GoodNews Everyone! Context driven entity aware captioning for news images

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Deep LearningGoodNews

This is the code for a CVPR 2019 paper, called GoodNews Everyone! Context driven entity aware captioning for news images. Enjoy!

Model preview:

GoodNews Model!

Huge Thanks goes to New York Times API for providing such a service for FREE!

Another Thanks to @ruotianluo for providing the captioning code.




We took the first steps to move the captioning systems to interpretation (see the paper for more detail). To this end, we have used New York Times API to retrieve the articles, images and captions.

The structure of this repo is as follows:

  1. Getting the data
  2. Cleaning and formating the data
  3. How to train models

Get the data

You have 3 options to get the data.

Images only

If you want to download the images only and directly start working on the same dataset as ours, then download the cleaned version of the dataset without images: article+caption.json and put it to data/ folder and download the img_urls.json and put it in the get_data/get_images_only/ folder.

Then run

python --num_thread 16

Then, you will get the images. After that move to Clean and Format Data section.

PS: I have recieved numerous emails regarding some of the images not present/broken in the img_urls.json. Which is why I decided to put the images on the drive to download in the name of open science. Download all images

Images + articles

If you would like the get the raw version of the article and captions to do your own cleaning and processing, no worries! First download the article_urls and go to folder get_data/with_article_urls/ and run

python --num_thread 16

This will get you the raw version of the caption, articles and also the images. After that move to Clean and Format Data section.

I want more!

As you know, New York Times is huge. Their articles starts from 1881 (It is crazy!) until well today. So in case you want to get ALL the data or expand the data to more years, then first step is go to New York Times API and get an API key. All you have to do is just sign up for the API key.

Once you have the key go to folder get_data/with_api/ and run

python --api-key XXXX --start_year XXX --end_year XXX 

This is for getting the article urls and then saving in the format of month-year. Once you have the all urls from the API, then you run

python retrieves the articles, captions and images. combines yearly data into one file after removing data points if they have corrupt image, empty articles or empty captions. After that move to Clean and Format Data section.

Small Note

I also provide the links to images and their data splits (train, val, test). Even though I always use random seed to decide the split, just in case If the GODS meddles with the random seed, here is the link to a json where you can find each image and its split: img_splits.json

Clean and Format the Data

Now that we have the data, it is time to clean, preprocess and format the data.


When you reach this part, you must have captioning_dataset.json in your data/ folder.


This part is for cleaning the captions (tokenizing, removing non-ascii characters, etc.), splitting train, val, and test and creating anonymize captions.

In other words, we change the caption "Alber Einstein taught in Princeton in 1926" to "PERSON_ taught in ORGANIZATION_ in DATE_." Move to preprocess/ folder and run


Resize Images

To resize the images to 256x256:

python --root XXXX --img_size 256


Get the article format that is needed for the encoding methods by running:



Now to create H5 file for captions, images and articles, just need to go to scripts/ folder and run in order

python --max_length 31 --word_count_threshold 4

We proposed 3 different article encoding method. You can download each of encoded article methods, articles_full_avg_, articles_full_wavg, articles_full_TBB.

Or you can use the code to obtain them:



Finally we are ready to train. Magical words are:

python --cnn_weight [YOUR HOME DIRECTORY]/.torch/resnet152-b121ed2d.pth 

You can check the for changing a lot of the options such dimension size, different models, hyperparameters, etc.


After you train your models, you can get the score according commonly used metrics: Bleu, Cider, Spice, Rouge, Meteor. Be sure to specify model_path, cnn_model_path, infos_path and sen_embed_path when runing is usually used in training but it is necessary to run it to get the insertion.


Last but not least After you run, it will produce you a json file with the ids and their template captions. To fill the correct named entity, you have to run

python --output [XXX] --dump [True/False] --insertion_method ['ctx', 'att', 'rand']

PS: I have been requested to provide model's output, so I thought it would be best to share it with everyone. Model Output In this folder, you have:

test.json: Test set with raw and template version of the caption.

article.json: Article sentences which is needed in the

w/o article folder: All the models output on template captions, without articles.

with article folder: Our models output in the paper with sentence attention(sen_att) and image attention(vis_att), provided in the json. Hope this is helpful to more of you.


Thank you and sorry for the bugs!

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