Telegram tools



Telegram tools.


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  1. Export group memebrs
  2. Add users to the group
  3. Send message to users

Setup API

  1. Open and login.
  2. Click on API development tools and fill the required fields.

  1. Fill in api_id, api_hash, moble number in the config.txt file.



  1. Open Command Prompt and enter python3, then will open Microsoft Store.

  1. Install Python
  2. Enter command python3 -m pip install telethon or pip3 install telethon to install telethon.


  1. Enter brew install python3 in the Terminal.
  2. Enter command python3 -m pip install telethon or pip3 install telethon to install telethon.



If you want to use the Add users to the group or Send message to users feature, you need to set up the csv file.

python3 xxxxx.csv

Newbie coder. Interested HTML, Applescript and Linux Shell.
A Bot Upload file|video To Telegram using given Links.

A Bot Upload file|video To Telegram using given Links.

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Powerful Telegram bot to countdown to your important events in any group chat.

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