DEPRECATED - Official Python Client for the Discogs API



This repository is no longer maintained. You can still use a REST client like Requests or other third-party Python library to access the Discogs REST API.

Discogs API Client

This is the official Discogs API client for Python. It enables you to query the Discogs database for information on artists, releases, labels, users, Marketplace listings, and more. It also supports OAuth 1.0a authorization, which allows you to change user data such as profile information, collections and wantlists, inventory, and orders.

Build Status Coverage Status


Install the client from PyPI using your favorite package manager.

$ pip install discogs_client


Instantiating the client object

>>> import discogs_client
>>> d = discogs_client.Client('ExampleApplication/0.1')

Authorization (optional)

There are a couple of different authorization methods you can choose from depending on your requirements.

OAuth authentication

This method will allow your application to make requests on behalf of any user who logs in.

For this, specify your app's consumer key and secret:

>>> d.set_consumer_key('key-here', 'secret-here')
>>> # Or you can do this when you instantiate the Client

Then go through the OAuth 1.0a process. In a web app, we'd specify a callback_url. In this example, we'll use the OOB flow.

>>> d.get_authorize_url()
('request-token', 'request-secret', 'authorize-url-here')

The client will hang on to the access token and secret, but in a web app, you'd want to persist those and pass them into a new Client instance on the next request.

Next, visit the authorize URL, authenticate as a Discogs user, and get the verifier:

>>> d.get_access_token('verifier-here')
('access-token-here', 'access-secret-here')

Now you can make requests on behalf of the user.

>>> me = d.identity()
>>> "I'm {0} ({1}) from {2}.".format(, me.username, me.location)
u"I'm Joe Bloggs (example) from Portland, Oregon."
>>> len(me.wantlist)
>>> me.wantlist.add(d.release(5))
>>> len(me.wantlist)

User-token authentication

This is one of the simplest ways to authenticate and become able to perform requests requiring authentication, such as search (see below). The downside is that you'll be limited to the information only your user account can see (i.e., no requests on behalf of other users).

For this, you'll need to generate a user-token from your developer settings on the Discogs website.

>>> d = discogs_client.Client('ExampleApplication/0.1', user_token="my_user_token")

Fetching data

Use methods on the client to fetch objects. You can search for objects:

>>> results ='Stockholm By Night', type='release')
>>> results.pages
>>> artist = results[0].artists[0]
u'Persuader, The'

Or fetch them by ID:

>>> artist == d.artist(1)

You can drill down as far as you like.

>>> releases ='Bit Shifter', type='artist')[0].releases[1].\
...     versions[0].labels[0].releases
>>> len(releases)


Query for an artist using the artist's name:

>>> artist = d.artist(956139)
>>> print artist
<Artist "...">
>>> 'name' in

Special properties

Get a list of Artists representing this artist's aliases:

>>> artist.aliases

Get a list of Releases by this artist by page number:



Query for a release using its Discogs ID:

>>> release = d.release(221824)

Special properties

Get the title of this Release:

>>> release.title

Get a list of all Artists associated with this Release:

>>> release.artists
[<Artist "...">]

Get the tracklist for this Release:

>>> release.tracklist

Get the MasterRelease for this Release:

>>> release.master
<MasterRelease "...">

Get a list of all Labels for this Release:

>>> release.labels


Query for a master release using its Discogs ID:

>>> master_release = d.master(120735)

Special properties

Get the key Release for this MasterRelease:

>>> master_release.main_release
<Release "...">

Get the title of this MasterRelease:

>>> master_release.title
>>> master_release.title == master_release.main_release.title

Get a list of Releases representing other versions of this MasterRelease by page number:


Get the tracklist for this MasterRelease:

>>> master_release.tracklist


Query for a label using the label's name:

>>> label = d.label(6170)

Special properties

Get a list of Releases from this Label by page number:


Get a list of Labels representing sublabels associated with this Label:

>>> label.sublabels

Get the Label's parent label, if it exists:

>>> label.parent_label
<Label "Warp Records Limited">


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Open a pull-request

For more information

Check the included documentation, or just spin up a REPL and use dir() on things :)

  • Make discogs_client python 2 & python 3 compatible

    Make discogs_client python 2 & python 3 compatible

    This PR makes discogs_client python 2 and python 3 compatible.

    Notables changes include:

    • switch from python-oauth2 (no py3k compatibility) to oauthlib (→ helps with #40)
    • fix numerous pep8 error
    • make tests deterministic
    opened by brunal 20
  • Add user token authentication

    Add user token authentication

    I've just added user_token "authentication".

    Can't figure out how to add a test for it, but you can use this for testing:

    __author__ = 'aweil'
    import os
    import unittest
    import discogs_client
    class UserTokenTest(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
            with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.discogs_user_token'), 'rb') as f:
                self.discosgs_token =
        def test_search(self):
            d = discogs_client.Client('TenukiWebApp1/0.1', user_token=self.discosgs_token)
            query_releases ='Bit Shifter', type='artist')[0].releases[1].versions[0].labels[0].releases
            self.assertTrue( len(query_releases)>0)
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    Please let me know when/where to add documentation when available and if you want I to documentate it in the readme.

    opened by tenuki 10
  • Detailed exceptions for token request failures

    Detailed exceptions for token request failures

    This adds richer exception information when the request token request fails. This is important because it can fail for several different reasons, including:

    • bad timestamp
    • bad consumer
    • bad signature

    This makes it at least possible to tell what's going wrong.


    $ python -c "import discogs_client ; discogs_client.Client('[...]', '[...]', '[...]').get_authorize_url()"
    discogs_client.exceptions.HTTPError: 401: Invalid response from request token URL.


    $ python -c "import discogs_client ; discogs_client.Client('[...]', '[...]', '[...]').get_authorize_url()"
    discogs_client.exceptions.AuthorizationError: 401: Could not get request token. Response: 'Invalid consumer.'

    This came up in

    opened by sampsyo 9
  • discogs_client doesnt honor Discogs rate limits

    discogs_client doesnt honor Discogs rate limits

    Discogs has recently lowered their rate limit from 240 reqs/min to 60 reqs/min. This obviously means that some applications will hit the limit quite soon.

    opened by T-101 8
  • Checkout fails on Windows due to invalid file names

    Checkout fails on Windows due to invalid file names

    Git checkout of repository fails.... error: unable to create file discogs_client/tests/res/artists/1/releases?per_page=50&page=1.json (Invalid argument) error: unable to create file discogs_client/tests/res/artists/1/releases?per_page=50&page=2.json (Invalid argument) error: unable to create file discogs_client/tests/res/database/search?q=trash80&per_page=50&page=1.json (Invalid argument) error: unable to create file discogs_client/tests/res/masters/4242/versions?per_page=50&page=1.json (Invalid argument) error: unable to create file discogs_client/tests/res/users/example/wants?per_page=50&page=1.json (Invalid argument)

    opened by zoomorph 8
  • requests.get has wrong parameters

    requests.get has wrong parameters

    With the current git clone (but I think this was also present with the version coming from pypi) I get the following traceback:

    >>> r = discogs.Release( 934425 )
    >>> t = r.tracklist[9]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/discogs_client-1.1.0-py2.7.egg/", line 165, in tracklist
        for track in'tracklist', []):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/discogs_client-1.1.0-py2.7.egg/", line 52, in data
        if self._response.content and self._response.status_code == 200:
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/discogs_client-1.1.0-py2.7.egg/", line 38, in _response
        self._cached_response = requests.get(self._uri, self._params, self._headers)
    TypeError: get() takes exactly 1 argument (3 given)

    during the install (python install) it installed version 0.6.1 of the python-requests library.

    I was doing a fork but right now git push doesn't seem to be working, so here is just the trivial patch as plain text:

    diff --git a/ b/
    index f52d769..ee2e48d 100644
    --- a/
    +++ b/
    @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class APIBase(object):
             if not self._cached_response:
                 if not self._check_user_agent():
                     raise DiscogsAPIError, 'Invalid or no User-Agent set'
    -            self._cached_response = requests.get(self._uri, self._params, self._headers)
    +            self._cached_response = requests.get(self._uri, params=self._params, headers=self._headers)
             return self._cached_response
    opened by matigit 7
  • TypeError: __repr__ returned non-string (type bytes)

    TypeError: __repr__ returned non-string (type bytes)

    Here is a minimal example of my attempts to interact with the Discogs API:

    from SensitiveInformation.discogs_application_info import provide_discogs_auth, provide_verifier
    import discogs_client
    discogs_consumer_key, discogs_consumer_secret = provide_discogs_auth()
    discogs = discogs_client.Client(user_agent="ThoughfulMachineLearning",
    discogs_auth_url = discogs.get_authorize_url()

    The functions provide_discogs_auth and provide_verifier simply return the consumer key & secret and the verifier from user authorization. get_access_token returns the access key and secret as expected.

    However, on the last line, when I make an API call, I get:

    Out[38]: In[39]: discogs.identity()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    Out[39]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/IPython/core/", line 219, in catch_format_error
        r = method(self, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/IPython/core/", line 690, in __call__
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/IPython/lib/", line 407, in pretty
        return _default_pprint(obj, self, cycle)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/IPython/lib/", line 527, in _default_pprint
        _repr_pprint(obj, p, cycle)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/IPython/lib/", line 709, in _repr_pprint
        output = repr(obj)
    TypeError: __repr__ returned non-string (type bytes)

    Not sure if this is related to IPython or the client library, but would appreciate help either way. Thanks.

    opened by tchakravarty 6
  • Fix Issue #37

    Fix Issue #37

    Fix Issue #37 -- allow to clone properly on Windows.

    • Renamed all test files to replace '?' with '_'
    • Changed FileSystemFetcher to likewise replace '?' with '_' when loading a test file
    • Added logic to FileSystemFetcher to check for all permutations of parameters contained in a test file's name.
    • Removed symlinks from repo.
    • The repo now clones cleanly on Windows.
    • Unit tests passed.
    opened by leo-dor 6
  • Non-ASCII searches fail because python-oauth2 is broken

    Non-ASCII searches fail because python-oauth2 is broken

    Searching for a non-ASCII term causes this error:

    >>> import discogs_client
    >>> c = discogs_client.Client('user_agent', 'bogus_key', 'bogus_secret')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    [ ... snip ... ]
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oauth2/", line 442, in to_url
        urllib.urlencode(query, True), fragment)
      File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.8_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 1357, in urlencode
        l.append(k + '=' + quote_plus(str(elt)))
    UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 3-4: ordinal not in range(128)

    This is due to a known bug in python-oauth2: That library, unfortunately, appears to be abandoned: the last commit was in 2011 (c.f. this lament over the sorry state of Python OAuth libraries).

    It's worth noting that this was not an issue when sending non-ASCII requests without OAuth authentication because they don't go through the broken library. This has only come up recently because the search API now requires authentication, so we're now these previously-working requests are now hitting this bug.

    As unattractive as it seems, I think the only solution may be to move to a more modern OAuth library. Personally, I've had success with rauth.

    opened by sampsyo 6
  • Release attributes return different values depending on previosly accessed fiels

    Release attributes return different values depending on previosly accessed fiels

    from discogs_client import Client, Release
    client = Client('python')
    releases = [i for i in'Flying Horseman') if isinstance(i, Release)]
    r = releases[3]
    print r.title           # Flying Horseman - City Same City
    print['title']   # Flying Horseman - City Same City
    print r.master.title    # City Same City
    print r.title           # City Same City

    This behavior is really strange: Accessing Release.master.title also changes Release.title. I can't find a way to get just album name without artist, it works only if I access master first.

    opened by andriykohut 6
  • incorrect tracklist for versions with more than one side CD

    incorrect tracklist for versions with more than one side CD

    let us say i want to get a tracklist of this version of a release - - works fine because it has only one side


    let us say i want to get a tracklist of this version of a release which is double side LTD -

    it returns a buggy list with two more strings which ARE NOT TRACKS but names of each side.

    opened by ExperimentalHypothesis 5
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