Code for `BCD Nets: Scalable Variational Approaches for Bayesian Causal Discovery`, Neurips 2021

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Deep LearningBCD-Nets

This folder contains the code for 'Scalable Variational Approaches for Bayesian Causal Discovery'.


To install, use conda with conda env create -f environment.yml. If this fails for some reason, the key packages are jax jaxlib ott-jax cdt sklearn matplotlib optax dm-haiku tensorflow_probability torch wandb cython fuzzywuzzy python-Levenshtein sumu lingam

You may have to recompile the cython module for the Hungarian algorithm by running cython -3 mine.pyx and then g++ -shared -pthread -fPIC -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -o mine.c in the c_modules directory.

Running Experiments

Run with the --use_wandb flag to write results to a new weights and biases project. Otherwise, the results will be printed to stout.In you may need to uncomment line 11 and replace your path to the Rscript binary

To run BCD Nets and GOLEM experiments in figure 1, for one random seed use arguments such as python -s 0 --n_data 100 --dim 32 --degree 1 --num_steps 30000 --do_ev_noise --sem_type linear-gauss --batch_size 256 --print_golem_solution --degree 1

To run the baselines, run python --eval_eid --run_baselines --n_data 100 --dim 32 --sem_type linear-gauss --only_baselines --degree 2 --do_ev_noise --n_baseline_seeds 3

To run GOLEM, run python --eval_eid --print_golem_solution --n_data 100 --dim 32 --sem_type linear-gauss --degree 2 --do_ev_noise --num_steps 10

To run on the Sachs dataset, include the --use_sachs flag.

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