Desenvolvendo as habilidades básicas de programação visando a construção de aplicativos por meio de bibliotecas apropriadas à Ciência de Dados.


Algoritmos e Introdução à Computação

Ementa: Conceitos básicos sobre algoritmos e métodos para sua construção. Tipos de dados e variáveis. Estruturas fundamentais de programas: sequencial, condicional e com repetição. Funções. Variáveis compostas homogêneas: vetores e matrizes. Bibliotecas de pacotes prontos na linguagem para os algoritmos de Ciência de Dados, iniciando com os de visualização de dados. Discussões sobre o passado (dados estruturados), presente (Big Data e Ciência de Dados, textos) e futuro da computação (uso intensivo de Inteligência artificial e aprendizado de máquina).

Projetos realizados: Trabalhos 1, 2 & 3

Dyanna Cruz
Data Analyst | Data Science Student at FATEC
Dyanna Cruz
Python Project For Beginner

Basic-Vitrual-AI-Assistant Python Project For Beginner Hey There, I had manipulated Selenium WebDriver to make this assistant. I hope, It will be help

Maruf Billah 13 Dec 12, 2022
How to build an Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter in Python

Generally to measure the temperature we make use of one of these two popular units i.e. Fahrenheit & Celsius.

PyLaboratory 0 Feb 07, 2022
Repo created for the purpose of adding any kind of programs and projects

Programs and Project Repository A repository for adding programs and projects of any kind starting from beginners level to expert ones Contributing to

Unicorn Dev Community 3 Nov 02, 2022
Shutdown Time - A pretty much useless application that allows you to shut your computer down in x time with a GUI.

A pretty much useless application that allows you to shut your computer down in x time with a GUI. Should eventually support Windows (all versions), Linux (v2.0+), MacOS (probably with Linux, idk)

1 Nov 08, 2022
A synchronous, single-threaded interface for starting processes on Linux

A synchronous, single-threaded interface for starting processes on Linux

Spencer Baugh 27 Jan 28, 2022
With Christmas and New Year ahead, it is time for some festive coding. Here is a Christmas Card for you all!

Christmas Card With Christmas and New Year ahead, it is time for some festive coding! Here is a Christmas Card for you all! NOTE: I have not made this

CodeMaster7000 1 Dec 25, 2021
A project to work with databases in 4 worksheets, insert, update, select, delete using Python and MySqI

A project to work with databases in 4 worksheets, insert, update, select, delete using Python and MySqI As a small project for school or college hope it is useful

Sina Org 1 Jan 11, 2022
A module to prevent invites and joins to Matrix rooms by checking the involved server(s)' domain.

Synapse Domain Rule Checker A module to prevent invites and joins to Matrix rooms by checking the involved server(s)' domain. Installation From the vi 4 Oct 24, 2022
The only purpose of a byte-sized application is to help you create .desktop entry files for downloaded applications.

Turtle 🐢 The only purpose of a byte-sized application is to help you create .desktop entry files for downloaded applications. As of usual with elemen

TenderOwl 14 Dec 29, 2022
Streamlit component to display topics from Streamlit's community forum related to any exception.

streamlit-forum Streamlit component to display topics from Streamlit's community forum related to any exception. Installation pip install streamlit-fo

Snehan Kekre 7 Jul 15, 2022
Make after-work Mending More flexible In Python

Mending Make after-work Mending More flexible In Python A Lite Package focuses on making project's after-post mending pythonic and flexible. Certainly

2 Jun 15, 2022
Euler 021 Py - Euler Problem 021 solved in Python

Euler_021_Py Euler Problem 021 solved in Python Let d(n) be defined as the sum o

Ariel Tynan 1 Jan 24, 2022
Software that extracts spreadsheets from various .pdf files to .csv

Extração de planilhas de diversos arquivos .pdf para .csv O código inteiro foi desenvolvido em Python. Foi utilizado o pacote "tabula" e a biblioteca

Marcos Silva 2 Jan 09, 2022
an opensourced roblox group finder writen in python 100% free and virus-free

Roblox-Group-Finder an opensourced roblox group finder writen in python 100% free and virus-free note : if you don't want install python or just use w

mollomm1 1 Nov 11, 2021
Aevsploit İçin Destekde Bulun Papara: 1427113016

Aevsploit İçin Destekde Bulun Papara: 1427113016 Toolu Geliştirmek İçin Fikirlerinizi Bekliyorum Telegram

9 Jun 07, 2022
This speeds up PyCharm's package index processes and avoids CPU & memory overloading

This speeds up PyCharm's package index processes and avoids CPU & memory overloading

1 Feb 09, 2022
A python program, imitating functionalities of a banking system

A python program, imitating functionalities of a banking system, in order for users to perform certain operations in a bank.

Moyosore Weke 1 Nov 26, 2021
Small Arrow Vortex clipboard processing library

Description Small Arrow Vortex clipboard processing library. Install You can install this library from PyPI with pip install av-clipboard-lib or compi

Delta Epsilon 1 Dec 18, 2021
(Pre-)compromise operations for MITRE CALDERA

(Pre-)compromise operations for CALDERA Extend your CALDERA operations over the entire adversary killchain. In contrast to MITRE's access plugin, cald

Diederik Bakker 3 Aug 22, 2022
A "multiclipboards" script for an efficient way to improve the original clipboards which are only able to save one string at a time

A "multiclipboards" script for an efficient way to improve the original clipboards which are only able to save one string at a time. Works on both Windows and Linux.

1 Jan 24, 2022