Deep Networks with Recurrent Layer Aggregation

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Deep LearningRLANet

RLA-Net: Recurrent Layer Aggregation

Recurrence along Depth: Deep Networks with Recurrent Layer Aggregation

This is an implementation of RLA-Net (accept by NeurIPS-2021, paper).



This paper introduces a concept of layer aggregation to describe how information from previous layers can be reused to better extract features at the current layer. While DenseNet is a typical example of the layer aggregation mechanism, its redundancy has been commonly criticized in the literature. This motivates us to propose a very light-weighted module, called recurrent layer aggregation (RLA), by making use of the sequential structure of layers in a deep CNN. Our RLA module is compatible with many mainstream deep CNNs, including ResNets, Xception and MobileNetV2, and its effectiveness is verified by our extensive experiments on image classification, object detection and instance segmentation tasks. Specifically, improvements can be uniformly observed on CIFAR, ImageNet and MS COCO datasets, and the corresponding RLA-Nets can surprisingly boost the performances by 2-3% on the object detection task. This evidences the power of our RLA module in helping main CNNs better learn structural information in images.

RLA module



  • 2021/04/06 Upload RLA-ResNet model.
  • 2021/04/16 Upload RLA-MobileNetV2 (depthwise separable conv version) model.
  • 2021/09/29 Upload all the ablation study on ImageNet.
  • 2021/09/30 Upload mmdetection files.
  • 2021/10/01 Upload pretrained weights.



Our environments

  • OS: Linux Red Hat 4.8.5
  • CUDA: 10.2
  • Toolkit: Python 3.8.5, PyTorch 1.7.0, torchvision 0.8.1
  • GPU: Tesla V100

Please refer to for more details about installation.

Quick Start

Train with ResNet

- Use single node or multi node with multiple GPUs

Use multi-processing distributed training to launch N processes per node, which has N GPUs. This is the fastest way to use PyTorch for either single node or multi node data parallel training.

python -a {model_name} --b {batch_size} --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 {imagenet-folder with train and val folders}

- Specify single GPU or multiple GPUs

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={device_ids} python -a {model_name} --b {batch_size} --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 {imagenet-folder with train and val folders}


To evaluate the best model

python -a {model_name} --b {batch_size} --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --resume {path to the best model} -e {imagenet-folder with train and val folders}

Visualizing the training result

To generate acc_plot, loss_plot

python --log-dir {log_folder}

Train with MobileNet_v2

It is same with above ResNet replace by

Compute the parameters and FLOPs

If you have install thop, you can to compute the parameters and FLOPs of our models. The usage is below:

python -a {model_name}

More examples are shown in


After installing MMDetection (see, then do the following steps:

  • put the file in the folder './mmdetection/mmdet/models/backbones/', and do not forget to import the model in the file.
  • put the config files (e.g. in the folder './mmdetection/configs/base/models/'
  • put the config files (e.g. in the folder './mmdetection/configs/faster_rcnn'

Note that the config files of the latest version of MMDetection are a little different, please modify the config files according to the latest format.



Model Param. FLOPs Top-1 err.(%) Top-5 err.(%) BaiduDrive(models) Extract code GoogleDrive
RLA-ResNet50 24.67M 4.17G 22.83 6.58 resnet50_rla_2283 5lf1 resnet50_rla_2283
RLA-ECANet50 24.67M 4.18G 22.15 6.11 ecanet50_rla_2215 xrfo ecanet50_rla_2215
RLA-ResNet101 42.92M 7.79G 21.48 5.80 resnet101_rla_2148 zrv5 resnet101_rla_2148
RLA-ECANet101 42.92M 7.80G 21.00 5.51 ecanet101_rla_2100 vhpy ecanet101_rla_2100
RLA-MobileNetV2 3.46M 351.8M 27.62 9.18 dsrla_mobilenetv2_k32_2762 g1pm dsrla_mobilenetv2_k32_2762
RLA-ECA-MobileNetV2 3.46M 352.4M 27.07 8.89 dsrla_mobilenetv2_k32_eca_2707 9orl dsrla_mobilenetv2_k32_eca_2707

COCO 2017

Model AP AP_50 AP_75 BaiduDrive(models) Extract code GoogleDrive
Fast_R-CNN_resnet50_rla 38.8 59.6 42.0 faster_rcnn_r50rla_fpn_1x_coco_388 q5c8 faster_rcnn_r50rla_fpn_1x_coco_388
Fast_R-CNN_ecanet50_rla 39.8 61.2 43.2 faster_rcnn_r50rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_398 f5xs faster_rcnn_r50rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_398
Fast_R-CNN_resnet101_rla 41.2 61.8 44.9 faster_rcnn_r101rla_fpn_1x_coco_412 0ri3 faster_rcnn_r101rla_fpn_1x_coco_412
Fast_R-CNN_ecanet101_rla 42.1 63.3 46.1 faster_rcnn_r101rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_421 cpug faster_rcnn_r101rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_421
RetinaNet_resnet50_rla 37.9 57.0 40.8 retinanet_r50rla_fpn_1x_coco_379 lahj retinanet_r50rla_fpn_1x_coco_379
RetinaNet_ecanet50_rla 39.0 58.7 41.7 retinanet_r50rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_390 adyd retinanet_r50rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_390
RetinaNet_resnet101_rla 40.3 59.8 43.5 retinanet_r101rla_fpn_1x_coco_403 p8y0 retinanet_r101rla_fpn_1x_coco_403
RetinaNet_ecanet101_rla 41.5 61.6 44.4 retinanet_r101rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_415 hdqx retinanet_r101rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_415
Mask_R-CNN_resnet50_rla 39.5 60.1 43.3 mask_rcnn_r50rla_fpn_1x_coco_395 j1x6 mask_rcnn_r50rla_fpn_1x_coco_395
Mask_R-CNN_ecanet50_rla 40.6 61.8 44.0 mask_rcnn_r50rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_406 c08r mask_rcnn_r50rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_406
Mask_R-CNN_resnet101_rla 41.8 62.3 46.2 mask_rcnn_r101rla_fpn_1x_coco_418 8bsn mask_rcnn_r101rla_fpn_1x_coco_418
Mask_R-CNN_ecanet101_rla 42.9 63.6 46.9 mask_rcnn_r101rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_429 3kmz mask_rcnn_r101rlaeca_fpn_1x_coco_429


      title={Recurrence along Depth: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Recurrent Layer Aggregation}, 
      author={Jingyu Zhao and Yanwen Fang and Guodong Li},


Please contact '[email protected]' or '[email protected]'.

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