Gmvault: Backup and restore your gmail account


Gmvault: Backup and restore your gmail account

Gmvault is a tool for backing up your gmail account and never lose email correspondence. Gmvault is open source and under GNU-AGPL-3.0.

For further info go [] (



  • Check for open issues or open a fresh issue to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug. There will be a Contributor Friendly tag for issues that should be ideal for people who are not very familiar with the codebase yet.
  • Fork the reporsitory on Github to start making your changes to the master branch (or branch off of it).
  • Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature works as expected.
  • Send a pull request and bug the maintainer until it gets merged and published. :) Make sure to add yourself to AUTHOR.

Quick Start


You can download one of the "binary" distribution from ( for the platform of your choice. You can also install the software from the source from (

Windows install

Once installed launch gmvault-shell.bat (there should be a shortcut on your desktop). The shell sets the environment so you can seamlessly launch gmvault.

Go to the gmvault 2 mins start to learn how to pilot gmvault.

Linux and Mac OS X install

Untar the binary tarball distribution and go to the GMVAULT_HOME/bin dir to launch gmvault.

Install from the sources

python install

Install from PyPi

pip install gmvault


easy_install gmvault

gmvault 2 mins start

Gmvault is a user-frendly command-line tool. It tries to set all the necessary defaults to be self explanatory.


Gmvault allow users to use a XOAuth token or your gmail login password. The XOAuth authentication is the recommended way to access your account. This method is activated by default. After the first authentication for a given account, the XOAuth token is stored in $HOME/.gmvault and will be used for subsequent authentications.

The following example uses XOAuth to access [email protected] $>gmvault sync [email protected]

With the --passwd option, you can use your gmail login and password for a quick test or if you cannot use XOAuth. You will then enter an interactive session to enter your password. By default your password is not saved, but you can use the option to do it. Your password will be stored encrypted but please avoid using this option if possible.

Backup your emails

Full sync:

$>gmvault sync [email protected]

Incremental sync:

$>gmvault sync -t quick [email protected]

Emails are backed up in $HOME/gmvault-db (or %HOME%/gmvault-db for Win) by default. Use -d DB_DIR, --db-dir DB_DIR to change the location of your local email repository

Restore your emails in a Gmail account

$>gmvault restore [email protected]

Will restore $HOME/gmvault-db (or %HOME%/gmvault-db for Win) in [email protected]

$>gmvault restore [email protected] -d /backup/emails-db

Will restore /backup/emails-db in [email protected]

Use --resume or --restart to restart from the last fatal error and not reupload once more the already treated emails.

$>gmvault restore [email protected] --restart

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