Creates Spotify playlists from Spinitron playlists.



Creates Spotify playlists from Spinitron playlists.

Quick Start

You can use spin2spot as a command-line tool:

[email protected]:~$ python -m spin2spot
Created 2 playlists for user erikcdidriksen.

You can also use spin2spot in Python directly:

from spin2spot import build_client, create_playlist

client = build_client('username')
create_playlist(client, '')


In order to use spin2spot, you must have the environment variables set up for spotipy as described in their documentation.

Command-line flags

spin2spot accepts URLs as positional arguments. It also takes two optional arguments:

  • -p or --public makes the new playlist public.
  • -u USERNAME or --user USERNAME specifies the Spotify username to use. If it is not provided, it will default to the contents of the SPIN2SPOT_USERNAME environment variable.


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