CS 506 - Computational Tools for Data Science
Code, slides, and notes for Boston University CS506 Spring 2022
The Final Project Repositories can be found here
Code, slides, and notes for Boston University CS506 Spring 2022
The Final Project Repositories can be found here
SwinIR: Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of SwinIR: Image Restoration Using Shifted Win
UnsupervisedR&R: Unsupervised Pointcloud Registration via Differentiable Rendering This repository holds all the code and data for our recent work on
intro-to-cnn-p1 Repo for hosting workshop materials delivered on 28/02/2022 Questions you will answer in this workshop Learning Objectives What are co
Layered Neural Rendering in PyTorch This repository contains training code for the examples in the SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 paper "Layered Neural Rendering
Compartmental epidemic model to assess undocumented infections: applications to SARS-CoV-2 epidemics in Brazil - Datasets and Codes The codes for simu
Continuous Control With Ensemble Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients This repository is the official implementation of Continuous Control With Ensembl
Backbone for PyTorch training loop Will try to keep it minimalistic. pip install back from back import Bone Features Progress bar Checkpoints saving/l
DeeBERT This is the code base for the paper DeeBERT: Dynamic Early Exiting for Accelerating BERT Inference. Code in this repository is also available
A Large-Scale Dataset for Spinal Vertebrae Segmentation in Computed Tomography
SB-GAN Semantic Bottleneck Scene Generation Coupling the high-fidelity generation capabilities of label-conditional image synthesis methods with the f
EVolve Linking planetary mantles to atmospheric chemistry through volcanism using EVo and FastChem. Overview EVolve is a linked mantle degassing and a
Neural Network For Gender Recognition How to test it? Install requirements.txt file using pip install -r requirements.txt command Run nn.py using pyth
Face-Detection-flask-gunicorn-nginx-docker This is a simple implementation of dockerized face-detection restful-API implemented with flask, Nginx, and
gradsim gradSim: Differentiable simulation for system identification and visuomotor control gradSim is a unified differentiable rendering and multiphy
Pytorch implementation for A Novel Plug-in Module for Fine-Grained Visual Classification. fine-grained visual classification task.
CycleGAN and pix2pix in PyTorch New: Please check out contrastive-unpaired-translation (CUT), our new unpaired image-to-image translation model that e
Riemann Noise Injection - PyTorch A module for modeling GAN noise injection based on Riemann geometry, as described in Ruili Feng, Deli Zhao, and Zhen
Weak-supervised Visual Geo-localization via Attention-based Knowledge Distillation Introduction WAKD is a PyTorch implementation for our ICPR-2022 pap
DAN-Basd-on-Openmmlab DAN: Unfolding the Alternating Optimization for Blind Super Resolution We reproduce DAN via mmediting based on open-sourced code
MultiMix This repository contains the implementation of MultiMix. Our publications for this project are listed below: "MultiMix: Sparingly Supervised,