A static analysis library for computing graph representations of Python programs suitable for use with graph neural networks.



This package is for computing graph representations of Python programs for machine learning applications. It includes the following modules:

  • control_flow For computing control flow graphs statically from Python programs.
  • data_flow For computing data flow analyses of Python programs.
  • program_graph For computing graphs statically to represent arbitrary Python programs or functions.
  • cyclomatic_complexity For computing the cyclomatic complexity of a Python function.


To install python_graphs with pip, run: pip install python_graphs.

To install python_graphs from source, run: python setup.py develop.

Common Tasks

Generate a control flow graph from a function fn:

from python_graphs import control_flow
graph = control_flow.get_control_flow_graph(fn)

Generate a program graph from a function fn:

from python_graphs import program_graph
graph = program_graph.get_program_graph(fn)

Compute the cyclomatic complexity of a function fn:

from python_graphs import control_flow
from python_graphs import cyclomatic_complexity
graph = control_flow.get_control_flow_graph(fn)
value = cyclomatic_complexity.cyclomatic_complexity(graph)

This is not an officially supported Google product.

  • Can you provide a quick start example?

    Can you provide a quick start example?

    Super cool project! Love the idea and think it has a lot of potential.

    it would be awesome to have an examples/ directory containing some sample usages - maybe even just plotting the graphs with networkX and matplotlib.

    opened by LukeWood 5
  • How do we solve the error when installing python-graphs?

    How do we solve the error when installing python-graphs?


    I encountered an error "fatal error: 'graphviz/cgraph.h' file not found" when trying to install python_graphs. How do I solve this issue, please? Thanks.

    opened by fraolBatole 2
  • How to generate a Holistic Data Flow Graph for a given Function ?

    How to generate a Holistic Data Flow Graph for a given Function ?

    @dbieber, Thanks for this awesome work.


    control_flow.get_control_flow_graph, returns a Control Flow Graph for a given Function Object. There is one data_flow class, Is there a way to generate a complete Data Flow Graph given a Function Object?


    opened by reshinthadithyan 2
  • Rename fn to get_test_components to eliminate extra test from logs

    Rename fn to get_test_components to eliminate extra test from logs

    The function test_components was being registered as an unsupported test, when in reality it was meant as a helper function for tests. Renaming resolves this.

    opened by dbieber 0
  • get_start_control_flow_node, next_from_end, raise edges, and labels in branches

    get_start_control_flow_node, next_from_end, raise edges, and labels in branches

    • Adds get_start_control_flow_node to ControlFlowGraph
    • Adds next_from_end to ControlFlowNode
    • Uses labels (e.g. '' and '' strings) to indicate these special nodes
    • Support keyword only arguments without defaults
    • Add non-interrupting edges from raise statements
    • Bump version number
    opened by dbieber 0
  • Separate branch kinds

    Separate branch kinds

    Splits "branches" into branches, except_branches, and reraise_branches.

    branches are you're usual branch decisions: ifs, fors, and whiles. except_branches are at "except E:" statements, with True indicating the exception matches and False indicating it does not reraise_branches are at the end of "finally:" blocks, with True indicating the path taken after finally if an error has been raised previously, and False indicating the path taken if there's nothing to reraise at the end of the finally.

    opened by dbieber 0
  • Add module frame to catch raises in top-level code.

    Add module frame to catch raises in top-level code.

    Add module frame to catch raises in top-level code. Also marks except expressions and finally blocks as branch points.

    An "except A:"'s branch decision is whether the current exception matches A. At the end of a finally block, the branch decision is whether an exception is currently being raised.

    This includes https://github.com/google-research/python-graphs/pull/3: Splits "branches" into branches, except_branches, and reraise_branches.

    branches are your usual branch decisions: ifs, fors, and whiles. except_branches are at "except E:" statements, with True indicating the exception matches and False indicating it does not reraise_branches are at the end of "finally:" blocks, with True indicating the path taken after finally if an error has been raised previously, and False indicating the path taken if there's nothing to reraise at the end of the finally.

    opened by dbieber 0
  • KeyError when trying to get program_graph

    KeyError when trying to get program_graph

    When I try to create a program graph, I encounter a KeyError. If I remove all the and and or expressions from the python file (buggy.py) the error does not occur.

    This is how I use the library:

    graph = program_graph.get_program_graph(code)
    program_graph_graphviz.render(graph, path='source.png')

    where code is simply the code in the attached file buggy.py.txt.

    I have also attached the log file log.txt.



    More information: python 3.9.5 commit head=44c15b92197f374c3550353ff827997ef1c1d857 gast 0.5.3

    opened by ppashakhanloo 1
  • v1.2.3(Oct 7, 2021)

    get_start_control_flow_node, next_from_end, raise edges, and labels in branches (#6)

    * Adds get_start_control_flow_node to ControlFlowGraph
    * Adds next_from_end to ControlFlowNode
    * Uses labels (e.g. '<exit>' and '<raise>' strings) to indicate these special nodes
    * Support keyword only arguments without defaults
    * Add non-interrupting edges from raise statements
    * Bump version number
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Oct 5, 2021)

    Introduce get_branches API on control flow nodes. Previously the new branch types (except_branches and reraise_branches) were only accessible on basic blocks, not on individual nodes.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.0(Oct 5, 2021)

    1. Adds a module frame to catch raises in top-level code.
    2. Also marks except expressions and finally blocks as branch points.

    The branch kinds are: branches, except_branches, and reraise_branches.

    • branches are your usual branch decisions: ifs, fors, and whiles.
    • except_branches are at "except E:" statements, with True indicating the exception matches and False indicating it does not
    • reraise_branches are at the end of "finally:" blocks, with True indicating the path taken after finally if an error has been raised previously, and False indicating the path taken if there's nothing to reraise at the end of the finally.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.1(May 7, 2021)

  • v1.0.0(Apr 12, 2021)


    Initial public release of the python_graphs library.

    Core features:

    • control flow graph generation
    • data flow analyses
    • program graph construction
    • cyclomatic complexity calculation
    • a solid test suite for all the above
    • visualizations using graphviz for each of the graph representations
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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