Framework for evaluating ANNS algorithms on billion scale datasets.


Billion-Scale ANN


The only prerequisite is Python (tested with 3.6) and Docker. Works with newer versions of Python as well but probably requires an updated requirements.txt on the host. (Suggestion: copy requirements.txt to requirements${PYTHON_VERSION}.txt and remove all fixed versions. requirements.txt has to be kept for the docker containers.)

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt (Use requirements_py38.txt if you have Python 3.8.)
  3. Install docker by following instructions here. You might also want to follow the post-install steps for running docker in non-root user mode.
  4. Run python to build all the libraries inside Docker containers.

Storing Data

The framework assumes that all data is stored in data/. Please use a symlink if your datasets and indices are supposed to be stored somewhere else. The location of the linked folder matters a great deal for SSD-based search performance in T2. A local SSD such as the one found on Azure Ls-series VMs is better than remote disks, even premium ones. See T1/T2 for more details.

Data sets

See for details on the different datasets.

Dataset Preparation

Before running experiments, datasets have to be downloaded. All preparation can be carried out by calling

python --dataset [bigann-1B | deep-1B | text2image-1B | ssnpp-1B | msturing-1B | msspacev-1B]

Note that downloading the datasets can potentially take many hours.

For local testing, there exist smaller random datasets random-xs and random-range-xs. Furthermore, most datasets have 1M, 10M and 100M versions, run python create_dataset -h to get an overview.

Running the benchmark

Run python --dataset $DS --algorithm $ALGO where DS is the dataset you are running on, and ALGO is the name of the algorithm. (Use python --list-algorithms) to get an overview. python -h provides you with further options.

The parameters used by the implementation to build and query the index can be found in algos.yaml.

Running the track 1 baseline

After running the installation, we can evaluate the baseline as follows.

for DS in bigann-1B  deep-1B  text2image-1B  ssnpp-1B  msturing-1B  msspacev-1B;
    python --dataset $DS --algorithm faiss-t1;

On a 28-core Xeon E5-2690 v4 that provided 100MB/s downloads, carrying out the baseline experiments took roughly 7 days.

To evaluate the results, run

sudo chmod -R 777 results/
python --output res.csv
python3.8 eval/ --algorithm faiss-t1 --threshold 10000

Including your algorithm and Evaluating the Results

See Track T1/T2 for more details on evaluation for Tracks T1 and T2.

See Track T3 for more details on evaluation for Track T3.


This project is a version of ann-benchmarks by Erik Bernhardsson and contributors targetting billion-scale datasets.

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