YOLO5Face: Why Reinventing a Face Detector (https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.12931)



Yolov5-face is a real-time,high accuracy face detection.


Single Scale Inference on VGA resolution(max side is equal to 640 and scale).

Large family

Method Backbone Easy Medium Hard #Params(M) #Flops(G)
DSFD (CVPR19) ResNet152 94.29 91.47 71.39 120.06 259.55
RetinaFace (CVPR20) ResNet50 94.92 91.90 64.17 29.50 37.59
HAMBox (CVPR20) ResNet50 95.27 93.76 76.75 30.24 43.28
TinaFace (Arxiv20) ResNet50 95.61 94.25 81.43 37.98 172.95
SCRFD-34GF(Arxiv21) Bottleneck Res 96.06 94.92 85.29 9.80 34.13
SCRFD-10GF(Arxiv21) Basic Res 95.16 93.87 83.05 3.86 9.98
- - - - - - -
YOLOv5s CSPNet 94.67 92.75 83.03 7.075 5.751
YOLOv5s6 CSPNet 95.48 93.66 82.8 12.386 6.280
YOLOv5m CSPNet 95.30 93.76 85.28 21.063 18.146
YOLOv5m6 CSPNet 95.66 94.1 85.2 35.485 19.773
YOLOv5l CSPNet 95.78 94.30 86.13 46.627 41.607
YOLOv5l6 CSPNet 96.38 94.90 85.88 76.674 45.279

Small family

Method Backbone Easy Medium Hard #Params(M) #Flops(G)
RetinaFace (CVPR20 MobileNet0.25 87.78 81.16 47.32 0.44 0.802
FaceBoxes (IJCB17) 76.17 57.17 24.18 1.01 0.275
SCRFD-0.5GF(Arxiv21) Depth-wise Conv 90.57 88.12 68.51 0.57 0.508
SCRFD-2.5GF(Arxiv21) Basic Res 93.78 92.16 77.87 0.67 2.53
- - - - - - -
YOLOv5n ShuffleNetv2 93.74 91.54 80.32 1.726 2.111
YOLOv5n-0.5 ShuffleNetv2 90.76 88.12 73.82 0.447 0.571


Name Easy Medium Hard FLOPs(G) Params(M) Link
yolov5n-0.5 90.76 88.12 73.82 0.571 0.447 Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UgiKwzFq5NXI2y-Zui1kiA pwd: s5ow, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XJ8w55Y9Po7Y5WP4X1Kg1a77ok2tL_KY/view?usp=sharing
yolov5n 93.61 91.52 80.53 2.111 1.726 Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xsYns6cyB84aPDgXB7sNDQ pwd: lw9j,https://drive.google.com/file/d/18oenL6tjFkdR1f5IgpYeQfDFqU4w3jEr/view?usp=sharing
yolov5s 94.33 92.61 83.15 5.751 7.075 Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fyzLxZYx7Ja1_PCIWRhxbw Link: eq0q,https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zxaHeLDyID9YU4-hqK7KNepXIwbTkRIO/view?usp=sharing
yolov5m 95.30 93.76 85.28 18.146 21.063 Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1oePvd2K6R4-gT0g7EERmdQ pwd: jmtk
yolov5l 95.78 94.30 86.13 41.607 46.627 Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/11l4qSEgA2-c7e8lpRt8iFw pwd: 0mq7

Data preparation

  1. Download WIDERFace datasets.
  2. Download annotation files from google drive.
python3 train2yolo.py
python3 val2yolo.py


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,2,3" python3 train.py --data data/widerface.yaml --cfg models/yolov5s.yaml --weights 'pretrained models'

WIDERFace Evaluation

python3 test_widerface.py --weights 'your test model' --img-size 640

cd widerface_evaluate
python3 evaluation.py


Android demo









  • If you think this work is useful for you, please cite

    title = {YOLO5Face: Why Reinventing a Face Detector},
    author = {Delong Qi and Weijun Tan and Qi Yao and Jingfeng Liu},
    booktitle = {ArXiv preprint ArXiv:2105.12931},
    year = {2021}
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