Extract data from ThousandEyes REST API and visualize it on your customized Grafana Dashboard.


ThousandEyes Grafana Dashboard

Extract data from the ThousandEyes REST API and visualize it on your customized Grafana Dashboard. Deploy Grafana, InfluxDBv2 and the Python connector script within a few minutes.

Supported Functions

  • Get historic data (custom time range) and pull new data (set your own interval) from your ThousandEyes tests.
  • Grafana, a sample Dashboard-template and InfluxDBv2 are already pre-configured
  • Collected data is persistent! It will remain untouched even after the containers will be restarted.
  • Currently Supported Tests:
    • (Web) Page load
    • (Web) HTTP server
    • (Network) End-to-End metrics
    • (Network) Path visualization


Prepare: Create Label (optional), clone git-repo, change settings in config.py

Run: Start containers, copy and insert testId into Grafana

Dashboard-Template Screenshots



  • git, Docker/Docker-compose installed

Installation Steps

  1. Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/flopach/thousandeyes-grafana-dashboard.git
  1. Change your desired settings in the docker/py_connector/config.py file.

  2. Start all containers from the docker/ directory. This may take some minutes.

docker-compose up

More useful commands:

  • Run as daemon mode: docker-compose up -d
  • Stops containers: docker-compose down
  • Build again the containers (when you changed the Python scripts): docker-compose build


Configure: config.py

Simply open docker/py_connector/config.py in any text-editor to set your desired configuration.

  • Create OAuth Bearer Token: Account Settings > Users and Roles >> User API Tokens
  • 2 data selection options:
    • Default: py_connector will add ALL HTTP-Server and Page-Load tests
    • Option: py_connector will add ONLY tests with the defined label
  • time window
  • pull interval

Example: When you've created a ThousandEyes page-load test (see below), you will receive data from 4 views:

Configure: Dashboards

Login to Grafana dashboard and configure your dashboard modules by inserting the ThousandEyes testId. Additionally, use the query editor from the InfluxDB UI as a help to create and copy the Flux language syntax snippet.

Login Grafana - http://localhost:3000

  • username: admin
  • password: admin123

Login InfluxDB - http://localhost:8086

  • username: admin
  • password: admin123

Configure: docker-compose.yml (optional)

If you are not familiar with Docker compose, go ahead to check the documentation. Basically, 4 containers will be spun up:

  • InfluxDBv2: data will be stored outside of the container
  • InfluxDBv2 CLI setup instance: Will setup the other InfluxDBv2 container if it is not setup yet
  • Grafana Dashboard: configuration settings will be stored outside of the container
  • Py connector: Python connector scripts (stored in the py_connector folder)

Good to knows

- InfluxDB Setup Error

When you have already started docker-compose and are re-starting the containers, this error is normal:

influxdb_setup_1  | Error: instance at "http://influxdb:8086" has already been setup
influxdb_setup_1  | See 'influx setup -h' for help
influxdb_setup_1 exited with code 1

- Changing the settings in config.py

When you have already started docker-compose once and would like to change the settings, you need to re-build the py_connector container:

docker-compose build


1.0 (Sep 2021) - Initial version


This project is licensed under the Cisco Samplel Code License 1.1 - see the LICENSE.md file for details

Further Links

Flo Pachinger
Developer Advocate at Cisco DevNet
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