Sendit Spammer Python
I am not responsible for how you use this tool. This tool is against "Sendit" ToS and shall not be used in a production enviroment. You might be blacklisted from "Sendit" services for using this tool.
⚠️ bot spammer
How to get the JSON payload.
Sadly, there is no easy way to get the payload, unless you have some knowledge in this field.
1. Get the Sendit link, this usually looks something like; you can find this in your friends post.
2. Open your browser, open that link.
3. Open the developer tools, this is where inspect is, then, go to the network section.
4. Put a demo message in the sendit box, and press submit
5. In the developer tools, under network, you should now see a new request, a post request. Tap this.
6. In the new menu that has popped up, press request.
7. In this new menu, there should be place named "Request Payload"
8. Copy this, this is the JSON payload.
Making changes
Now, after you have copied the JSON payload, go and create a new file, you can name this whatever you like.
Then, in line 30 of, change the '/home/kali/Desktop/json_payload.txt' with your new path. That new path should be the full path to your JSON payload file.
Open, and change '/home/kali/Desktop/' to the full path to your file.
Note, the file only works in GNU-linux systems, for windows, you can create your own batch file, it should be straight forward. Or if you cant create a batch file, go further down to the Running section.
In GNU-linux systems, these commands should work;
[email protected] $ chmod +x ./ # make the file excecutable.
[email protected] $ ./ # run the file, this will show the help page. Arguments: [number of instances to run]
In windows, if you haven't created a batch file, you can run the file directly, although this will only spawn 1 instance of the bot;
Good luck!