Python 3 script for installing kali tools on your linux machine



Python 3 script for installing kali tools on your linux machine (via apt)


  • Works in 2022
  • Python 3
  • All tools from official kali website
  • No async for custom installation configuration
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Installed 265/587 (45.14%) tools


  • sudo git clone
  • cd kalitools-python3
  • sudo python3
  • Installation process started


On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

wordlists                     : FAILURE (not installed)
bind9                         : SUCCESS (ok)
bing-ip2hosts                 : FAILURE (not installed)
cmseek                        : FAILURE (not installed)
crack                         : SUCCESS (ok)
crackmapexec                  : FAILURE (not installed)
dc3dd                         : SUCCESS (ok)
dradis                        : FAILURE (not installed)
expect                        : SUCCESS (ok)
exploitdb                     : FAILURE (not installed)
flashrom                      : SUCCESS (ok)
freerdp2                      : FAILURE (not installed)
git                           : SUCCESS (ok)
gvm                           : FAILURE (not installed)
httrack                       : SUCCESS (ok)
impacket-scripts              : FAILURE (not installed)
intrace                       : FAILURE (not installed)
isr-evilgrade                 : FAILURE (not installed)
ivre                          : FAILURE (not installed)
john                          : SUCCESS (ok)
jsql                          : FAILURE (not installed)
kali-defaults                 : FAILURE (not installed)
maltego                       : FAILURE (not installed)
mercurial                     : SUCCESS (ok)
metasploit-framework          : FAILURE (not installed)
ohrwurm                       : FAILURE (not installed)
openssh                       : FAILURE (not installed)
plocate                       : FAILURE (not installed)
powershell-empire             : FAILURE (not installed)
samba                         : SUCCESS (ok)
set                           : FAILURE (not installed)
sfuzz                         : FAILURE (not installed)
spiderfoot                    : FAILURE (not installed)
sqlmap                        : SUCCESS (ok)
sslyze                        : FAILURE (not installed)
tcpflow                       : SUCCESS (ok)
theharvester                  : FAILURE (not installed)
tlssled                       : FAILURE (not installed)
usbutils                      : SUCCESS (ok)
util-linux                    : SUCCESS (ok)
wapiti                        : SUCCESS (ok)
watobo                        : FAILURE (not installed)
wifi-honey                    : FAILURE (not installed)
xmount                        : SUCCESS (ok)
xplico                        : FAILURE (not installed)
yersinia                      : SUCCESS (ok)
zaproxy                       : FAILURE (not installed)
aflplusplus                   : FAILURE (not installed)
amass                         : FAILURE (not installed)
android-sdk                   : SUCCESS (ok)
apache2                       : SUCCESS (ok)
asleap                        : FAILURE (not installed)
atftp                         : SUCCESS (ok)
beef-xss                      : FAILURE (not installed)
bulk-extractor                : FAILURE (not installed)
cherrytree                    : FAILURE (not installed)
chkrootkit                    : SUCCESS (ok)
chromium                      : FAILURE (not installed)
commix                        : FAILURE (not installed)
creddump7                     : FAILURE (not installed)
cryptsetup                    : SUCCESS (ok)
dfdatetime                    : FAILURE (not installed)
dirbuster                     : FAILURE (not installed)
dislocker                     : SUCCESS (ok)
dnstracer                     : SUCCESS (ok)
dos2unix                      : SUCCESS (ok)
exiv2                         : SUCCESS (ok)
eyewitness                    : FAILURE (not installed)
feroxbuster                   : FAILURE (not installed)
ffuf                          : FAILURE (not installed)
firefox-developer-edition-kbx : FAILURE (not installed)
firewalk                      : FAILURE (not installed)
firmware-sof                  : FAILURE (not installed)
foremost                      : SUCCESS (ok)
forensic-artifacts            : SUCCESS (ok)
forensics-colorize            : SUCCESS (ok)
framework2                    : FAILURE (not installed)
gnuradio                      : SUCCESS (ok)
gpart                         : SUCCESS (ok)
gqrx-sdr                      : SUCCESS (ok)
gr-osmosdr                    : SUCCESS (ok)
gss-ntlmssp                   : SUCCESS (ok)
hashdeep                      : SUCCESS (ok)
hivex                         : FAILURE (not installed)
htshells                      : FAILURE (not installed)
ifenslave                     : SUCCESS (ok)
ike-scan                      : SUCCESS (ok)
impacket                      : FAILURE (not installed)
initramfs-tools               : SUCCESS (ok)
irpas                         : SUCCESS (ok)
jadx                          : FAILURE (not installed)
kali-meta                     : FAILURE (not installed)
kali-tweaks                   : FAILURE (not installed)
king-phisher                  : FAILURE (not installed)
laudanum                      : FAILURE (not installed)
llvm-defaults                 : FAILURE (not installed)
maskprocessor                 : SUCCESS (ok)
mdbtools                      : SUCCESS (ok)
mdk3                          : SUCCESS (ok)
mdk4                          : SUCCESS (ok)
ncat-w32                      : FAILURE (not installed)
net-snmp                      : FAILURE (not installed)
netbase                       : SUCCESS (ok)
netdiscover                   : SUCCESS (ok)
netkit-ftp                    : FAILURE (not installed)
netsniff-ng                   : SUCCESS (ok)
ngrep                         : SUCCESS (ok)
nishang                       : FAILURE (not installed)
nmap                          : SUCCESS (ok)
ophcrack                      : SUCCESS (ok)
p7zip                         : SUCCESS (ok)
patator                       : SUCCESS (ok)
pdf-parser                    : FAILURE (not installed)
pev                           : SUCCESS (ok)
php-defaults                  : FAILURE (not installed)
powershell                    : FAILURE (not installed)
princeprocessor               : SUCCESS (ok)
proxychains-ng                : FAILURE (not installed)
python-faraday                : FAILURE (not installed)
qemu                          : SUCCESS (ok)
recoverdm                     : SUCCESS (ok)
responder                     : FAILURE (not installed)
shellter                      : FAILURE (not installed)
spraykatz                     : FAILURE (not installed)
statsprocessor                : SUCCESS (ok)
subversion                    : SUCCESS (ok)
tcpdump                       : SUCCESS (ok)
teamsploit                    : FAILURE (not installed)                    : SUCCESS (ok)
thc-pptp-bruter               : FAILURE (not installed)
thc-ssl-dos                   : FAILURE (not installed)
tightvnc                      : FAILURE (not installed)
tmux                          : SUCCESS (ok)
u-boot                        : FAILURE (not installed)
udptunnel                     : SUCCESS (ok)
uhd                           : FAILURE (not installed)
unrar-nonfree                 : FAILURE (not installed)
upx-ucl                       : SUCCESS (ok)
urlcrazy                      : FAILURE (not installed)
vim                           : SUCCESS (ok)
winexe                        : FAILURE (not installed)
wireshark                     : SUCCESS (ok)
wotmate                       : FAILURE (not installed)
yara                          : SUCCESS (ok)
zenmap-kbx                    : FAILURE (not installed)
zim                           : SUCCESS (ok)
zsh                           : SUCCESS (ok)
binwalk                       : SUCCESS (ok)
bluez                         : SUCCESS (ok)
cifs-utils                    : SUCCESS (ok)
dnscat2                       : FAILURE (not installed)
ghidra                        : FAILURE (not installed)
iw                            : SUCCESS (ok)
protos-sip                    : FAILURE (not installed)
stegcracker                   : FAILURE (not installed)
stunnel4                      : SUCCESS (ok)
veil                          : FAILURE (not installed)
0trace                        : FAILURE (not installed)
aesfix                        : SUCCESS (ok)
afflib                        : FAILURE (not installed)
aircrack-ng                   : SUCCESS (ok)
amap                          : FAILURE (not installed)
arpwatch                      : SUCCESS (ok)
curlftpfs                     : SUCCESS (ok)
cutycapt                      : SUCCESS (ok)
dnsmap                        : SUCCESS (ok)
edb-debugger                  : SUCCESS (ok)
fake-hwclock                  : SUCCESS (ok)
freeradius                    : SUCCESS (ok)
gdb                           : SUCCESS (ok)
gdisk                         : SUCCESS (ok)
grokevt                       : SUCCESS (ok)
guymager                      : SUCCESS (ok)
hackrf                        : SUCCESS (ok)
heartleech                    : FAILURE (not installed)
ipv6-toolkit                  : FAILURE (not installed)
legion                        : FAILURE (not installed)
libnfc                        : FAILURE (not installed)
mc                            : SUCCESS (ok)
minicom                       : SUCCESS (ok)
miredo                        : SUCCESS (ok)
myrescue                      : SUCCESS (ok)
nasm                          : SUCCESS (ok)
nasty                         : SUCCESS (ok)
netkit-tftp                   : FAILURE (not installed)
netw-ib-ox-ag                 : FAILURE (not installed)
nfs-utils                     : FAILURE (not installed)
nmapsi4                       : SUCCESS (ok)
openocd                       : SUCCESS (ok)
pack                          : FAILURE (not installed)
radare2                       : SUCCESS (ok)
radare2-cutter                : SUCCESS (ok)
recoverjpeg                   : SUCCESS (ok)
reglookup                     : SUCCESS (ok)
rfdump                        : SUCCESS (ok)
rifiuti2                      : SUCCESS (ok)
rsakeyfind                    : SUCCESS (ok)
rtlsdr-scanner                : FAILURE (not installed)
sipvicious                    : FAILURE (not installed)
sleuthkit                     : SUCCESS (ok)
sniffjoke                     : FAILURE (not installed)
spectools                     : SUCCESS (ok)
sqlitebrowser                 : SUCCESS (ok)
sudo                          : SUCCESS (ok)
thc-ipv6                      : SUCCESS (ok)
traceroute                    : SUCCESS (ok)
unhide                        : SUCCESS (ok)
unhide.rb                     : SUCCESS (ok)
vpnc                          : SUCCESS (ok)
websploit                     : SUCCESS (ok)
abootimg                      : SUCCESS (ok)
aeskeyfind                    : SUCCESS (ok)
airgeddon                     : FAILURE (not installed)
altdns                        : FAILURE (not installed)
apache-users                  : FAILURE (not installed)
apktool                       : SUCCESS (ok)
arjun                         : FAILURE (not installed)
armitage                      : FAILURE (not installed)
arp-scan                      : SUCCESS (ok)
arping                        : SUCCESS (ok)
assetfinder                   : FAILURE (not installed)
autopsy                       : SUCCESS (ok)
axel                          : SUCCESS (ok)
backdoor-factory              : SUCCESS (ok)
bed                           : FAILURE (not installed)
berate-ap                     : FAILURE (not installed)
bettercap                     : FAILURE (not installed)
bloodhound                    : FAILURE (not installed)
bluelog                       : FAILURE (not installed)
blueranger                    : FAILURE (not installed)
bluesnarfer                   : FAILURE (not installed)
braa                          : SUCCESS (ok)
bruteforce-salted-openssl     : SUCCESS (ok)
brutespray                    : SUCCESS (ok)
btscanner                     : SUCCESS (ok)
bully                         : FAILURE (not installed)
burpsuite                     : FAILURE (not installed)
bytecode-viewer               : FAILURE (not installed)
cabextract                    : SUCCESS (ok)
cadaver                       : SUCCESS (ok)
caldera                       : FAILURE (not installed)
capstone                      : FAILURE (not installed)
ccrypt                        : SUCCESS (ok)
certgraph                     : FAILURE (not installed)
cewl                          : SUCCESS (ok)
changeme                      : SUCCESS (ok)
chaosreader                   : SUCCESS (ok)
chirp                         : FAILURE (not installed)
chisel                        : FAILURE (not installed)
chntpw                        : SUCCESS (ok)
cisco-auditing-tool           : FAILURE (not installed)
cisco-global-exploiter        : FAILURE (not installed)
cisco-ocs                     : FAILURE (not installed)
cisco-torch                   : FAILURE (not installed)
cloud-enum                    : FAILURE (not installed)
cloudbrute                    : FAILURE (not installed)
cmospwd                       : SUCCESS (ok)
code-oss                      : FAILURE (not installed)
command-not-found             : SUCCESS (ok)
copy-router-config            : FAILURE (not installed)
covenant-kbx                  : FAILURE (not installed)
cowpatty                      : SUCCESS (ok)
crackle                       : FAILURE (not installed)
crowbar                       : FAILURE (not installed)
crunch                        : SUCCESS (ok)
cryptcat                      : SUCCESS (ok)
cryptsetup-nuke-password      : FAILURE (not installed)
cutecom                       : SUCCESS (ok)
cymothoa                      : FAILURE (not installed)
darkstat                      : SUCCESS (ok)
davtest                       : FAILURE (not installed)
dbd                           : FAILURE (not installed)
dbeaver                       : FAILURE (not installed)
dcfldd                        : SUCCESS (ok)
ddrescue                      : FAILURE (not installed)
de4dot                        : FAILURE (not installed)
dex2jar                       : FAILURE (not installed)
dfvfs                         : FAILURE (not installed)
dfwinreg                      : FAILURE (not installed)
dhcpig                        : SUCCESS (ok)
dirb                          : SUCCESS (ok)
dirsearch                     : FAILURE (not installed)
distorm3                      : FAILURE (not installed)
dmitry                        : SUCCESS (ok)
dns2tcp                       : SUCCESS (ok)
dnschef                       : FAILURE (not installed)
dnsenum                       : SUCCESS (ok)
dnsgen                        : FAILURE (not installed)
dnsrecon                      : SUCCESS (ok)
dnstwist                      : FAILURE (not installed)
dnswalk                       : SUCCESS (ok)
doona                         : SUCCESS (ok)
dotdotpwn                     : FAILURE (not installed)
driftnet                      : SUCCESS (ok)
dsniff                        : SUCCESS (ok)
dumpsterdiver                 : FAILURE (not installed)
dumpzilla                     : FAILURE (not installed)
eaphammer                     : FAILURE (not installed)
eapmd5pass                    : FAILURE (not installed)
emailharvester                : FAILURE (not installed)
enum4linux                    : FAILURE (not installed)
enumiax                       : FAILURE (not installed)
ethtool                       : SUCCESS (ok)
evil-ssdp                     : FAILURE (not installed)
exe2hexbat                    : FAILURE (not installed)
exifprobe                     : SUCCESS (ok)
exploitdb-bin-sploits         : FAILURE (not installed)
exploitdb-papers              : FAILURE (not installed)
ext3grep                      : SUCCESS (ok)
ext4magic                     : SUCCESS (ok)
extundelete                   : SUCCESS (ok)
fcrackzip                     : SUCCESS (ok)
fern-wifi-cracker             : FAILURE (not installed)
fierce                        : FAILURE (not installed)
fiked                         : FAILURE (not installed)
finalrecon                    : FAILURE (not installed)
firmware-mod-kit              : FAILURE (not installed)
fping                         : SUCCESS (ok)
fragrouter                    : FAILURE (not installed)
freeradius-wpe                : FAILURE (not installed)
ftester                       : FAILURE (not installed)
galleta                       : SUCCESS (ok)
getallurls                    : FAILURE (not installed)
gitleaks                      : FAILURE (not installed)
gobuster                      : SUCCESS (ok)
godoh                         : FAILURE (not installed)
golang-github-binject-go-donut: FAILURE (not installed)
goldeneye                     : SUCCESS (ok)
goofile                       : FAILURE (not installed)
gospider                      : FAILURE (not installed)
gparted                       : SUCCESS (ok)
gpp-decrypt                   : FAILURE (not installed)
gr-air-modes                  : SUCCESS (ok)
gr-iqbal                      : SUCCESS (ok)
hamster-sidejack              : FAILURE (not installed)
hash-identifier               : FAILURE (not installed)
hashcat                       : SUCCESS (ok)
hashcat-utils                 : FAILURE (not installed)
hashid                        : SUCCESS (ok)
hashrat                       : SUCCESS (ok)
hb-honeypot                   : FAILURE (not installed)
hcxtools                      : FAILURE (not installed)
hexinject                     : FAILURE (not installed)
hostapd-mana                  : FAILURE (not installed)
hostapd-wpe                   : FAILURE (not installed)
hosthunter                    : FAILURE (not installed)
hotpatch                      : FAILURE (not installed)
hping3                        : SUCCESS (ok)
httprint                      : FAILURE (not installed)
httprobe                      : FAILURE (not installed)
hurl                          : FAILURE (not installed)
hydra                         : SUCCESS (ok)
hyperion                      : FAILURE (not installed)
i2c-tools                     : SUCCESS (ok)
iaxflood                      : FAILURE (not installed)
ibombshell                    : FAILURE (not installed)
ident-user-enum               : FAILURE (not installed)
inetsim                       : SUCCESS (ok)
inspectrum                    : SUCCESS (ok)
inspy                         : FAILURE (not installed)
instaloader                   : FAILURE (not installed)
inviteflood                   : FAILURE (not installed)
iodine                        : SUCCESS (ok)
ismtp                         : FAILURE (not installed)
javasnoop                     : FAILURE (not installed)
jboss-autopwn                 : FAILURE (not installed)
jd-gui                        : FAILURE (not installed)
johnny                        : FAILURE (not installed)
joomscan                      : FAILURE (not installed)
joplin                        : FAILURE (not installed)
kali-community-wallpapers     : FAILURE (not installed)
kali-wallpapers               : FAILURE (not installed)
kalibrate-rtl                 : FAILURE (not installed)
kismet                        : SUCCESS (ok)
knocker                       : SUCCESS (ok)
koadic                        : FAILURE (not installed)
lbd                           : FAILURE (not installed)
libewf                        : FAILURE (not installed)
libfindrtp                    : FAILURE (not installed)
libfreefare                   : FAILURE (not installed)
libpst                        : FAILURE (not installed)
linux-exploit-suggester       : FAILURE (not installed)
lvm2                          : SUCCESS (ok)
lynis                         : SUCCESS (ok)
mac-robber                    : SUCCESS (ok)
macchanger                    : SUCCESS (ok)
magicrescue                   : SUCCESS (ok)
masscan                       : SUCCESS (ok)
massdns                       : FAILURE (not installed)
medusa                        : SUCCESS (ok)
memdump                       : SUCCESS (ok)
metacam                       : SUCCESS (ok)
metagoofil                    : FAILURE (not installed)
mfcuk                         : SUCCESS (ok)
mfoc                          : SUCCESS (ok)
mfterm                        : FAILURE (not installed)
mimikatz                      : FAILURE (not installed)
missidentify                  : SUCCESS (ok)
mitmproxy                     : SUCCESS (ok)
msfpc                         : FAILURE (not installed)
multimac                      : FAILURE (not installed)
multimon-ng                   : SUCCESS (ok)
mysql-defaults                : FAILURE (not installed)
nbtscan                       : SUCCESS (ok)
nbtscan-unixwiz               : FAILURE (not installed)
ncrack                        : SUCCESS (ok)
ncurses-hexedit               : SUCCESS (ok)
netcat                        : SUCCESS (ok)
netkit-telnet                 : FAILURE (not installed)
netmask                       : SUCCESS (ok)
netsed                        : SUCCESS (ok)
nextnet                       : FAILURE (not installed)
nikto                         : SUCCESS (ok)
nipper-ng                     : FAILURE (not installed)
o-saft                        : SUCCESS (ok)
oclgausscrack                 : FAILURE (not installed)
odat                          : FAILURE (not installed)
offsec-courses                : FAILURE (not installed)
ollydbg                       : FAILURE (not installed)
onesixtyone                   : SUCCESS (ok)
openvpn                       : SUCCESS (ok)
oscanner                      : FAILURE (not installed)
osrframework                  : FAILURE (not installed)
outguess                      : SUCCESS (ok)
owasp-mantra-ff               : FAILURE (not installed)
owl                           : FAILURE (not installed)
p0f                           : SUCCESS (ok)
pacu                          : FAILURE (not installed)
padbuster                     : FAILURE (not installed)
paros                         : FAILURE (not installed)
parsero                       : SUCCESS (ok)
parted                        : SUCCESS (ok)
pasco                         : SUCCESS (ok)
passing-the-hash              : FAILURE (not installed)
payloadsallthethings          : FAILURE (not installed)
pdfcrack                      : SUCCESS (ok)
pdfid                         : FAILURE (not installed)
peirates                      : FAILURE (not installed)
perl-cisco-copyconfig         : FAILURE (not installed)
phishery                      : FAILURE (not installed)
photon                        : FAILURE (not installed)
phpggc                        : FAILURE (not installed)
pipal                         : FAILURE (not installed)
pixiewps                      : SUCCESS (ok)
plaso                         : FAILURE (not installed)
plecost                       : FAILURE (not installed)
pnscan                        : SUCCESS (ok)
polenum                       : SUCCESS (ok)
pompem                        : SUCCESS (ok)
powercat                      : FAILURE (not installed)
powersploit                   : FAILURE (not installed)
proxytunnel                   : SUCCESS (ok)
pskracker                     : FAILURE (not installed)
ptunnel                       : SUCCESS (ok)
pwnat                         : FAILURE (not installed)
pwncat                        : FAILURE (not installed)
python-defaults               : FAILURE (not installed)
qsslcaudit                    : FAILURE (not installed)
quark-engine                  : FAILURE (not installed)
rainbowcrack                  : FAILURE (not installed)
rake                          : SUCCESS (ok)
rarcrack                      : SUCCESS (ok)
rcracki-mt                    : FAILURE (not installed)
rdesktop                      : SUCCESS (ok)
reaver                        : SUCCESS (ok)
rebind                        : FAILURE (not installed)
recon-ng                      : SUCCESS (ok)
recordmydesktop               : SUCCESS (ok)
redfang                       : FAILURE (not installed)
redsnarf                      : FAILURE (not installed)
redsocks                      : SUCCESS (ok)
regripper                     : FAILURE (not installed)
rephrase                      : SUCCESS (ok)
requests                      : FAILURE (not installed)
rfcat                         : FAILURE (not installed)
ridenum                       : FAILURE (not installed)
rifiuti                       : SUCCESS (ok)
rkhunter                      : SUCCESS (ok)
robotstxt                     : FAILURE (not installed)
ropper                        : FAILURE (not installed)
routerkeygenpc                : FAILURE (not installed)
routersploit                  : FAILURE (not installed)
rsmangler                     : FAILURE (not installed)
rtpbreak                      : FAILURE (not installed)
rtpflood                      : FAILURE (not installed)
rtpinsertsound                : FAILURE (not installed)
rtpmixsound                   : FAILURE (not installed)
safecopy                      : SUCCESS (ok)
sakis3g                       : FAILURE (not installed)
samdump2                      : SUCCESS (ok)
sbd                           : SUCCESS (ok)
scalpel                       : SUCCESS (ok)
scapy                         : FAILURE (not installed)
screen                        : SUCCESS (ok)
scrounge-ntfs                 : SUCCESS (ok)
sctpscan                      : FAILURE (not installed)
seclists                      : FAILURE (not installed)
secure-socket-funneling       : FAILURE (not installed)
sendemail                     : SUCCESS (ok)
shed                          : SUCCESS (ok)
shellnoob                     : FAILURE (not installed)
sherlock                      : FAILURE (not installed)
sidguesser                    : FAILURE (not installed)
siege                         : SUCCESS (ok)
silenttrinity                 : FAILURE (not installed)
siparmyknife                  : FAILURE (not installed)
sipcrack                      : SUCCESS (ok)
sipp                          : FAILURE (not installed)
sipsak                        : SUCCESS (ok)
skipfish                      : FAILURE (not installed)
sliver                        : FAILURE (not installed)
slowhttptest                  : SUCCESS (ok)
smali                         : FAILURE (not installed)
smbmap                        : SUCCESS (ok)
smtp-user-enum                : FAILURE (not installed)
snmpcheck                     : FAILURE (not installed)
snmpenum                      : FAILURE (not installed)
snowdrop                      : SUCCESS (ok)
socat                         : SUCCESS (ok)
spike                         : FAILURE (not installed)
spooftooph                    : FAILURE (not installed)
sqldict                       : FAILURE (not installed)
sqlninja                      : FAILURE (not installed)
sqlsus                        : FAILURE (not installed)
ssdeep                        : SUCCESS (ok)
ssldump                       : SUCCESS (ok)
sslh                          : SUCCESS (ok)
sslscan                       : FAILURE (not installed)
sslsniff                      : SUCCESS (ok)
sslsplit                      : SUCCESS (ok)
starkiller                    : FAILURE (not installed)
steghide                      : SUCCESS (ok)
stegsnow                      : SUCCESS (ok)
subfinder                     : FAILURE (not installed)
subjack                       : FAILURE (not installed)
sublist3r                     : FAILURE (not installed)
sucrack                       : SUCCESS (ok)
swaks                         : SUCCESS (ok)
t50                           : SUCCESS (ok)
tcpick                        : SUCCESS (ok)
tcpreplay                     : SUCCESS (ok)
termineter                    : SUCCESS (ok)
testdisk                      : SUCCESS (ok)
tftpd32                       : FAILURE (not installed)
tnscmd10g                     : FAILURE (not installed)
truecrack                     : FAILURE (not installed)
tundeep                       : FAILURE (not installed)
twofi                         : FAILURE (not installed)
ubertooth                     : SUCCESS (ok)
uhd-images                    : FAILURE (not installed)
undbx                         : SUCCESS (ok)
unicornscan                   : FAILURE (not installed)
uniscan                       : FAILURE (not installed)
unix-privesc-check            : FAILURE (not installed)
vboot-utils                   : SUCCESS (ok)
vinetto                       : SUCCESS (ok)
vlan                          : SUCCESS (ok)
voiphopper                    : FAILURE (not installed)
wafw00f                       : SUCCESS (ok)
wce                           : FAILURE (not installed)
webacoo                       : FAILURE (not installed)
webscarab                     : FAILURE (not installed)
webshells                     : FAILURE (not installed)
weevely                       : SUCCESS (ok)
wfuzz                         : SUCCESS (ok)
wgetpaste                     : FAILURE (not installed)
whatweb                       : SUCCESS (ok)
whois                         : SUCCESS (ok)
wifiphisher                   : FAILURE (not installed)
wifite                        : SUCCESS (ok)
wig                           : SUCCESS (ok)
wig-ng                        : FAILURE (not installed)
windows-binaries              : FAILURE (not installed)
windows-privesc-check         : FAILURE (not installed)
winregfs                      : SUCCESS (ok)
witnessme                     : FAILURE (not installed)
wordlistraider                : FAILURE (not installed)
wpa-sycophant                 : FAILURE (not installed)
wpscan                        : FAILURE (not installed)
xprobe                        : SUCCESS (ok)
xspy                          : FAILURE (not installed)
xsser                         : FAILURE (not installed)
zerofree                      : SUCCESS (ok)
zonedb                        : FAILURE (not installed)
zsh-autosuggestions           : SUCCESS (ok)
zsh-syntax-highlighting       : SUCCESS (ok)
ettercap-graphical            : SUCCESS (ok)

Installed 265/587 (45.14%) kali tools on your machine
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This is a method to build your own qgis configuration packages using osgeo4W.

This is a method to build your own qgis configuration packages using osgeo4W. Then you can automate deployment in your organization with a controled and trusted environnement.

Régis Haubourg 26 Dec 05, 2022
OpenSea NFT API App using Python and Streamlit

opensea-nft-api-tutorial OpenSea NFT API App using Python and Streamlit Tutorial Video Walkthrough Instruc

64 Oct 28, 2022
A simple app that helps to train quick calculations.

qtcounter A simple app that helps to train quick calculations. Usage Manual Clone the repo in a folder using git clone

0 Nov 27, 2021
You'll learn about Iterators, Generators, Closure, Decorators, Property, and RegEx in detail with examples.

07_Python_Advanced_Topics Introduction 👋 In this tutorial, you will learn about: Python Iterators: They are objects that can be iterated upon. In thi

Milaan Parmar / Милан пармар / _米兰 帕尔马 252 Dec 23, 2022
Beginner Projects A couple of beginner projects here

Beginner Projects A couple of beginner projects here, listed from easiest to hardest :) simply a random selector to tell me who to faceti

Kylie 272 Jan 07, 2023
Thinky nature dots with python

Thinky Nature Welcome to my rice dotfiles of my ThinkPad X230 You surely will need to change some configs to fit your files and stuff and maybe tweak

Daniel Mironow 26 Dec 02, 2022
Fast Base64 encoding/decoding in Python

Fast Base64 implementation This project is a wrapper on libbase64. It aims to provide a fast base64 implementation for base64 encoding/decoding. Insta

Matthieu Darbois 96 Dec 26, 2022
This library is an abstraction for Splunk-related development, maintenance, or migration operations

This library is an abstraction for Splunk-related development, maintenance, or migration operations. It provides a single CLI or SDK to conveniently perform various operations such as managing a loca

NEXTPART 6 Dec 21, 2022
Cairo-bloom - A naive bloom filter implementation in Cairo

🥀 cairo-bloom A naive bloom filter implementation in Cairo. A Bloom filter is a

Sam Barnes 37 Oct 01, 2022
Repository to store sample python programs for python learning

py Repository to store sample Python programs. This repository is meant for beginners to assist them in their learning of Python. The repository cover

codebasics 5.8k Dec 30, 2022
Logging-monitoring-instrumentation - A brief repository on logging monitoring and instrumentation in Python

logging-monitoring-instrumentation A brief repository on logging monitoring and

Noah Gift 6 Feb 17, 2022
🔵Open many google dorks in a fasted way

Dorkinho 🔵 The author is not responsible for misuse of the tool, use it in good practices like Pentest and CTF OSINT challenges. Dorkinho is a script

SidHawks 2 May 02, 2022
Leveraging pythonic forces to defeat different coding challenges 🐍

Pyforces Leveraging pythonic forces to defeat different coding challenges! Table of Contents Pyforces Tests Pyforces Pyforces is a study repo with a c

Igor Grillo Peternella 8 Dec 14, 2022