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Telegram Movie Bot Features Auto Filter Manuel Filter IMDB Admin Commands Broadcast Index IMDB search Inline Search Random pics ids and User info Stat
max_tweeted_word This code is for a bot which will find a Twitter user's most tweeted word and tweet that word, tagging said user The program uses twe
Automatically send commands to send Twitch followers to any Twitch account. You just need to be in a Twitch follow bot Discord server!
AddOns Update Tool Tool to update World of Warcraft AddOns hosted on GitHub Features Pure Python: only Dulwich and Colorlog Multithreaded tasks Manual
Integrating Amazon API Gateway private endpoints with on-premises networks Read the blog about this application: Integrating Amazon API Gateway privat
Nao Tomori Robot Found Me On Telegram As Nao Tomori 🌼 A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy database. How to setup/deplo
Articuno (discord-interactions) A small and fun Discord Bot that is written in Python and discord-interactions (with discord.py) Get started If you wa
codetantrabot This is python program to attend class on myclass(codetantra) Prerequisites You should have Python3 and Pip installed on your system Run
tg-manga-bot Read manga from your favourites websites on telegram. Current Development Bot @idkpythonbot Telegram Channel tg_manga_bot Commands start
DUSC-Bot Discord bot developed by Delhi University Student Community! Libraries Used Pycord - Documentation Features Can purge messages in bulk Drop-D
Googletrans Googletrans is a free and unlimited python library that implemented Google Translate API. This uses the Google Translate Ajax API to make
Find songs on Telegram, like on Shazam... 😎 Open on telegram · Report Bug · Request Feature ⬇️ Installation To get a local copy installed and working
Jira Python Library This library eases the use of the Jira REST API from Python and it has been used in production for years. As this is an open-sourc
📌 DarkV2ray-Manager-Bot 0.1 UPDATE 11/11/2021 Telegram bot v2ray Test user expired date data limit paylode && sni usage user on/off heroku bot hostin
CryptoBar A very simple MenuBar app that shows the price of the following crypto
Create Basic ERC20 token with Solidity, Brownie and Python Demo Check out Cornell Token on Rinnkeby network with Etherscan. Installation Install brown
A python api to get info on covid-19
telegram_scan Fantastic and full featured framework for Telegram users and chats investigating. Prerequisites: pip3 install pyrogram; get api_id and a
Bot Hadith-API on Telegram The Bot provide Hadith API and fetch content via api.hadith.sutanlab.id Built With Python Asynchronous HTTP protocol client
FerrisWheel An async-ready Python wrapper around FerrisChat's API. Installation Instructions Linux: $ python3.9 -m pip install -U ferriswheel Python 3