Python & Julia port of codes in excellent R books



This repo is a collection of

Python & Julia port of codes in the following excellent R books:

Python Stack Julia Stack
v3.9 v1.7
  • Pandas
  • DataFrames
  • Visualization
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • MakiE
  • AlgebraOfGraphics
  • Machine
  • Scikit-Learn
  • MLJ
  • Probablistic
  • PyMC
  • Turing
  • Code Styles

    2.1. Basics

    • prefer enumerate() over range(len())
    xs = range(3)
    # good
    for ind, x in enumerate(xs):
      print(f'{ind}: {x}')
    # bad
    for i in range(len(xs)):
      print(f'{i}: {xs[i]}')

    2.2. Matplotlib

    including seaborn

    • prefer Axes object over Figure object
    • use constrained_layout=True when draw subplots
    # good
    _, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, constrained_layout=True)
    axes[0].plot(x1, y1)
    axes[1].hist(x2, y2)
    # bad
    plt.plot(x1, y1)
    plt.hist(x2, y2)
    • prefer axes.flatten() over plt.subplot() in cases where subplots' data is iterable
    • prefer zip() or enumerate() over range() for iterable objects
    # good
    _, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=[12,8],constrained_layout=True)
    for ax, x, y in zip(axes.flatten(), xs, ys):
      ax.plot(x, y)
    # bad
    for i in range(4):
      ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, i+1)
      ax.plot(x[i], y[i])
    • prefer set() method over set_*() method
    # good
    ax.set(xlabel='x', ylabel='y')
    # bad
    • Prefer despine() over ax.spines[*].set_visible()
    # good
    # bad

    2.3. Pandas

    • prefer df['col'] over df.col
    # good
    # bad
    • prefer df.query over df[] or df.loc[] in simple-selection
    # good
    movies.query('duration >= 200')
    # bad
    movies[movies['duration'] >= 200]
    movies.loc[movies['duration'] >= 200, :]
    • prefer df.loc and df.iloc over df[] in multiple-selection
    # good
    movies.loc[movies['duration'] >= 200, 'genre']
    movies.iloc[0:2, :]
    # bad
    movies[movies['duration'] >= 200].genre

    LaTeX Styles

    Multiple lines

    Reduce the use of begin{array}...end{array}

    • equations: begin{aligned}...end{aligned}
    y_1 = x^2 + 2*x \\
    y_2 = x^3 + x
    • equations with conditions: begin{cases}...end{cases}
    y = x^2 + 2*x & x > 0 \\
    y = x^3 + x & x ≤ 0
    • matrix: begin{matrix}...end{matrix}
      a + a^′ & b + b^′ \\ c & d
      \end{vmatrix}= \begin{vmatrix}
      a & b \\ c & d
      \end{vmatrix} + \begin{vmatrix}
      a^′ & b^′ \\ c & d


    • prefer \Bigg...\Bigg over \left...\right
    A\Bigg[v_1\ v_2\ \ v_r\Bigg]
    • prefer \underset{}{} over \underset{}
    \underset{θ}{\mathrm{argmax}}\ p(x_i|θ)


    • prefer ^{\top} over ^T for transpose

    $$ 𝐀^⊤ $$

    • prefer \to over \rightarrow for limit

    $$ \lim_{n → ∞} $$

    \lim_{n\to \infty}
    • prefer underset{}{} over \limits_

    $$ \underset{w}{\rm argmin}\ (wx +b) $$

    \underset{w}{\rm argmin}\ (wx +b)


    • prefer \mathrm over \mathop or \operatorname
    θ_{\mathrm{MLE}}=\underset{θ}{\mathrm{argmax}}\ ∑_{i = 1}^{N}\log p(x_i|θ)



    style <style> table { border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center; } </style>
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