Environment Inference for Invariant Learning
This code accompanies the paper Environment Inference for Invariant Learning, which appears at ICML 2021.
Thanks to my wonderful co-authors Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen and Richard Zemel.
The InvariantRiskMinimization subdirectory is modified from https://github.com/facebookresearch/InvariantRiskMinimization, and has its own license.
Reproducing paper results
Sythetic data
To produce results
cd InvariantRiskMinimization/code/experiment_synthetic/
To analyze results
To produce results
To analyze results
As an alternative, InvariantRiskMinimization/code/colored_mnist/optimize_envs.sh
also runs EIIL+IRM on CMNIST with 25% label noise (the default from the IRM paper).
Citing this work
If you find this code to your research useful please consider citing our workshop paper using the following bibtex entry
title={Environment Inference for Invariant Learning},
author={Creager, Elliot and Jacobsen, J{\"o}rn-Henrik and Zemel, Richard},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},