google-resumable-media Apache-2google-resumable-media (🥉28 · ⭐ 27) - Utilities for Google Media Downloads and Resumable.. Apache-2



Utilities for Google Media Downloads and Resumable Uploads

See the docs for examples and usage.

Experimental asyncio Support

While still in development and subject to change, this library has asyncio support at google._async_resumable_media.

Supported Python Versions

Python >= 3.5

Deprecated Python Versions

Python == 2.7. Python 2.7 support will be removed on January 1, 2020.


Apache 2.0 - See the LICENSE for more information.

  • feat: async changes to resumable upload/download

    feat: async changes to resumable upload/download

    AsyncIO functionality for resumable media

    Current State: All unit tests for asynchronous functionality are passing. The system tests are close to complete, though a timeout context manager error means that we are currently not able to run the upload and download tests simultaneously and need to run each in separate sessions to avoid that bug.

    Related Branch for auth:

    cla: no 
    opened by anibadde 53
  • Python SDK unable to download file due to checksum mismatch

    Python SDK unable to download file due to checksum mismatch

    Object download failed complaining about checksum mismatch. Downloading the object through gsutils works fine.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./", line 29, in <module>
      File "./", line 20, in download_blob
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google/cloud/storage/", line 1184, in download_to_filename
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google/cloud/storage/", line 719, in download_blob_to_file
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google/cloud/storage/", line 956, in _do_download
        response = download.consume(transport, timeout=timeout)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google/resumable_media/requests/", line 171, in consume
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google/resumable_media/requests/", line 120, in _write_to_stream
        raise common.DataCorruption(response, msg)
    google.resumable_media.common.DataCorruption: Checksum mismatch while downloading:
    The X-Goog-Hash header indicated an MD5 checksum of:
    but the actual MD5 checksum of the downloaded contents was:

    The Code itself is pretty straight forward:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3.8
    from import storage
    def download_blob(bucket_name, source_blob_name, destination_file_name):
        """Downloads a blob from the bucket."""
        # bucket_name = "your-bucket-name"
        # source_blob_name = "storage-object-name"
        # destination_file_name = "local/path/to/file"
        storage_client = storage.Client()
        bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)
        # Construct a client side representation of a blob.
        # Note `Bucket.blob` differs from `Bucket.get_blob` as it doesn't retrieve
        # any content from Google Cloud Storage. As we don't need additional data,
        # using `Bucket.blob` is preferred here.
        blob = bucket.blob(source_blob_name)
            "Blob {} downloaded to {}.".format(
                source_blob_name, destination_file_name
                  'remedia/mezzanines/Live/2018-06-24/', '')

    The file size is 2.3TB if that matters.

    Following are the plugin versions

    pip3.8 list
    Package                  Version
    ------------------------ ---------
    boto3                    1.17.13
    botocore                 1.20.13
    cachetools               4.2.1
    certifi                  2020.12.5
    cffi                     1.14.5
    chardet                  4.0.0
    google-api-core          1.26.0
    google-auth              1.27.0
    google-cloud-core        1.6.0
    google-cloud-storage     1.36.0
    google-crc32c            1.1.2
    google-resumable-media   1.2.0
    googleapis-common-protos 1.52.0
    idna                     2.10
    jmespath                 0.10.0
    packaging                20.9
    pip                      19.2.3
    protobuf                 3.15.1
    pyasn1                   0.4.8
    pyasn1-modules           0.2.8
    pycparser                2.20
    pyparsing                2.4.7
    python-dateutil          2.8.1
    pytz                     2021.1
    requests                 2.25.1
    rsa                      4.7.1
    s3transfer               0.3.4
    setuptools               41.2.0
    six                      1.15.0
    urllib3                  1.26.3

    I'm able to reproduce this issue for this file. I had downloaded several hundred objects with the same SDK. Not sure why its failing on this file.

    type: bug priority: p1 :rotating_light: api: storage 
    opened by cloudryder 17
  • Synthesis failed for google-resumable-media-python

    Synthesis failed for google-resumable-media-python

    Hello! Autosynth couldn't regenerate google-resumable-media-python. :broken_heart:

    Here's the output from running

    2020-08-29 05:17:08,070 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log -1 --pretty=%at 968465a1cad496e1292ef4584a054a35f756ff94
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,073 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log -1 --pretty=%at a9eea2c50b7dce0dffcc010c1caf712802155403
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,076 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log -1 --pretty=%at 637f8aa1373a0a6be1b626a282f2e13d7d6d7d6c
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,079 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log -1 --pretty=%at d0198121927f606e113275a4b0f3560a7a821470
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,082 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log -1 --pretty=%at 8cf6d2834ad14318e64429c3b94f6443ae83daf9
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,085 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log -1 --pretty=%at 019c7168faa0e56619f792693a8acdb30d6de19b
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,088 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log -1 --pretty=%at 5d916ec54cadd4674e80e6555d0c6a78849ef4a7
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,091 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log -1 --pretty=%at cbcd64279572769b4d350bf8078bcd1f151c9684
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,094 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log -1 --pretty=%at 80f46100c047bc47efe0025ee537dc8ee413ad04
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,097 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git checkout 0902df119547d952c70cd740e272d7dc4e272ae3
    Note: checking out '0902df119547d952c70cd740e272d7dc4e272ae3'.
    You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
    changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
    state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
    If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
    do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
      git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
    HEAD is now at 0902df1 chore: release 1.0.0 (#164)
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,112 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git checkout 80f46100c047bc47efe0025ee537dc8ee413ad04
    Note: checking out '80f46100c047bc47efe0025ee537dc8ee413ad04'.
    You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
    changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
    state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
    If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
    do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
      git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
    HEAD is now at 80f4610 chore: remove monolith nodejs autosynth (#741)
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,120 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git branch -f autosynth-30
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,123 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git checkout autosynth-30
    Switched to branch 'autosynth-30'
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,127 autosynth [INFO] > Running synthtool
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,127 autosynth [INFO] > ['/tmpfs/src/github/synthtool/env/bin/python3', '-m', 'synthtool', '--metadata', 'synth.metadata', '', '--']
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,127 autosynth [DEBUG] > log_file_path: /tmpfs/src/logs/google-resumable-media-python/30/sponge_log.log
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,129 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: /tmpfs/src/github/synthtool/env/bin/python3 -m synthtool --metadata synth.metadata --
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,343 synthtool [DEBUG] > Executing /home/kbuilder/.cache/synthtool/google-resumable-media-python/
    On branch autosynth-30
    nothing to commit, working tree clean
    2020-08-29 05:17:08,468 synthtool [DEBUG] > Using precloned repo /home/kbuilder/.cache/synthtool/synthtool
    Skipping: samples/
    Skipping: samples/
    nox > Running session blacken
    nox > Session blacken skipped: Python interpreter 3.8 not found.
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,754 synthtool [DEBUG] > Wrote metadata to synth.metadata.
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,796 autosynth [INFO] > Changed files:
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,796 autosynth [INFO] > M synth.metadata
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,797 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log 80f46100c047bc47efe0025ee537dc8ee413ad04 -1 --no-decorate --pretty=%s
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,800 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log 80f46100c047bc47efe0025ee537dc8ee413ad04 -1 --no-decorate --pretty=%b%n%nSource-Author: %an <%ae>%nSource-Date: %ad
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,804 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git add -A
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,807 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git status --porcelain
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,811 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git commit -m chore: remove monolith nodejs autosynth
    Final step in sharding nodejs autosynth.
    Source-Author: Jeffrey Rennie <[email protected]>
    Source-Date: Fri Aug 28 09:43:32 2020 -0700
    Source-Repo: googleapis/synthtool
    Source-Sha: 80f46100c047bc47efe0025ee537dc8ee413ad04
    [autosynth-30 3edef6e] chore: remove monolith nodejs autosynth
     1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,817 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git reset --hard HEAD
    HEAD is now at 3edef6e chore: remove monolith nodejs autosynth
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,821 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git checkout autosynth
    Switched to branch 'autosynth'
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,825 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git checkout autosynth
    Already on 'autosynth'
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,829 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git checkout autosynth-30
    Switched to branch 'autosynth-30'
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,833 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git checkout autosynth
    Switched to branch 'autosynth'
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,837 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git merge --squash autosynth-30
    Updating 0902df1..3edef6e
    Squash commit -- not updating HEAD
     synth.metadata | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
     1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,841 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git commit -m chore: start tracking obsolete files
    [autosynth 2d0ab38] chore: start tracking obsolete files
     1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
    2020-08-29 05:17:11,847 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git push --force origin autosynth
     + ec2e32e...2d0ab38 autosynth -> autosynth (forced update)
    2020-08-29 05:17:15,099 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git log -1 --pretty=%b
    2020-08-29 05:17:15,656 autosynth [ERROR] > Error making request (422): Validation Failed
    2020-08-29 05:17:15,656 autosynth [DEBUG] > {'message': 'Validation Failed', 'errors': [{'resource': 'PullRequest', 'code': 'custom', 'message': 'A pull request already exists for googleapis:autosynth.'}], 'documentation_url': ''}
    2020-08-29 05:17:15,656 autosynth [DEBUG] > Running: git clean -fdx
    Removing __pycache__/
    Removing google/__pycache__/
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/kbuilder/.pyenv/versions/3.6.9/lib/python3.6/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
        "__main__", mod_spec)
      File "/home/kbuilder/.pyenv/versions/3.6.9/lib/python3.6/", line 85, in _run_code
        exec(code, run_globals)
      File "/tmpfs/src/github/synthtool/autosynth/", line 690, in <module>
      File "/tmpfs/src/github/synthtool/autosynth/", line 539, in main
        return _inner_main(temp_dir)
      File "/tmpfs/src/github/synthtool/autosynth/", line 670, in _inner_main
        commit_count = synthesize_loop(x, multiple_prs, change_pusher, synthesizer)
      File "/tmpfs/src/github/synthtool/autosynth/", line 388, in synthesize_loop
        pr = change_pusher.push_changes(1, toolbox.branch, pr_title)
      File "/tmpfs/src/github/synthtool/autosynth/", line 103, in push_changes
        self._repository, branch=branch, title=pr_title, body=new_body,
      File "/tmpfs/src/github/synthtool/autosynth/", line 94, in create_pull_request
        return cast(Dict, _get_json_or_raise_exception(response))
      File "/tmpfs/src/github/synthtool/autosynth/", line 488, in _get_json_or_raise_exception
      File "/tmpfs/src/github/synthtool/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 941, in raise_for_status
        raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
    requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 422 Client Error: Unprocessable Entity for url:

    Google internal developers can see the full log here.

    type: bug priority: p2 autosynth failure 
    opened by yoshi-automation 15
  • Uploads Using Python Google Cloud Storage/Bigquery Client Libraries are Very Slow

    Uploads Using Python Google Cloud Storage/Bigquery Client Libraries are Very Slow

    This was originally opened as a Stackoverflow question, then reported as a Bug through the IssueTracker site, but neither have gotten any traction...I'm thinking this is the best place to report this issue since the maintainers might have quicker insight into what the issue might be.


    Using python load_table_from_file() or uploading them first to my storage bucket using upload_from_file() (to then load to BQ) both result in awfully slow uploads (1-4 MBps) when gsutil/Dropbox show 10x speeds on same machine/environment.

    I am using python 3.6.9. All metrics are tested using a single file upload. I have tried:

    Running in a docker container on a Google Compute Engine Ubuntu VM. Running in a docker container on my mac. Running on my Mac using just python (no docker). Uploading from the whole file in memory, from disk, uncompressed, gzipped. No difference. Using older and the most recent python client library versions. For older (1.24.0 Bigquery, 1.25.0 Storage) clients I see 1-3MB per second upload speeds. For the 2.13.1 Bigquery client I see 3-4MB per second.

    All these tests resulted in identically slow performance.

    I have 900+ Mbps up/down on my mac. The Dropbox python client library running on the same setups easily smokes these speeds using the exact same files, and using gsutil/bq on my mac also shows 10x + speeds for the same file.

    Environment details

    • OS type and version:
    • Python version: 3.6
    • pip version: 21.1.3
    • google-cloud-bigquery version: Multiple

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Attempt to upload a large (1-4GB) CSV file to an existing BQ table using the python biquery client load_table_from_file() method. See code example for a sample script as well as sample bq command line comparison.

    2. Same limited speed can be observed when trying to use the python storage client blob.upload_from_file().

    Code example (Find and Replace UPDATE_THIS)

    import csv
    import logging
    import random
    import string
    from import bigquery
    from google.oauth2 import service_account
    SVC_ACCT_JSON_FILENAME = "creds.json"
    CSV_FILENAME = "test_table_data.csv"
    CSV_NUM_ROWS = 3000000
    -- Create table in BQ before running this script
      col1_str STRING,
      col2_str STRING,
      col3_str STRING,
      col4_str STRING,
      col5_str STRING,
      col6_str STRING,
      col7_int INT64,
      col8_int INT64
    # Command line comparison. This uses full bandwidth ~70 MBps on my mac vs
    # about 4MBps on the same machine using this script/python client
    bq load \
        --source_format=CSV \
        --replace=true \
        --skip_leading_rows=1 \
        ./test_table_data.csv \
    def main():
        generate_csv()  # Run first time then reuse
        # Create client
        credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
        bq_client = bigquery.Client(
        dataset_ref = bq_client.dataset(DATASET_ID)
        table_ref = dataset_ref.table(BQ_TABLE_ID)
        config = bigquery.LoadJobConfig()
        config.autodetect = False
        config.source_format = "CSV"
        config.skip_leading_rows = 1
        config.write_disposition = "WRITE_TRUNCATE"
   "Beginning load job...")
        with open(CSV_FILENAME, "rb") as source_file:
            job = bq_client.load_table_from_file(
        job.result()  # Starts job and waits for table load to complete."Job ID: %s", job.job_id)
        if job.errors is None and job.error_result is None:
  "BQ load job complete without error!")
                "Loaded %d rows",
            msg = ("bderr: BQ load job failed with error_result: "
                   f"{job.error_result} and errors: {job.errors}")
    def generate_csv():
        """Generates csv of string/int data types. File size should be around 1GB
        and include the header.
        """"Generating CSV...")
        header = [
        char_bank = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
        with open(CSV_FILENAME, "w") as fout:
            w_csv = csv.writer(fout)
            for x in range(CSV_NUM_ROWS):
                if x % 100000 == 0:
          "Written %d out of %d rows...", x, CSV_NUM_ROWS)
                    "".join(random.choices(char_bank, k=48)),
                    "".join(random.choices(char_bank, k=48)),
                    "".join(random.choices(char_bank, k=48)),
                    "".join(random.choices(char_bank, k=48)),
                    "".join(random.choices(char_bank, k=48)),
                    "".join(random.choices(char_bank, k=48)),
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        fmt = "%(asctime)s %(name)-25s  %(module)-24s %(levelname)9s: %(message)s"
        logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)"SCRIPT START")
        main()"SCRIPT END")

    Making sure to follow these steps will guarantee the quickest resolution possible.


    type: bug priority: p2 api: storage 
    opened by KevinTydlacka 14
  • MD5 validation broken?

    MD5 validation broken?

    I have a file that I uploaded and then downloaded with google-resumable-media under the hood. It seems that 0.3 reports that the X-Goog-Hash header reports a different MD5 than the computed one. The downloaded file however is intact.

    The only thing is my file is gzipped. Does gzip break the MD5 calculation?


    Also to be closed:

    :rotating_light: triage me 
    opened by danqing 14
  • Add checksum validation for non-chunked non-composite downloads

    Add checksum validation for non-chunked non-composite downloads

    This partially addresses

    Note current limitations:

    • doesn't handle chunked download case
    • doesn't handle case of downloading composite objects
    • doesn't do anything about upload checksumming

    I ran the unit and system tests only against Python 2.7, because my current OS doesn't support Python 3.6.

    download requests-transport 
    opened by mfschwartz 11
  • Dependency on urllib3?

    Dependency on urllib3?

    I just upgraded the packages on my system, and this package (which must be a dependency for another package) broke my system. I'm getting the error that:

    ImportError: No module named urllib3.response

    And I don't have urllib3 installed, so that's the problem. However, why don't I have it installed? I only use pip to install things, so I think the fact that urllib3 isn't installed means that it's not listed in a requirements.txt file somewhere.

    It doesn't look like this project has a requirements list, but I don't know. It does seem like the urllib3 requirement might be a new one?

    :rotating_light: triage me 
    opened by mlissner 10
  • feat: add _async_resumable_media experimental support

    feat: add _async_resumable_media experimental support

    This is a merge of multiple previously reviewed PRs #178 #176 #153

    It says 9k lines, keep in mind, technically this is all reviewed code. I think areas to focus on are changes to existing public interfaces, as the async code should all be boxed in an internal area. This is and

    cla: yes kokoro:run 
    opened by crwilcox 9
  • feat(resumable-media): add customizable timeouts to upload/download methods

    feat(resumable-media): add customizable timeouts to upload/download methods

    Fixes #45.

    This PR adds configurable timeouts to upload objects.

    Motivation: We would like to add timeouts to BigQuery methods that depend on the file upload functionality (using resumable media), so that requests do not get stuck indefinitely at the transport layer.

    Currently there is a default timeout used (61, 60), but that might not suit all use cases, hence the need for optional explicit timeout parameters.

    CAUTION: Changing public function signatures might break some libraries that utilize resumable media, even though the new arguments are optional, and positioned last), and this will not be caught by the test suite.

    It has happened recently when we added timeouts to google-auth, thus it is advisable that code owners of the dependent libraries have a look, too (if that is feasible).

    cla: yes 
    opened by plamut 9
  • Import error despite having satisfactory version of requests

    Import error despite having satisfactory version of requests

    Using a virtualenv for installing dependencies through pip. I notice that pip installs the following versions of requests and google-resumable-media:

    requests-2.21.0 google-resumable-media-0.3.2

    But I'm still met with the following import error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "some/proprietary/", line X, in <module>
      File "/tmp/pip-install-itP2Ai/pyinstaller/PyInstaller/loader/", line 395, in load_module
      File "another/proprietary/", line Y, in <module>
      File "/tmp/pip-install-itP2Ai/pyinstaller/PyInstaller/loader/", line 395, in load_module
      File "site-packages/google/cloud/storage/", line 39, in <module>
      File "/tmp/pip-install-itP2Ai/pyinstaller/PyInstaller/loader/", line 395, in load_module
      File "site-packages/google/cloud/storage/", line 44, in <module>
      File "/tmp/pip-install-itP2Ai/pyinstaller/PyInstaller/loader/", line 395, in load_module
      File "site-packages/google/resumable_media/requests/", line 673, in <module>
      File "site-packages/", line 737, in raise_from
    ImportError: ``requests >= 2.18.0`` is required by the ``google.resumable_media.requests`` subpackage.
    It can be installed via
        pip install google-resumable-media[requests].

    Even after adding google-resumable-media[requests] to the set of pip dependencies being installed, the same message appears.

    type: question 
    opened by kingkupps 9
  • BigQuery: 400 PUT: Unknown upload notification type: 5

    BigQuery: 400 PUT: Unknown upload notification type: 5

    This error seems to happen randomly, running again with the same configuration usually succeeds. The CSV has around 10M rows / 1G compressed.

    Environment details

    OS type and version

    Linux 58900130398d 4.9.184-linuxkit googleapis/google-cloud-python#1 SMP Tue Jul 2 22:58:16 UTC 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    Python version and virtual environment information: python --version

    Python 3.6.8

    google-cloud- version: pip show google-<service> or pip freeze


    Steps to reproduce

    Unable to reproduce, seems to happen randomly.

    Code example

            with open(csv_file_path, 'rb') as readable:
                job_config = bigquery.LoadJobConfig()
                job_config.source_format = 'CSV'
                job_config.skip_leading_rows = 1
                job_config.allow_quoted_newlines = True
                job = self.bigquery_client.load_table_from_file(
                return job

    Stack trace

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/google/cloud/bigquery/", line 1494, in load_table_from_file
    file_obj, job_resource, num_retries
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/google/cloud/bigquery/", line 1806, in _do_resumable_upload
    response = upload.transmit_next_chunk(transport)
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/google/resumable_media/requests/", line 427, in transmit_next_chunk
    self._process_response(response, len(payload))
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/google/resumable_media/", line 597, in _process_response
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/google/resumable_media/", line 96, in require_status_code
    google.resumable_media.common.InvalidResponse: ('Request failed with status code', 400, 'Expected one of', <HTTPStatus.OK: 200>, 308)
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "./", line 11, in main
    File "/home/google_bigquery_writer/", line 127, in run
    File "/home/google_bigquery_writer/", line 179, in action_run
    File "/home/google_bigquery_writer/", line 145, in write_table_sync
    File "/home/google_bigquery_writer/", line 127, in write_table
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/google/cloud/bigquery/", line 1501, in load_table_from_file
    raise exceptions.from_http_response(exc.response)
    google.api_core.exceptions.BadRequest: 400 PUT***/jobs?uploadType=resumable&upload_id=***: Unknown upload notification type: 5
    type: bug priority: p1 needs more info external api: bigquery 
    opened by ondrejhlavacek 8
  • chore(main): release 2.4.1

    chore(main): release 2.4.1

    :robot: I have created a release beep boop

    2.4.1 (2023-01-06)

    Bug Fixes

    • Avoid validating checksums for partial responses (#361) (354287f)

    This PR was generated with Release Please. See documentation.

    autorelease: pending api: storage size: xs 
    opened by release-please[bot] 0
  • Explicit version range needed for dependency pytest-asyncio?

    Explicit version range needed for dependency pytest-asyncio?

    System test failure was due to a pytest-asyncio package issue, in which the loop cleanup changes were causing test errors. To unblock PR submissions, a fix is submitted to pin pytest-asyncio to previous working version. Follow up with dependency change and whether or not we should keep it pinned with version range.

    type: process api: storage 
    opened by cojenco 1
  • Reduce duplication for tests suite files

    Reduce duplication for tests suite files

    As part of #179 it was raised that we may have opportunity to refactor some of our resources a bit to avoid duplication. For instance, tests_async/system/credentials.json.enc could likely be shared with sync.

    type: process api: storage 
    opened by crwilcox 0
  • Should an explicit dependency on google-auth be added?

    Should an explicit dependency on google-auth be added?

    It seems we don't currently have an explicit dependency on google-auth, though testing requires it. I reverted a change I made as part of async work, but am making this issue to consider further discussion on this. I am guessing we have a use or resumable media that isn't using google-auth?

    type: question api: storage priority: p3 
    opened by crwilcox 1
  • Support cancelling a Resumable Upload

    Support cancelling a Resumable Upload

    Support for this API in would be a good addition.

    type: feature request api: storage 
    opened by romil93 1
Google APIs
Clients for Google APIs and tools that help produce them.
Google APIs
An advanced api client for python botters.

[ALPHA] pybotters An advanced api client for python botters. 📌 Description pybottersは仮想通貨botter向けのPythonライブラリです。複数取引所に対応した非同期APIクライアントであり、bot開発により素晴ら

261 Dec 31, 2022
A Bot For Streaming Videos In Tg Voice Chats.

「•ᴍɪsᴇʀʏ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ sᴛʀᴇᴀᴍᴇʀ•」 ᴀ ғɪɴᴇ & ғɪʀsᴛ ᴄʟᴀss ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏs ɪɴ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴛ ʙʏ xᴇʙᴏʀɴ | •ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛɢᴄᴀʟʟs and ᴘʏʀᴏ •ᴅᴇᴘʟᴏʏ ᴍɪsᴇʀʏ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʀ

Turdus Maximus 22 Nov 12, 2022
a discord bot coded in Python which shows news based on the term searched by the user

Noah Miller v1.0 a discord bot coded in Python which shows news based on the term searched by the user Add the bot to your server About This is a disc

klevr 3 Nov 08, 2021
Blankly - 🚀 💸 Trade stocks, cryptos, and forex w/ one package. Easily build, backtest, trade, and deploy across exchanges in a few lines of code.

💨 Rapidly build and deploy quantitative models for stocks, crypto, and forex 🚀 View Docs · Our Website · Join Our Newsletter · Getting Started Why B

Blankly Finance 1.4k Jan 03, 2023
Amanda-A next gen powerful telegram group manager bot for manage your groups and have fun with other cool modules.

Amanda-A next gen powerful telegram group manager bot for manage your groups and have fun with other cool modules.

Team Amanda 4 Oct 21, 2022
Fast IP address lookup

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6 Mar 16, 2022
The public discord bot, created by: primitt, further developed by: duino-coin team.

Duino Stats Mini A public Duino-Stats Discord bot. Click this link to invite the bot to your server. License Duino Stats Mini distributed under the MI

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Some 3Commas helper bots, AltRank, GalaxyScore, Watchlist, Auto-Compound

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Ron Klinkien 176 Jan 02, 2023
GTK3-based panel for sway window manager

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Piotr Miller 290 Jan 07, 2023
Migrate BiliBili watched anime to Bangumi

说明 之前为了将B站看过的动画迁移到bangumi写的, 本来只是自己用, 但公开可能对其他人会有帮助. 仓库最近无法维护, 程序有很多缺点, 欢迎 PR 和 Contributors 使用说明 Python版本要求:Python 3.8+ 使用前安装依赖包: pip install -r requ

51 Sep 08, 2022
This repository contains the best Data Science free hand-picked resources to equip you with all the industry-driven skills and interview preparation kit.

Best Data Science Resources Hey, Data Enthusiasts out there! Finally, after lots of requests from the community I finally came up with the best free D

Mohit Kumar 415 Dec 31, 2022
Self-adjusting, auto-compounding multi-pair DCA crypto trading bot using Python, AWS Lambda & 3Commas API

Self-adjusting, auto-compounding multi-pair DCA crypto trading bot using Python, AWS Lambda & 3Commas API The following code describes how we can leve

Jozef Jaroščiak 21 Dec 07, 2022
Python API wrapper library for Convex Value API

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Aaron DeVera 2 May 11, 2022
A Python wrapper for the tesseract-ocr API

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Fayez 1.7k Jan 03, 2023
Running Performance Calculator

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Exchange indicators & Basic functions for Binance API.

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Kevin L. 3 Jul 14, 2022
Nautobot-custom-jobs - Custom jobs for Nautobot

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Charged's cogs for Red!

Light-Cogs Charged's cogs for Red! Read below for more information. Features and Cogs TechInfo Lots of commands helping you and your devices! Extended

Charged 2 Jan 07, 2022
TG-Url-Uploader-Bot - Telegram RoBot to Upload Links

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Aadhi 3 Jun 27, 2022