Repositório para estudo do airflow



Repositório para estudo do airflow

Para executar

  • clone o repo
  • execute as configurações
.env docker-compose up airflow-init ">
mkdir -p ./dags ./logs ./plugins
echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
docker-compose up airflow-init
  • execute os serviços
docker-compose up

Crie uma conexão chamada pokemon_conn do tipo HTTP com valor de HOST

Gabriel (Gabu) Bellon
Hello, I’m Gabriel aka Gabu. I’m work with Data (Engineer | Scientist | Analyst) Living in Joinville, SC,Brazil.
Gabriel (Gabu) Bellon
A not exist cat image generator python package

A not exist cat image generator python package

Fayas Noushad 2 Dec 03, 2021
Exam assignment for Laboratory of Bioinformatics 2

Exam assignment for Laboratory of Bioinformatics 2 (Alma Mater University of Bologna, Master in Bioinformatics)

2 Oct 22, 2022
Got-book-6 - LSTM trained on the first five ASOIAF/GOT books

GOT Book 6 Generator Are you tired of waiting for the next GOT book to come out? I know that I am, which is why I decided to train a RNN on the first

Zack Thoutt 974 Oct 27, 2022
51AC8 is a stack based golfing / esolang that I am trying to make.

51AC8 is a stack based golfing / esolang that I am trying to make.

7 May 22, 2022
Simple module with some functions such as generate password (get_random_string)

Simple module with some functions such as generate password (get_random_string), fix unicode strings, size converter, dynamic console, read/write speed checker, etc.

Dmitry 2 Dec 03, 2022
JARVIS PC Assistant is an assisting program to make your computer easier to use

JARVIS-PC-Assistant JARVIS PC Assistant is an assisting program to make your computer easier to use Welcome to the J.A.R.V.I.S. PC Assistant help file

Dasun Nethsara 2 Dec 02, 2022
World Happiness Report is a publication of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network

World-Happiness-Report We are going to visualise what are the factors and which

Shubh Almal 1 Jan 03, 2023
An app to automatically take attendance by scanning students' bar coded ID card as they enter the classroom.

Auto Classroom Attendance This application may be run on a PC to automatically scan students' ID card using a generic bar code scanner and output the

1 Nov 10, 2021
🪄 Auto-generate Streamlit UI from Pydantic Models and Dataclasses.

Streamlit Pydantic Auto-generate Streamlit UI elements from Pydantic models. Getting Started • Documentation • Support • Report a Bug • Contribution •

Lukas Masuch 103 Dec 25, 2022
An advanced NFT Generator

NFT Generator An advanced NFT Generator Free software: GNU General Public License v3 Documentation: Features TOD

NFT Generator 5 Apr 21, 2022
Minitel 5 somewhat reverse-engineered

Minitel 5 The Minitel was a french dumb terminal with an embedded modem which had its Golden Age before the rise of Internet. Typically cubic, with an

cLx 10 Dec 28, 2022
Building an Investment Portfolio for Day Trade with Python

Montando um Portfólio de Investimentos para Day Trade com Python Instruções: Para reproduzir o projeto no Google Colab, faça o download do repositório

Paula Campigotto 9 Oct 26, 2021
HSPICE can not perform Monte Carlo (MC) simulations while considering aging effects

HSPICE can not perform Monte Carlo (MC) simulations while considering aging effects. I developed a python wrapper that automatically performs MC and aging simulations using HPSICE to save engineering

Habib Kazemi 2 Nov 22, 2021
python package to showcase, test and build your own version of Pickhardt Payments

Pickhardt Payments Package The pickhardtpayments package is a collection of classes and interfaces that help you to test and implement your dialect of

Rene Pickhardt 37 Dec 18, 2022
Rock 💎 Paper 📝 Scissors ✂️ Lizard 🦎 Spock 🖖

Rock 💎 Paper 📝 Scissors ✂️ Lizard 🦎 Spock 🖖 If you’ve seen The Big Bang Theory, you’ve heard of a game called “Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spoc

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Donatus Prince 6 Feb 25, 2022
mypy plugin for PynamoDB

pynamodb-mypy A plugin for mypy which gives it deeper understanding of PynamoDB (beyond what's possible through type stubs). Usage Add it to the plugi

1 Oct 21, 2022
Pymon is like nodemon but it is for python,

Pymon is like nodemon but it is for python,

Swaraj Puppalwar 2 Jun 11, 2022

SimCSE 中文测试 SimCSE在常见中文数据集上的测试,包含ATEC、BQ、LCQMC、PAWSX、STS-B共5个任务。 介绍 博客: 论文:《SimCSE: Simple Contrastive Learning of Sente

苏剑林(Jianlin Su) 504 Jan 04, 2023
Clackety Keyboards Powered by Python

KMK: Clackety Keyboards Powered by Python KMK is a feature-rich and beginner-friendly firmware for computer keyboards written and configured in Circui

KMK Firmware 780 Jan 03, 2023