Sound Event Detection with FilterAugment


Sound Event Detection with FilterAugment

Official implementation of

  • Heavily Augmented Sound Event Detection utilizing Weak Predictions (DCASE2021 Challenge Task 4 technical report)
    by Hyeonuk Nam, Byeong-Yun Ko, Gyeong-Tae Lee, Seong-Hu Kim, Won-Ho Jung, Sang-Min Choi, Yong-Hwa Park
    DCASE arXiv
    - arXiv version has updates on some minor errors

  • FilterAugment: An Acoustic Environmental Data Augmentation Method (Submitted to ICASSP 2022)
    by Hyeonuk Nam, Seong-Hu Kim, Yong-Hwa Park

    • Implementation for 2nd paper that includes updated version of FilterAugment is incomplete for now. It will be updated soon!

Ranked on [3rd place] in IEEE DCASE 2021 Task 4.


Filter Augment is an audio data augmentation method newly proposed on the above papers for training acoustic models in audio/speech tasks. It applies random weights on randomly selected frequency bands. For more details, refer to the papers mentioned above.

  • This example shows two types of FilterAugment applied on log mel spectrogram of a 10-second audio clip. (a) shows original log mel spectrogram, (b) shows log mel spectrogram applied by step type FilterAugment (c) shows log mel spectrogram applied by linear type Filter Augment.
  • Applied filters are shown below. Filter (d) is applied on (a) to result in (b), and filter (e) is applied on (a) to result in (c)

  • Step type FilterAugment shows several frequency bands that are uniformly increased or decreased in amplitude, while linear type FilterAugment shows continous filter that shows certain peaks and dips.
  • On our participation on DCASE2021 challenge task 4, we used prototype FilterAugment which is step type FilterAugment without hyperparameter minimum bandwith. The code for this prototype is defiend as "filt_aug_dcase" at utils/ @ line 107
  • Code for updated FilterAugment including step and linear type for ICASSP submission is defiend as "filt_aug_icassp" at utils/ @ line 126


Python version of 3.7.10 is used with following libraries

  • pytorch==1.8.0
  • pytorch-lightning==1.2.4
  • pytorchaudio==0.8.0
  • scipy==1.4.1
  • pandas==1.1.3
  • numpy==1.19.2

other requrements in requirements.txt


You can download datasets by reffering to DCASE 2021 Task 4 description page or DCASE 2021 Task 4 baseline. Then, set the dataset directories in config yaml files accordingly. You need DESED real datasets (weak/unlabeled in domain/validation/public eval) and DESED synthetic datasets (train/validation).


You can train and save model in exps folder by running:


model settings:

There are 5 configuration files in this repo. Default setting is (ICASSP setting)(./configs/config_icassp.yaml), the optimal linear type FilterAugment described in paper submitted to ICASSP. There are 4 other model settings in DCASE tech report. To train for model 1, 2, 3 or 4 from the DCASE tech report or ICASSP setting, you can run the following code instead.

# for example, to train model 3:
python --confing model3

Results of DCASE settings (model 1~4) on DESED Real Validation dataset:

Model PSDS-scenario1 PSDS-scenario2 Collar-based F1
1 0.408 0.628 49.0%
2 0.414 0.608 49.2%
3 0.381 0.660 31.8%
4 0.052 0.783 19.8%
  • these results are based on train models with single run for each setting

Results of ICASSP settings on DESED Real Validation dataset:

Methods PSDS-scenario1 PSDS-scenario2 Collar-based F1 Intersection-based F1
w/o FiltAug 0.387 0.598 47.7% 70.8%
step FiltAug 0.412 0.634 47.4% 71.2%
linear FiltAug 0.413 0.636 49.0% 73.5%
  • These results are based on max values of each metric for 3 separate runs on each setting (refer to paper for details).


DCASE 2021 Task 4 baseline

Citation & Contact

If this repository helped your works, please cite papers below!

    Author = "Nam, Hyeonuk and Ko, Byeong-Yun and Lee, Gyeong-Tae and Kim, Seong-Hu and Jung, Won-Ho and Choi, Sang-Min and Park, Yong-Hwa",
    title = "Heavily Augmented Sound Event Detection utilizing Weak Predictions",
    institution = "DCASE2021 Challenge",
    year = "2021",
    month = "June",

  title={FilterAugment: An Acoustic Environmental Data Augmentation Method},
  author={Hyeonuk Nam and Seoung-Hu Kim and Yong-Hwa Park},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.13260},

Please contact Hyeonuk Nam at [email protected] for any query.

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