If you type in the chat room, it automatically translates.
If you want to use it, invite me! https://url.kr/p91kb4
It shows a very good translation quality.
안녕하세요 개발자 입니다.
영어가 잔뜩있어 외국에서 만든것같지만 국산입니다.
The language you can apply for.
Language codes
korean = ko
japanese = ja
Simplified Chinese = zh-cn
Traditional Chinese = zh-tw
Hindi = hi
English = en
Spanish = es
French = fr
German = de
Portuguese = pt
Vietnamese = vi
Indonesian = id
Persian = fa
Arabic = ar
Myanmar = mm
Thai = th
Russian = ru
Italian = it
If you enter the wrong language code, the translator turns off! (잘못된 언어코드를 입력하면 번역기가 자동으로 꺼집니다.)
If the sentence is too long, An error occurs.
Use it at the right intervals.
Any error. You will be back when you stop and restart.
how to use???
, translate
, trans
, tl
, t
, stop
, info