RGB-stacking 🛑 🟩 🔷 for robotic manipulation


RGB-stacking 🛑 🟩 🔷 for robotic manipulation


Beyond Pick-and-Place: Tackling Robotic Stacking of Diverse Shapes,
Alex X. Lee*, Coline Devin*, Yuxiang Zhou*, Thomas Lampe*, Konstantinos Bousmalis*, Jost Tobias Springenberg*, Arunkumar Byravan, Abbas Abdolmaleki, Nimrod Gileadi, David Khosid, Claudio Fantacci, Jose Enrique Chen, Akhil Raju, Rae Jeong, Michael Neunert, Antoine Laurens, Stefano Saliceti, Federico Casarini, Martin Riedmiller, Raia Hadsell, Francesco Nori.
In Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2021.

The RGB environment

This repository contains an implementation of the simulation environment described in the paper "Beyond Pick-and-Place: Tackling robotic stacking of diverse shapes". Note that this is a re-implementation of the environment (to remove dependencies on internal libraries). As a result, not all the features described in the paper are available at this point. Noticeably, domain randomization is not included in this release. We also aim to provide reference performance metrics of trained policies on this environment in the near future.

In this environment, the agent controls a robot arm with a parallel gripper above a basket, which contains three objects — one red, one green, and one blue, hence the name RGB. The agent's task is to stack the red object on top of the blue object, within 20 seconds, while the green object serves as an obstacle and distraction. The agent controls the robot using a 4D Cartesian controller. The controlled DOFs are x, y, z and rotation around the z axis. The simulation is a MuJoCo environment built using the Modular Manipulation (MoMa) framework.

Corresponding method

The RGB-stacking paper "Beyond Pick-and-Place: Tackling robotic stacking of diverse shapes" also contains a description and thorough evaluation of our initial solution to both the 'Skill Mastery' (training on the 5 designated test triplets and evaluating on them) and the 'Skill Generalization' (training on triplets of training objects and evaluating on the 5 test triplets). Our approach was to first train a state-based policy in simulation via a standard RL algorithm (we used MPO) followed by interactive distillation of the state-based policy into a vision-based policy (using a domain randomized version of the environment) that we then deployed to the robot via zero-shot sim-to-real transfer. We finally improved the policy further via offline RL based on data collected from the sim-to-real policy (we used CRR). For details on our method and the results please consult the paper.

Installing and visualizing the environment

Please ensure that you have a working MuJoCo200 installation and a valid MuJoCo licence.

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/deepmind/rgb_stacking.git
    cd rgb_stacking
  2. Prepare a Python 3 environment - venv is recommended.

    python3 -m venv rgb_stacking_venv
    source rgb_stacking_venv/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the environment viewer:

    python -m rgb_stacking.main

Step 2-4 can also be done by running the run.sh script:


Specifying the object triplet

The default environment will load with Triplet 4 (see Sect. 3.2.1 in the paper). If you wish to use a different triplet you can use the following commands:

from rgb_stacking import environment

env = environment.rgb_stacking(object_triplet=NAME_OF_SET)

The possible NAME_OF_SET are:

  • rgb_test_triplet{i} where i is one of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Loads test triplet i.
  • rgb_test_random: Randomly loads one of the 5 test triplets.
  • rgb_train_random: Triplet comprised of blocks from the training set.
  • rgb_heldout_random: Triplet comprised of blocks from the held-out set.

For more information on the blocks and the possible options, please refer to the rgb_objects repository.

Specifying the observation space

By default, the observations exposed by the environment are only the ones we used for training our state-based agents. To use another set of observations please use the following code snippet:

from rgb_stacking import environment

env = environment.rgb_stacking(

The possible CHOSEN_SET are:

  • STATE_ONLY: Only the state observations, used for training expert policies from state in simulation (stage 1).
  • VISION_ONLY: Only image observations.
  • ALL: All observations.
  • INTERACTIVE_IMITATION_LEARNING: Pair of image observations and a subset of proprioception observations, used for interactive imitation learning (stage 2).
  • OFFLINE_POLICY_IMPROVEMENT: Pair of image observations and a subset of proprioception observations, used for the one-step offline policy improvement (stage 3).

Real RGB-Stacking Environment: CAD models and assembly instructions

The CAD model of the setup is available in onshape.

We also provide the following documents for the assembly of the real cell:

  • Assembly instructions for the basket.
  • Assembly instructions for the robot.
  • Assembly instructions for the cell.
  • The bill of materials of all the necessary parts.
  • A diagram with the wiring of cell.

The RGB-objects themselves can be 3D-printed using the STLs available in the rgb_objects repository.


If you use rgb_stacking in your work, please cite the accompanying paper:

    title={Beyond Pick-and-Place: Tackling Robotic Stacking of Diverse Shapes},
    author={Alex X. Lee and
            Coline Devin and
            Yuxiang Zhou and
            Thomas Lampe and
            Konstantinos Bousmalis and
            Jost Tobias Springenberg and
            Arunkumar Byravan and
            Abbas Abdolmaleki and
            Nimrod Gileadi and
            David Khosid and
            Claudio Fantacci and
            Jose Enrique Chen and
            Akhil Raju and
            Rae Jeong and
            Michael Neunert and
            Antoine Laurens and
            Stefano Saliceti and
            Federico Casarini and
            Martin Riedmiller and
            Raia Hadsell and
            Francesco Nori},
    booktitle={Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)},

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