Duke Machine Learning Winter School: Computer Vision 2022



Welcome to the Duke Machine Learning Winter School: Computer Vision 2022!

The MLWS-CV includes 3 hands-on training sessions on implementing machine learning tools with the PyTorch software platform. You can see the full description at https://plus.datascience.duke.edu/mlwscv2022

Day 1: Introduction to PyTorch (Billy Carson)

Student notebook (contains space for student to code along): https://github.com/dukeplusds/mlwscv2022/blob/main/day1_student_notebook.ipynb
Full solutions notebook: https://github.com/dukeplusds/mlwscv2022/blob/main/day1_solution_notebook.ipynb

Day 2: Pytorch for image analysis with convolutional neural networks (Gavin Karr)

Student notebook (contains space for student to code along): https://github.com/dukeplusds/mlwscv2022/blob/main/day2_student_notebook.ipynb
Full solutions notebook: https://github.com/dukeplusds/mlwscv2022/blob/main/day2_solution_notebook.ipynb

Day 3: PyTorch for image analysis including image segmentation and object detection (Akhil Ambekar)

Part 1:
Student notebook (contains space for student to code along): https://github.com/dukeplusds/mlwscv2022/blob/main/day3_student_notebook_part1.ipynb
Full solutions notebook: https://github.com/dukeplusds/mlwscv2022/blob/main/day3_solutions_notebook_part1.ipynb

Part 2:
Student notebook (contains space for student to code along): https://github.com/dukeplusds/mlwscv2022/blob/main/day3_student_notebook_part2.ipynb
Full solutions notebook: https://github.com/dukeplusds/mlwscv2022/blob/main/day3_solutions_notebook_part2.ipynb

We are using a virtual computing environment provided by Duke's Office of Information Technology (OIT). For those that are interested, the source code for the Docker container can be found here: https://gitlab.oit.duke.edu/mccahill/ml-winter-school

Duke + Data Science (+DS)
Duke + Data Science (+DS)
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Meta Self-learning for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation: A Benchmark

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FACIAL: Synthesizing Dynamic Talking Face With Implicit Attribute Learning. ICCV, 2021.

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DeRF: Decomposed Radiance Fields

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Unofficial PyTorch implementation of Google AI's VoiceFilter system

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Official implementation of "Robust channel-wise illumination estimation"

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Look Who’s Talking: Active Speaker Detection in the Wild

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improvement of CLIP features over the traditional resnet features on the visual question answering, image captioning, navigation and visual entailment tasks.

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TensorFlow implementation of the algorithm in the paper "Decoupled Low-light Image Enhancement"

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