Automated Security Testing For REST API's


Github Release Version Github Release Version

BH 2018 USA

BH 2018 Europe


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REST API penetration testing is complex due to continuous changes in existing APIs and newly added APIs. Astra can be used by security engineers or developers as an integral part of their process, so they can detect and patch vulnerabilities early during development cycle. Astra can automatically detect and test login & logout (Authentication API), so it's easy for anyone to integrate this into CICD pipeline. Astra can take API collection as an input so this can also be used for testing apis in standalone mode.

  • SQL injection
  • Cross site scripting
  • Information Leakage
  • Broken Authentication and session management
  • CSRF (including Blind CSRF)
  • Rate limit
  • CORS misconfiguration (including CORS bypass techniques)
  • JWT attack
  • CRLF detection
  • Blind XXE injection



  • Linux or MacOS
  • Python 2.7
  • mongoDB


$ git clone

$ cd Astra

$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker Installation

Run Mongo Container:

$ docker pull mongo
$ docker run --name astra-mongo -d mongo

Installing GUI Docker:

$ git clone
$ cd Astra
$ docker build -t astra .
$ docker run --rm -it --link astra-mongo:mongo -p 8094:8094 astra

Installing CLI Docker :

$ git clone -b docker-cli
$ cd Astra
$ docker build -t astra-cli .
$ docker run --rm -it --link astra-mongo:mongo astra-cli 


- requests
- logger
- pymongo
- ConfigParser
- pyjwt
- flask
- sqlmap


Usage: CLI

$ python --help

        /\       | |
       /  \   ___| |_ _ __ __ _
      / /\ \ / __| __| '__/ _` |
     / ____ \__ \ |_| | | (_| |
    /_/    \_\___/\__|_|  \__,_|

usage: [-h] [-c {Postman,Swagger}] [-n COLLECTION_NAME] [-u URL]
                [-headers HEADERS] [-method {GET,POST}] [-b BODY]
                [-l LOGINURL] [-H LOGINHEADERS] [-d LOGINDATA]

REST API Security testing Framework

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c {Postman,Swagger}, --collection_type {Postman,Swagger}
                        Type of API collection
                        Type of API collection
  -u URL, --url URL     URL of target API
  -headers HEADERS, --headers HEADERS
                        Custom headers.Example: {"token" : "123"}
  -method {GET,POST}, --method {GET,POST}
                        HTTP request method
  -b BODY, --body BODY  Request body of API
  -l LOGINURL, --loginurl LOGINURL
                        URL of login API
                        Headers should be in a dictionary format. Example:
                        {"accesstoken" : "axzvbqdadf"}
  -d LOGINDATA, --logindata LOGINDATA
                        login data of API

Usage: Web interface

Run the and access the web interface at

$ cd API
$ python


New scan

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Scan Reports

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Detailed Report

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Lead Developer

  • Sagar Popat (@popat_sagar)


  • Ankur Bhargava
  • Harsh Grover
  • Flipkart security team
  • Pardeep Battu
Flipkart Incubator
Flipkart Incubator
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