Our implementation used for the MICCAI 2021 FLARE Challenge titled 'Efficient Multi-Organ Segmentation Using SpatialConfiguartion-Net with Low GPU Memory Requirements'.


Efficient Multi-Organ Segmentation Using SpatialConfiguartion-Net with Low GPU Memory Requirements

Our implementation used for the MICCAI 2021 FLARE Challenge titled Efficient Multi-Organ Segmentation Using SpatialConfiguartion-Net with Low GPU Memory Requirements.

You need to have the MedicalDataAugmentationTool framework by Christian Payer downloaded and in your PYTHONPATH for the scripts to work.

If you have questions about the code, write me a mail.


The following frameworks/libraries were used in the version as stated. If you run into problems with the libraries, please verify that you have the same version installed.

  • Python 3.9
  • TensorFlow 2.6
  • SimpleITK 2.0
  • Numpy 1.20

Dataset and Preprocessing

The dataset as well as a detailed description of it can be found on the challenge website. Follow the steps described there to download the data.

Define the base_dataset_folder containing the downloaded TrainingImg, TrainingMask and ValidationImg in the script preprocessing/preprocessing.py and execute it to generate TrainingImg_small and TrainingMask_small.

Also, download the setup folder provided in this repository and place it in the base_dataset_folder, the following structure is expected:

.                                       # The `base_dataset_folder` of the dataset
├── TrainingImg                         # Image folder containing all training images
│   ├── train_000_0000.nii.gz            
│   ├── ...                   
│   └── train_360_0000.nii.gz            
├── TrainingMask                        # Image folder containing all training masks
│   ├── train_000.nii.gz            
│   ├── ...                   
│   └── train_360.nii.gz  
├── ValidationImg                       # Image folder containing all validation images
│   ├── validation_000_0000.nii.gz            
│   ├── ...                   
│   └── validation_360_0000.nii.gz  
├── TrainingImg_small                   # Image folder containing all downsampled training images generated by `preprocessing/preprocessing.py`
│   ├── train_000_0000.nii.gz            
│   ├── ...                   
│   └── train_360_0000.nii.gz  
├── TrainingMask_small                  # Image folder containing all downsampled training masks generated by `preprocessing/preprocessing.py`
│   ├── train_000_0000.nii.gz            
│   ├── ...                   
│   └── train_360_0000.nii.gz  
└── setup                               # Setup folder as provided in this repository

Train Models

To train a localization model, run localization/main.py after defining the base_dataset_folder as well as the base_output_folder.

To train a segmentation model, run scn/main.py. Again, base_dataset_folder and base_output_folder need to be set accordingly beforehand.

In both cases in function run(), the variable cv can be set to 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. The values 1-4 represent the respective cross-validation fold. When choosing 0, all training data is used to train the model, which also deactivates the generation of test outputs.

Further parameters like the number of training iterations (max_iter) and the number of iterations after which to perfrom testing (test_iter) can be modified in __init__() of the MainLoop class.

Generate a SavedModel

To convert a trained network to a SavedModel, the script localization/main_create_model.py respectively scn/main_create_model.py can be used after a model was trained.

Before running the respective script, the variable load_model_base needs to be set to the trained models output folder, e.g., .../localization/cv1/2021-09-27_13-18-59.

Furthermore, load_model_iter should be set to the same value as max_iter used during training the model. The value needs to be set to an iteration for which the network weights have been generated.

Generate tf_utils_module

The script inference/inference_tf_utils_module.py can be used to trace and save the tf.functions used for preprocessing during inference into a SavedModel and generate saved_models/tf_utils_module.

To do so, the input_path and output_path need to be defined in the script. The input_path is expected to contain valid images, we suggest to use the folder ValidationImg.


The provided inference script can be used to evaluate the performance of our method on unseen data efficiently.

The script inference/inference.py requires that all SavedModels are present in the saved_models folder, i.e., saved_models/localization, saved_models/segmentation and saved_models/tf_utils_module need to contain the respective SavedModel. Either, use the provided SavedModels for inference by copying them from submitted_saved_models to saved_models, or use your own models generated as described above.

Additionally, the input_path and output_path need to be defined in the script. The input_path is expected to contain valid images, we suggest to use the folder ValidationImg.

.                                       # The base folder of this repository.
├── saved_models                        # Required by `inference.py`.
│   ├── localization                    # SavedModel of the localization model.
│   │   ├── assets
│   │   ├── variables
│   │   └── saved_model.pb
│   ├── segmentation                    # SavedModel of the segmentation (scn) model.
│   │   ├── assets
│   │   ├── variables
│   │   └── saved_model.pb
│   └── tf_utils_module                 # SavedModel of the tf.functions used for preprocessing during inference.
│       ├── assets
│       ├── variables
│       └── saved_model.pb


The provided Dockerfile can be used to generate a docker image which can readily be used for inference. The SavedModels are expected in the folder saved_models, either copy the provided SavedModels from submitted_saved_models to saved_models or generate your own. If you have a problem with setting up docker, please refer to the documentation.

To build a docker model, run the following command in the folder containing the Dockerfile.

docker build -t icg .

To run your built docker, use the command below, after defining the input and output directories within the command. We recommend to use ValidationImg as input folder.

If you have multiple GPUs and want to select a specific one to run the docker image, modify /dev/nvidia0 to the respective GPUs identifier, e.g., /dev/nvidia1.

docker container run --gpus all --device /dev/nvidia0 --device /dev/nvidia-uvm --device /dev/nvidia-uvm-tools --device /dev/nvidiactl --name icg --rm -v /PATH/TO/DATASET/ValidationImg/:/workspace/inputs/ -v /PATH/TO/OUTPUT/FOLDER/:/workspace/outputs/ icg:latest /bin/bash -c "sh predict.sh" 


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper.

Efficient Multi-Organ Segmentation Using SpatialConfiguartion-Net with Low GPU Memory Requirements

  title={Efficient Multi-Organ Segmentation Using SpatialConfiguartion-Net with Low GPU Memory Requirements},
  author={Thaler, Franz and Payer, Christian and Bischof, Horst and {\v{S}}tern, Darko},
Franz Thaler
Franz Thaler
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