,"effFilter":["hp","hp_","atk","atk_","def_","def","eleMas","enerRech_","critRate_","critDMG_"]},"characterDisplay":{},"buildsDisplay":{}}

    opened by qwuae1 4
  • Noelle and Geo Traveller Artifacts Scanning (GOOD)

    Noelle and Geo Traveller Artifacts Scanning (GOOD)

    When scanning artifacts in GOOD format, Noelle artifacts and Geo Traveller artifacts show inconsistencies.

    For example, after scanning my artifacts, here is what my Noelle and Geo Traveler had in-game (Screencaps attached) Amenoma omits the traveler's artifacts, and Noelle has the incorrect artifacts as well.

    Attached the .txt input as well.


    Please review

    image image artifacts.GOOD.txt

    opened by TLD99 3
  • 关于模型训练




    opened by zyr17 2
  • Ultrawide screen issue

    Ultrawide screen issue

    This is more informational for people running into this issue as I think this is a issue with the Genshin program itself.

    If you have a ultrawide monitor/resolution, the artifact column will be at 6 even after you change it to 1600x900 (or any other resolution at that ratio).

    In order to fix it, you must change the resolution to 1600x900, close and restart the game completely. After restarting, the artifact column will be at 7.

    good first issue 
    opened by crazeman87 2
  • Enhansment Ores are not counted

    Enhansment Ores are not counted

    Hi there. I used the latest release (2.3.1) and got the issue of the Enhancement Ores not being counted. By opening this issue, I would like to know if you have any plans to add it. Those materials are already included in materials list by developers of GOOD format. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    good first issue 
    opened by Vasilic-Maxim 2
  • scanning issue

    scanning issue

    just downloaded 2.3.0 to update my artifacts for genshin optimizer and I'm seeing it fail to scan 1 artifact per screen scroll in the screenshot i attached you should see last item in log just as it starts to scroll isn't a plume of death but an hourglass it's possible its duplicating something else perhaps as a side effect looking at how a couple artifacts are showing in optimizer now

    Screenshot (637)

    opened by brettowe 2
  • Number isn't properly read

    Number isn't properly read

    Hello, have issue on the number recognition. Some of the materials does not have the right amount

    Don't know if it will be fixed for 2.4 but submitting just in case, keep up de good work ! [ Number isn't properly read.zip ](url)

    opened by Hexatities 1
  • Scan not work properly

    Scan not work properly


    I tried your tool & I followed all step but when I importe file "GOOD" in genshin-center.com/planner, its show wrong number or missed items (show "0")

    I put my game in resolution 1600*900 + english language but its dont work correctly, I tried 0.15s but its skip some items or show wrong quantity number

    I did something wrong?

    Ty for this awesome tool :)

    opened by Nesishoot 1
  • Add license scan report and status

    Add license scan report and status

    Your FOSSA integration was successful! Attached in this PR is a badge and license report to track scan status in your README.

    Below are docs for integrating FOSSA license checks into your CI:

    opened by fossabot 0
  • The new 3.3 artifacts are not being accurately scanned by Amenoma.

    The new 3.3 artifacts are not being accurately scanned by Amenoma.


    As the title suggests, the two new artifact sets (the Bloom set and the Desert Pavilion set) are not being scanned by this artifact scanner.

    Could someone be able to shed any light on when the app would be updated to include these new sets?

    Would appreciate a reply here as I'm quite dependent on this application for all my artifact scanning needs!

    opened by DChangka 1
  • "Failed to process numbers" Error


    I tried to scan my artifacts as usual but encountered a strange error. For every 5* I try to scan, it gives me the error 'failed to process numbers' or 'failed to validate numbers'. I don't understand why, these aren't the 3.3 artifacts. Is this an issue with the new version or am I doing something wrong? image

    opened by nonarygaming 2
  • App refuses to capture window

    App refuses to capture window

    In both the artifact and the material tabs, it returns the message: "Trying to capture the window... Capture window failed." I have tried all the available resolutions, and restarted both Genshin and Amenoma but it still doesn't work, I even re-downloaded Amenoma. It has worked in the past, I don't think I've changed anything since I last used it. Any idea what's up? Will gladly provide any information I can

    opened by GeometricalTaco 2
  • 格式转换代码存在问题



                res = {'name': ArtNames[SetNamesGOOD.index(item['setKey'])][TypeNamesGOOD.index(item['slotKey'])],

    当处理诸如祭水等一套只有一件的圣遗物时,会报告list index out of range



        ["", "", "", "", "祭水礼冠"],
        ["", "", "", "", "祭火礼冠"],
        ["", "", "", "", "祭雷礼冠"],
        ["", "", "", "", "祭冰礼冠"],
    opened by oTnTh 0
  • “导出所有格式的json文件”还是有问题



    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:21,005 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=扫描: 1480
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:21,005 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=  - 保存: 1374
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:21,005 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=  - 失败: 0
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:21,006 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=  - 跳过: 106
    [  ERROR] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,441 /    UIMain[980]	/string indices must be integers
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "UIMain.py", line 974, in scanArts
      File "UIMain.py", line 974, in <lambda>
      File "art_saver.py", line 250, in exportGenshinArtJSON
    TypeError: string indices must be integers
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,441 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=扫描已中断
    [  ERROR] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,486 /    UIMain[374]	/Error message shown. msg=TypeError('string indices must be integers')
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,488 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=导出出错,已停止
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,492 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=扫描: 1480
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,492 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=  - 保存: 1374
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,493 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=  - 失败: 0
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,493 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=  - 跳过: 106
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,493 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=失败结果将存储至 artifacts 文件夹
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,493 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=星级: (保存 / 扫描)
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,494 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=5: 1030 / 1030
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,494 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=4: 344 / 344
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,494 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=3: 0 / 37
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,494 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=2: 0 / 32
    [   INFO] 2022-09-13 05:20:24,495 /    UIMain[368]	/Info message shown. msg=1: 0 / 37
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