Auth for use with FastAPI


FastAPI Auth

Pluggable auth for use with FastAPI

  • Supports OAuth2 Password Flow
  • Uses JWT access and refresh tokens
  • 100% mypy and test coverage
  • Supports custom user models (both ORM and pydantic) without sacrificing any type-safety


After installing the development dependencies, the following script should run as-is:

from typing import Optional

import sqlalchemy as sa
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import EmailStr

from fastapi_auth.auth_app import BaseAuthRouterBuilder
from fastapi_auth.auth_settings import get_auth_settings
from fastapi_auth.fastapi_util.api_model import APIModel
from fastapi_auth.fastapi_util.orm.base import Base
from fastapi_auth.models.user import (
    UserBaseInDB as BaseUserModel,
    UserCreate as BaseUserCreate,
    UserCreateRequest as BaseUserCreateRequest,
    UserInDB as BaseUserInDB,
    UserUpdate as BaseUserUpdate,
from fastapi_auth.orm.user import BaseUser

# Pydantic Models
class ExtraUserAttributes(APIModel):
    email: Optional[EmailStr]

class UserCreate(BaseUserCreate, ExtraUserAttributes):

class UserCreateRequest(BaseUserCreateRequest, ExtraUserAttributes):

class UserInDB(BaseUserInDB, ExtraUserAttributes):

class UserUpdate(BaseUserUpdate, ExtraUserAttributes):

class UserResult(BaseUserModel, ExtraUserAttributes):

# Sqlalchemy Model
class User(BaseUser, Base):
    email = sa.Column(sa.String)

class AuthRouterBuilder(
        UserCreate, UserCreateRequest, UserInDB, UserUpdate, UserResult, User
    create_type = UserCreate
    create_request_type = UserCreateRequest
    in_db_type = UserInDB
    update_type = UserUpdate
    api_type = UserResult
    orm_type = User

auth_settings = get_auth_settings()
router_builder = AuthRouterBuilder(auth_settings)

app = FastAPI()

...  # Add routes



You can run the above app the same way you would run any other ASGI app, and see the docs at /docs.

  • You can find a more complete example of configuring an app in tests/test_auth_app/
  • Dependency functions that can be used to read the user can be found in fastapi_auth.dependencies
    • If you want to inject the full user model from the database, use the classmethod AuthRouteBuilder.get_user
  • Various environment-variable-controlled settings are contained in fastapi_auth.auth_settings


Pull requests welcome!

To get started, clone the repo and run make develop.

Make commands:

Run make from the project root to see basic command documentation


  • Release on PyPI (please let me know if you can help with this!)
  • Improve documentation, including a more representative example app using dependencies, etc.
  • Refactor fastapi_auth.fastapi_utils into a stand-alone package
  • Consider replacing the use of sqlalchemy's ORM with encode/databases
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