Admin Panel for GinoORM - ready to up & run (just add your models)



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Docs (state: in process): Gino-Admin docs

Play with Demo (current master 0.2.3) >>>> Gino-Admin demo <<<< (login: admin, pass: 1234)

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Admin Panel for PostgreSQL DB with Gino ORM and Sanic

Table view Load Presets

How to install

    pip install gino-admin==0.2.3

How to use

You can find several code examples in examples/ folder.

Updates in version 0.2.3 (current master):

  1. Fix for the issue
  2. 'gino' support tables removed from menu
  3. Incremental Ids (fields) supported now in UI - they showed as disable inputs in Adding and Edit forms and not cause issue anymore.

Incremental IDs Support

  1. Checkboxes are fixed and now work correct in the "False" state.

Updates in version 0.2.2

  1. Added support for types: JSONB, JSON and Time. Examples added as part of base_example - /Users/iuliia_volkova2/work/gino-admin/examples/base_example

  2. Main update: Not needed to use gino.ext.sanic in models as it was previos.

Now you can use any ext if you need (for Fast Api for example) or pure Gino() and you not need to add to your models, any 'ifs' to have additional gino.ext.sanic to get possible work with gino admin.

All examples was changed according to the update.

  1. Sanic was updated to 20.* version. Switched to use 'request.ctx.' in code

  2. Minor things: all date, datetime and timepickers now have default value == to current time/date/datetime.

  3. Tests: was updated structure of integraion tests

Supported features

  • Auth by login/pass with cookie check
  • Create(Add new) item by one for the Model
  • Delete all rows/per element
  • Copy existed element (data table row)
  • Edit existed data (table row)
  • Search/sort in tables
  • Deepcopy element (recursive copy all rows/objects that depend on chosen as ForeignKey)
  • Upload/export data from/to CSV
  • SQL-Runner (execute SQL-queries)
  • Presets: Define order and Load to DB bunch of CSV-files
  • Init DB (Full clean up behavior: Drop tables & Recreate)
  • Composite CSV: Load multiple relative tables in one CSV-file
  • History logs on changes (log for admin panel actions - edit, delete, add, init_db, load presets and etc)
  • Support multiple users for Admin panel (add, edit, remove users from 'Admin Users' page)
  • UI Colors customizing


  • Add possible to add new Presets from GUI
  • Select multiple rows for delete
  • Copy/deepcopy multiple items
  • Edit multiple items (?)
  • Roles for Admin Panel users (split accessess)
  • Filters in Table's columns
  • Other staff on Gino Project Dashboard

Supported Data Types

  • Time, DateTime, Date
  • Boolean, String, Decimal, Numeric, Float and etc.

To see the full list of supported types take a look here: gino_admin/

If you don't see type that you need - open the github issue with request and I will add it Or you can open PR by yourself and I will be glad to review it :)

How to run Gino-Admin

Run with Cli

    gino-admin run #module_name_with_models -d postgresql://%(DB_USER):%(DB_PASSWORD)@%(DB_HOST):%(DB_PORT)/%(DB)

    gino-admin run --help # use to get cli help
    Optional params:
        -d --db
            Expected format: postgresql://%(DB_USER):%(DB_PASSWORD)@%(DB_HOST):%(DB_PORT)/%(DB)
            Example: postgresql://gino:gino@%gino:5432/gino (based on DB settings in examples/)
            Notice: DB credentials can be set up as  env variables with 'SANIC_' prefix
        -h --host
        -p --port
        -c --config Example:  -c "presets_folder=examples/base_example/src/csv_to_upload;some_property=1"
                    Notice: all fields that not supported in config will be ignored, like 'some_property' in example
        --no-auth  Run Admin Panel without Auth in UI
        -u --user Admin User login & password
            Expected format: login:password
            Example: admin:1234
            Notice: user also can be defined from env variable with 'SANIC_' prefix - check Auth section example


    gino-admin run examples/run_from_cli/src/ --db postgresql://gino:[email protected]:5432/gino -u admin:1234

Run Admin Panel as Standalone App (no matter that framework you use in main app)

You can use Gino Admin as stand alone web app. Does not matter what Framework used for your main App and that Gino Ext used to init Gino().

Code example in: examples/fastapi_as_main_app How to run example in: examples/fastapi_as_main_app/how_to_run_example.txt

You need to create (for example, you can use any name) to run admin panel:

import os

from gino_admin import create_admin_app
# import module with your models
import models 

# gino admin uses Sanic as a framework, so you can define most params as environment variables with 'SANIC_' prefix
# in example used this way to define DB credentials & login-password to admin panel

# but you can use 'db_uri' in config to define creds for Database
# check examples/colored_ui/src/ as example 

os.environ["SANIC_DB_HOST"] = os.getenv("DB_HOST", "localhost")
os.environ["SANIC_DB_DATABASE"] = "gino"
os.environ["SANIC_DB_USER"] = "gino"
os.environ["SANIC_DB_PASSWORD"] = "gino"

os.environ["SANIC_ADMIN_USER"] = "admin"
os.environ["SANIC_ADMIN_PASSWORD"] = "1234"

current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # host & port - will be used to up on them admin app
    # config - Gino Admin configuration - check docs to see all possible properties,
    # that allow set path to presets folder or custom_hash_method, optional parameter
    # db_models - list of db.Models classes (tables) that you want to see in Admin Panel
        port=os.getenv("PORT", 5000),
        db_models=[models.User, models.City, models.GiftCard, models.Country],
            "presets_folder": os.path.join(current_path, "csv_to_upload")},

All environment variables you can move to define in docker or .env files as you wish, they not needed to be define in '.py', this is just for example shortness.

Add Admin Panel to existed Sanic application as '/admin' route

Create in your project '' file and use add_admin_panel from from gino_admin import add_admin_panel

Code example in: examples/base_example How to run example in: examples/base_example/how_to_run_example.txt


    from from gino_admin import add_admin_panel

    # your app code

        app, db, [User, Place, City, GiftCard], custom_hash_method=custom_hash_method


  • 'app': your Sanic application
  • 'db' : from gino.ext.sanic import Gino; db = Gino() and
  • [User, Place, City, GiftCard] - list of models that you want to add in Admin Panel to maintain
  • custom_hash_method - optional parameter to define you own hash method to encrypt all '_hash' columns of your Models.

In admin panel _hash fields will be displayed without '_hash' prefix and fields values will be hidden like '******'


Load multiple CSV to DB in order by one click. Presets described that CSV-s files and in that order need to be loaded in DB.

Read the docs: Presets

Composite CSV to Upload

Composite CSV - one file that contains data for several relative tables.

Read the docs: Composite CSV to Upload

Config Gino Admin

Read the docs: Config

Init DB

Init DB feature used for doing full clean up DB - it drop all tables & create them after Drop for all models in Admin Panel.

Upload from CSV

Files-samples for example project can be found here: examples/base_example/src/csv_to_upload


Read in docs: Authorization


In current version, for correct work of Deepcopy feature in Admin Panel model MUST contain at least one unique or primary_key Column (field).


Check in docs: UI Screens

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