MAVE: : A Product Dataset for Multi-source Attribute Value Extraction

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Deep LearningMAVE

MAVE: : A Product Dataset for Multi-source Attribute Value Extraction

The dataset contains 3 million attribute-value annotations across 1257 unique categories created from 2.2 million cleaned Amazon product profiles. It is a large, multi-sourced, diverse dataset for product attribute extraction study.

More details can be found in paper:

The dataset is in JSON Lines format, where each line is a json object with the following schema:

, "category": , "paragraphs": [ { "text": , "source": }, ... ], "attributes": [ { "key": , "evidences": [ { "value": , "pid": , "begin": , "end": }, ... ] }, ... ] }">
   "paragraphs": [
   "attributes": [
                , "evidences": [ { "value": 
                 , "pid": 
                  , "begin": 
                   , "end": 
                     }, ... ] }, ... ] } 

The product id is exactly the ASIN number in the All_Amazon_Meta.json file in the Amazon Review Data (2018). In this repo, we don't store paragraphs, instead we only store the labels. To obtain the full version of the dataset contaning the paragraphs, we suggest to first request the Amazon Review Data (2018), then run our binary to clean its product metadata and join with the labels as described below.

A json object contains a product and multiple attributes. A concrete example is shown as follows

   "category":"Guitar Strings",
         "text":"D'Addario EJ26 Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings, Custom Light, 11-52",
         "text":".011-.052 Custom Light Gauge Acoustic Guitar Strings, Phosphor Bronze",
         "key":"Core Material",
               "value":"Bronze Acoustic",
         "key":"Winding Material",
               "value":"Phosphor Bronze",
               "value":"Light Gauge",

In addition to positive examples, we also provide a set of negative examples, i.e. (product, attribute name) pairs without any evidence. The overall statistics of the positive and negative sets are as follows

Counts Positives Negatives
# products 2226509 1248009
# product-attribute pairs 2987151 1780428
# products with 1-2 attributes 2102927 1140561
# products with 3-5 attributes 121897 99896
# products with >=6 attributes 1685 7552
# unique categories 1257 1114
# unique attributes 705 693
# unique category-attribute pairs 2535 2305

Creating the full version of the dataset

In this repo, we only open source the labels of the MAVE dataset and the code to deterministically clean the original Amazon product metadata in the Amazon Review Data (2018), and join with the labels to generate the full version of the MAVE dataset. After this process, the attribute values, paragraph ids and begin/end span indices will be consistent with the cleaned product profiles.

Step 1

Gain access to the Amazon Review Data (2018) and download the All_Amazon_Meta.json file to the folder of this repo.

Step 2

Run script


to clean the Amazon metadata and join with the positive and negative labels in the labels/ folder. The output full MAVE dataset will be stored in the reproduce/ folder.

The script runs the binary using an apache beam pipeline. The binary will run on a single CPU core, but distributed setup can be enabled by changing pipeline options. The binary contains all util functions used to clean the Amazon metadata and join with labels. The pipeline will finish within a few hours on a single Intel Xeon 3GHz CPU core.

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